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Florida State Board of Education Votes to Prohibit Spending on DEI Programs at 28 State Colleges

Florida State Board of Education Votes to Prohibit Spending on DEI Programs at 28 State Colleges

“These actions today ensure that we will not spend taxpayers’ money supporting DEI and radical indoctrination that promotes division in our society.”

They also voted to scrap a sociology course and replace it with a course on American history. Awesome.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

DEI Spending Banned, Sociology Scrapped in Florida

On Monday, the Florida Department of Education honored civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. for his “dedication to service and equality.” On Wednesday, Florida’s State Board of Education voted to prohibit spending on diversity, equity and inclusion programs at 28 state colleges.

The vote marks the latest strike against DEI programs in a state where such initiatives have come under fire from Republican governor—and current GOP presidential candidate—Ron DeSantis, who has called such programs both wasteful and “hostile to academic freedom.”

In the same meeting, the board also voted to replace a Principles of Sociology course with an American History course. The change, according to a department press release, aims “to provide students with an accurate and factual account of the nation’s past, rather than exposing them to radical woke ideologies, which had become commonplace in the now replaced course.” Now, sociology—King’s major at Morehouse College—will no longer be a core course option at state colleges.

The vote follows a similar move in November at the Florida State University System.

Florida commissioner of education Manny Diaz Jr., a former state Republican lawmaker, praised the move in Wednesday’s press release: “Higher education must return to its essential foundations of academic integrity and the pursuit of knowledge instead of being corrupted by destructive ideologies,” Diaz said. “These actions today ensure that we will not spend taxpayers’ money supporting DEI and radical indoctrination that promotes division in our society.”


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The schools will get around this with creative programs like other schools enacted after SCOTUS shot down affirmative action for entrance. Some schools now require special essays, etc. If this is done, administrators enacting this crap should be summarily fired. Time to get tough with this nonsense.

DEI is such a fraud.

Defund DEI.

Great, now put some teeth in it. Firing and revocation of pension for any jackass prog moron who tries to circumvent the prohibition.

Who will be teaching this course on American History and what stops it from being just another hate whites America built by slaves course?

This is without doubt great legislation there should be a lot more of that is just a little nitpick.

This is just one of the many reasons that I supported Desantis instead of Trump. Trump promised to build the wall. BUILD THE WALL! he yelled at his campaign rallies. LOCK HER UP! he yelled about Hillary, but of course he never did anything like building the wall or locking up Hillary. It was all talk, but no walk. Typical Trump rhetoric.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | January 21, 2024 at 9:30 am

    Actually Trump did a lot of good thing including getting part of the wall built. And rather people like it or not, they have to get behind Trump just like happened in 2016. TDS eats at some people’s souls, as evidenced by JR.

Good for DeSantis & Florida residents.

This could unleash a wave of tenured leftist faculty resigning in protest and moving to universities in blue states.

In other words, progress.

De Santis needs to keep Florida red. That is his first and best mission… for now.

What’s the likelihood they actually monitor compliance? I’d say zero.

E Howard Hunt | January 21, 2024 at 8:50 am

DEI is a false God.