Florida Will No Longer Allow Transgender People to Change the Sex on Their Driver’s License
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Florida Will No Longer Allow Transgender People to Change the Sex on Their Driver’s License

Florida Will No Longer Allow Transgender People to Change the Sex on Their Driver’s License

“a driver license is an identification document and, as such, serves a critical role in assisting public and private entities in correctly establishing the identity of a person presenting the license”

The state of Florida has changed its policy on how a person’s sex appears on their driver’s license. Transgender people will no longer be able to change their listed sex to align with how they identify and the key word is sex, not gender.

Proponents of this plan note that this is the same policy that the federal government uses for passports.

The Hill reports:

Florida bars transgender residents from changing gender on driver’s licenses

Transgender Floridians will no longer be able to change their gender on state-issued driver’s licenses, according to a Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles memo addressed to county tax collectors.

The department’s memo, sent Jan. 26 by Deputy Executive Director Robert Kynoch, states that gender markers on newly issued Florida driver’s licenses should reflect individuals’ sex assigned at birth.

The department’s previous policy, which since 2011 has allowed trans people to change the gender marker on their driver’s licenses with a letter from their doctor, is “not supported by statutory authority,” Kynoch wrote. The department is permitted to issue a replacement license only when a license or permit is lost or stolen, or when there is a change in the licensee’s name, address or restrictions, he wrote.

According to Kynoch, the term “gender” in this case does not refer to an individual’s gender identity, but rather their sex, which “is determined by innate and immutable biological and genetic characteristics,” he wrote.

“Additionally, a driver license is an identification document and, as such, serves a critical role in assisting public and private entities in correctly establishing the identity of a person presenting the license,” Kynoch wrote. “Permitting an individual to alter his or her license to reflect an internal sense of gender role or identity, which is neither immutable nor objectively verifiable, undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state’s ability to enforce its laws.”

Democrats are outraged about this, naturally.

From the Florida Democratic Party:

Florida Democrats Condemn DHSMV Rule Changes Targeting Trans People

Last night, a memo sent to county tax collectors by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles began circulating on X (formerly known as Twitter). The memo rescinds existing guidance directing HSMV personnel to issue new licenses matching gender identity, reinterprets existing statute to equate gender identity with biological sex, and threatens transgender Floridians with criminal and civil penalties. In response, the Florida Democratic Party has issued the following statement:

“Florida Republicans’ obsession with trans people has to stop,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “Instead of addressing our raging property insurance crisis or out-of-control rent hikes, the GOP continues to pursue blatantly transphobic policies to serve their made-up culture wars. Erasing and criminalizing trans people is absolutely disgusting and can’t be allowed to stand.

“We’ve seen state agencies continually weaponized under Ron DeSantis, and this rule change at DHSMV serves the same purpose as the rest — allowing right-wing extremists to get the wildly unpopular policies they want without having to go on the record as voting for them.”

“The State of Florida should not sanction hate, violence, or cruelty,” said Nathan Bruemmer, President of the LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus.

Here’s a local news report:

Featured image via YouTube.


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E Howard Hunt | January 31, 2024 at 5:09 pm

Won’t this put a damper on their sex drive?

Just get rid of this gender nonsense and ask for the sex of the person applying for a license.

It’s supposed to be a physical identification, not a mood ring. They want your genitals indicated.

    henrybowman in reply to rhhardin. | January 31, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    At least they’re not yet demanding they be visible on the outside, like a gun’s serial number.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to rhhardin. | February 1, 2024 at 4:22 am

    A eunuch does not magically become female. Just as a gelding doesn’t become a mare.

    Idonttweet in reply to rhhardin. | February 1, 2024 at 9:03 am

    I have never understood why any government entity would allow people to change immutable characteristics on government records or documents. A person’s sex is not “assigned at birth,” rather it is established at the instant of conception and cannot be changed any more than can a person’s race.

Thank you, Gov. DeSantis.

Too bad we don’t have a President like that!

I thought there was already a boycott of Florida in place by “these people”. Looks like “they” should call for a double boycott just to really put Florida in it’s place. Perhaps CA, NY and NJ could criminalize moving from these states to Florida. That would be what you call a win-win proposition.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 31, 2024 at 6:44 pm

Does a guy who starts pretending he’s a girl lose the ability to parallel park or merge on the highway?

Florida to transpeeples: “Aw shucks, you can identify as biological freaks all you want…just not on your state drivers licenses.”

I wouldnt call Tran’s by their wishes as a nurse. I had medico give amd their name would
Come up as the legal name, that’s what I used, could t give it to “Sarah” who was really John

They would throw fits

“Florida Republicans’ obsession with trans people has to stop,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried.

I hate to break the news to you, lady, but it isn’t the Republicans who are obsessing…

    Ghostrider in reply to Rusty Bill. | February 1, 2024 at 8:28 am

    Wait and watch for states like New York or California race to be the first to declare their state to be a trans-sanctuary.

There’s honestly not much reason to do this other than to get trans people and their Dem allies to leave the state. And you know what, I don’t hate it!

My driver’s license isn’t allowed to have sex…. 🙂

Good, need to stop enabling the insanity

destroycommunism | January 31, 2024 at 10:20 pm

but the are allowing (some) to change their birth certificates and you will not be allowed to question or ask their gender at birth


so the feminnnazis can CLAIM women are as good or better than men

destroycommunism | January 31, 2024 at 10:21 pm


but they are allowing ( in some states) to change …..

How do transgender freaks expect to identify themselves when they cr0ss international borders, with countries with different laws??

Next they will be saying biological teens can’t identify as over 21.

So in the states that let them change their drivers license and birth certificate, what do they do when there is a crime and the dna indicates a female or male did it? How do they know one of the people with male dna but not in the drivers license database as a male isn’t the criminal? Of course the states that allow you to change your sex on official records don’t believe in prosecuting criminals either so I don’t guess it matters.

We have a serious problem with terminology, and the best solution might be to substitute “fake” for “trans.”

Gender is the same thing as sex. In standard English, when referring to a specific individual, gendered pronouns have always referred to biological sex. They do not refer to what anyone “feels inside.”

Because sex and gender are the same thing, people can no more change their gender than they can change their sex. There is no such thing as trans, and it’s not just an innocent bit of nonsense either.

The “feels inside” trope is a lie told to children to dupe little girls into thinking they can become boys if they want, and dupe little boys into thinking they can become girls if they want. It is a tool of child sex groomers.

Yet “trans” usage has been become so common that even those of us who reject it and denounce it end up needing to use it to refer to these people who call themselves “trans.” We would have to establish a new terminology, and maybe it is time to start doing that.

The most clarifying alternative I have heard is to substitute “fake” for “trans.” Then someone who calls themselves transgender becomes “fake-gender,” a self-proclaimed “trans-woman” gets called instead (and quite properly) a “fake woman” (with or without a hyphen), and a “trans-man” becomes a “fake man.”

“Trans” people won’t like it, but that’s what they get for trying to force other people to participate in their lies, their mental illness, their sexual fetishes, and their sex grooming of children.