Dr. Anthony Fauci Cannot ‘Recall’ Much About COVID Origins, Pandemic Responses
Fauci, who can’t remember the origins of the “6 feet” rule of social distancing, now says the lab leak origin is credible.

Back in the summer of 2021, 18 months after the COVID pandemic began in this country, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a top presidential COVID adviser, launched attacks on his critics.
Fauci asserted the accusations against him were “attacks on science.”
“It’s very dangerous,” Fauci told MSNBC. “A lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science, because all of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning, have been fundamentally based on science.”
He added, “People want to fire me or put me in jail for what I’ve done — namely, follow the science.”
Now, Fauci has been brought before a House of Representatives Select Committee to review the response to COVID and its origins. He can’t recall much of the science he said he followed.
Testifying behind closed doors on Capitol Hill on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said over 100 times that he “did not recall” important information and conversations relevant to the origins of Covid-19 and the U.S. pandemic response he presided over.
“The face of our nation’s response to the world’s worst public health crisis ‘does not recall’ r key details about COVID-19 origins and pandemic-era policies,” House Coronavirus Select Subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup (R., Ohio) said in a statement Monday night. The “potentially preventable pandemic” ultimately resulted in the deaths of nearly 1.2 million Americans, the Ohio Republican noted.
In late November, Wenstrup announced that Fauci had agreed to testify before his subcommittee in a private setting over the course of two days. Before retiring at the end of 2022, Fauci served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor under the Trump and Biden administrations.
In fact, the Select Subcommittee published highlights of Fauci’s testimony on X:
- Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous testimony where he stated NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan. He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded this dangerous research.
- Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
- A 2020 email, previously released by the Select Subcommittee, proved Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China. During his testimony, Fauci backtracked by arguing he should not have stated that as “fact.”
- Dr. Fauci was unable to confirm if NIAID has ANY mechanisms to conduct oversight of the foreign laboratories they fund.
Chairman @RepBradWenstrup's statement following Day 1 of Dr. Fauci's transcribed interview
— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) January 9, 2024
Fauci can’t recall some really important elements of pandemic policy. For example, he can’t remember the origins of social distancing….which was used to close schools and shut down businesses.
Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.
Fauci, 83, revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart” recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was “likely not based on scientific data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who is also a physician.
…“It never struck me that six feet was particularly sensical in the context of mitigation,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health who served as President Biden’s COVID response coordinator for 15 months, told the New York Times in March 2021. “I wish the CDC would just come out and say this is not a major issue.”
Fauci also said that the lab leak origin of COVID was credible.
Dr Anthony Fauci admitted that the lab leak Covid origin theory was credible as he shed more light on the chaotic decision-making process behind the scenes of America’s pandemic response.
During his second day of marathon grilling by Congress , the former White House advisor confessed that the lab leak – the idea Covid was engineered and accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan – was ‘not a conspiracy theory’.
The U-turn is significant because he was the chief architect of a 2020 paper that discounted the theory. Fauci’s friends and former colleagues also spearheaded a paper in the Lancet that called believers conspiracy theorists and racists.
Fauci wanted fame and notoriety. He gets his wish as being the architect of the most destructive era in this nation’s history.

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the internet never forgets
he needs to be stripped of
his pension and put in prison.
Under 5 U.S. Code § 8312 – Conviction of certain offenses, Congress (and jurisprudence) has made it all but impossible to strip civil servants of their pension. Under that statute, only a handful of crimes, all having to do with national security, allow the government to strip someone of their pension. Even if a person is fired for cause for bad behavior – like embezzlement – likely isn’t enough to forfeit their pension. It’s crazy. Normal people just have no real appreciation for how powerful the civil service system is…for civil servants. It’s almost racketeering.
If they can strip a Potus of presidential immunity,,, a pip squeak like that asshat should not be a problem. Now a days (seems to me) laws and rules are optional.
Then strip him of all his other assets and imprison him.
There was a time when creeps like this would be tarred and feathered, living the rest of their lives horribly scarred. I bet he’d remember that.
Regarding the pension — it’s such offensive insult to injury. Fraudci helps wreck the U.S. economy and puts American citizens and society through three-plus years of totalitarian and dystopian misery and oppression, and, afterwards, retires with an utterly obscene and undeserved $500K-plus annual pension, courtesy of the same taxpayers he so incompetently served throughout his rotten, multi-decade tenure.
No Covid Amnesty. Not until those in positions of power who pushed Rona mania, enabled Rona mania alongside the millions of karens who confronted and lectured those of us who dissented from their insane views and rejected their cosplay:
1. Admit they were wrong to a granular level (mistakes were made won’t cut it)
2. Make an apology specifying what they are apologizing for in detail
3. Return any funds made at the expense of others who dissented during the mania
4. Resign from any office or position of authority public or private
WR Chief,
More than anything, I want to see all of that… BUT, they will double down on the dumpster fire. We see the smoldering ashes starting to glow, right now..
They deserve long prison sentences. Very, very long. At hard labor, would be appropriate. These are the most dangerous sort of people any civilized society has ever had to contend with. They tried to turn America into Communist China.
“2. Make an apology specifying what they are apologizing for in detail”
2.1 A proper apology includes specifying the harm done.
2.2 A proper apology includes offer to redress the harm done — best you can do.
2.3 A proper apology includes declaring *how* you will see that you don’t do anything similar agian.
Not that I’d expect any of that. Aside from their moral limitations, none of them have the selff-discipline.
So in other words fauci just pulled his data out of the air to make it sound like he knew what he was talking about??
Not unlike climate science??
Precisely. I’ve been saying since the beginning of the scamdemic’s defense that it’s being to vigorously defended, in part, because they’re scared to death its downfall may take down the climate scam too. The two scams share so many tactics and techniques that they are obviously related. If one is exposed as a scam, the similarities will be noted and the other could very well fall as well.
exactly like climate “science ”
IMHO Fauci DID endanger national security with his BS.
As far as I recall, the 6 feet of “social distancing” (that was a really retarded term) came from some scientist’s daughter’s high school science fair project.
Of course, not for the entire duration of the endless tyrannical dictats that flew out of the mouths of every wannbe tin-pot democrat dictator in America did any one of them ever try to justify their authoritarian whims in any way, whatsoever, with even a smidgeon of data. Not a once. In fact, I cannot recall a single public official ever even mentioning the Diamond Princess data, ever. For anything. And the few bits of alleged data they did mention were almost always bald-faced lies – like the hospitals were overflowing and so many people were dying that they needed to bring in refrigerated trailers for the corpse-men (as Barky would say).
We did, however, get an elementary school level paper mache “mountain of death”, I believe is what he called it, from the heir to the New York Governorship, The Greater Fredo. That was as close as any of these petit dictators got to actual science to justify their insane, un-Constitutional, anti-American dictats.
“As far as I recall, the 6 feet of “social distancing” (that was a really retarded term) came from some scientist’s daughter’s high school science fair project.”
There WAS no ‘6 ft distancing at all.
The distancing was ‘arm’s length’ That was how they worded it at the beginning.
It BECAME ‘6 feet’ when people started standing an arms length away from people standing an arms legth away from them.
Everyone was in a 3 foot wide bubble.
I commented on it as it happened.
Note the attempt by Dr. Jha to dismiss “social distancing” as a minor issue. It is not a minor issue. The inability to maintain social distancing in many venues became the basis for restricting or prohibiting all manner of public gatherings, indoors and out.
It is a major issue also because very early on a Swedish study determined that outdoors, distancing wasn’t necessary, and that indoors, distancing wasn’t helpful. In fact, it determined that indoor mitigation efforts such as barriers prevented the flow of air that keeps an indoor atmosphere homogeneous, leading to dead spots that accumulated particulates, including bacteria and viruses. They were telling us to “follow the science,” while they were ignoring the science. This is just a single example of the determination to follow a particular policy or mitigation effort, and their failure to adjust or abolish it when it was found ineffective or even outright counter-productive.
“The inability to maintain social distancing in many venues became the basis for restricting or prohibiting all manner of public gatherings, indoors and out.”
Not to mention legitimizing the hilarious failure of Joe Biden’s ludicrous election rallies.
Early days there were some studies out of MIT — you know, “science” — on aerosol propagation, and viability on surfaces. Other folks investigated transmission vectors and virulence. Exactly as if people would like some empirical facts to inform their responses. Silly wabbits. Facts are for nerds.
Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but…
I noted as mandates for ever-more-spedific table wiping were cranked down; it doesn’t transmit that way. Dies off on surfaces by itself as well.
I noted as I got heckled occasionally during my outdoor mask-less strolls; it doesn’t transmit that way. Sunny breeze is nearly the best way to kill the thing. Some woman across the deserted street booked half a block my way to scold my exposed face. Utterly exasperated when I replied: “You’re 30 feet away.”
No, walking about I was not leaving little, permanent ‘rona spears strewn about like used heroin needles in a safe space park. Also, no, do not “shelter” in your sealed home, with close contact with family if you test positive. Best way to ensure your family gets it. Which is what happened — most common transmission was among family members.
Best thing you can do is get outdoor fresh ionized air, sunlight, and better breathing. Get y.our Vitamin D up, and generally support your immune response and respiratory system. Get your inflammation under control. If you get it, ventilate the inside air.
This thing was never The Andromeda Strain — no that virulent.
This thing was never The Plague — not that deadly.
This thing was never The Anthrax — not that resilient.
This thing was never Hepatitis — not blood born transmission you can only get at with antibodies.
The ‘rona was, and is, a semi-nasty variant off a known ubiquitous, sometimes nasty resp virus family that breeds new mutations from time to time. It’s called SARS-COVID 2 40% of common colds were frakking corona viruses already. And it’s not the pandemic, it’s a pandemic. We have influenza pandemics near every year.
The true crimes are not the damage done during the time of The ‘Rona. The true crimes are the losses to come, because we could have learned so much. About respiratory viruses. About population spread. About treatments and care protocols. About supporting our own immunity and recovery. Even those to come pale compared to the losses from distrust of what we do come to know, earned by the crimes of misdirection and mismanagement in ‘rona response.
Even unnecessary mass deaths by the thousands in care facilities shrink under the millions of likewise unnecessary deaths to come. Yep; still not letting that one go. The most helpless among us died alone, the kill count elevated by the captive mandated treatment imposed on them. You had to get them out of the facility physically, if you could pull that off.
You wanna see some genocide, just look at what “public health” in developed countries did during the ‘rona. Fortunately, Hamas considers us infidels, so they won’t borrow the tactics.
How much money did Fauci make off this crisis? How much money did he personally get from the pharmaceutical companies
And of course this was the basis for all the mail in ballots without which his political party wouldn’t have won the election
Waterboarding is my suggestion.
He will pay for crimes against humanity some day
What is the penalty for millions of manslaughter, and that is the lowest level he should be charged for.
“Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.”
Fauci needs to be disabused of the idea that an admission of negligence is a defense to (admitted) incompetence and dereliction of duty (discounting here for the moment that we know this is not how things went down – but as a jiu-jitsu student I was taught to take what your opponent gives you and use it against him). If his negligence led to deaths, it would be criminal negligence. His excuses and dissembling should not let him off the hook. He should enjoy his retirement pay from within the confines of a prison, preferably on death row for crimes against humanity. (How many Nazis used the “I didn’t read the documents I signed” defense? Damn few, if any. At least many of the Nazis had the courage to stand up for their convictions, and were willing to die for them. I’d call Fauci a weasel or a rat, but I never met a dishonest, deceptive, conniving weasel or rat.)
If that malignant gnome who once would not shut up about COVID on every network that would have him suddenly has amnesia what do you think that tells us about what he was saying.
I’m quite interested in how someone who spent his entire career in government retired and dropped $15 Million on a Potomac River mansion. Where did all that money come from?
Ah yes, The Science™. Lock. Him. Up. We need Nuremberg style tribunals to try these miscreants for crimes against humanity. Start with Fauci here and work our way thru the feds, then state and ultimately local officials who participated in this. And warrants to arrest and try anyone from WHO if they step foot on American soil.
Agreed with a couple caveats.
1. Redemption option as I made the case for above
2. The ENABLERS of Rona Mania, those who had power but didn’t step up to use it to at least attempt to stop the Covid karens and Fauci Fascists by use of their power as well as those who were cheerleading the lockdown and/or hostile to the few politicians willing to openly oppose Covid Mania and lockdown absolutely MUST be held accountable for their complicity. Subject to Redemption option as outlined in my prior post.
I won’t rule out a redemption option, but my terms might include some amount of jail time. Unfortunately it’s a moot point as this will never happen.
The evil, Dhimmi-crat apparatchik’s reflexive, stock response when facing a scintilla of scrutiny and accountability for his vile and indefensible actions — “I don’t remember; I don’t recall.”
There was ZERO science behind either the 6 foot crap or the masks from the start.
The only reason they existed was because Fauci wanted his precious lockdowns, and the ONLY WAY to justify ‘essential’ businesses (in reality just the companies that had the cash to bribe the appropriate bureaucrat) to be open was to have ‘precautions to prevent spread’, while also hammering and forcefully closing businesses that didn’t take ‘appropriate precautions’.
It was irrelevant if there was science behind it or whether it worked. It was just the excuse that let them declare who was allowed to be open and who wasn’t.
That’s why they had the absurd theatre of boxes and arrows on the ground – to forcefully remind everybody YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY OR THERE IS DANGER.
And the stupid sheep went right along with it.
I said from the very start that the 6 foot rule was a joke and that masks were laughable junk science.
You know what REAL science looks like? ‘In order to qualify as a mask, it must be made of X material of minimum Y thickness, or Z material of minimum A thickness’. That’s what REAL science looks like.
But again, they knew goddamn well masks didn’t work, and they didn’t care, they NEEDED a visual marker to justify their insane lockdowns, that’s why they accepted those laughable cloth ‘masks’, because there was absolutely no way to actually produce enough REAL masks for anything other than a tiny fraction of the population.
An added bonus (unstated, obviously) for Fraudci was undermining and sabotaging President Trump’s re-election campaign.
Like all Dhimmi-crat, federal government apparatchiks who had been long-ensconced in their cushy and lucrative sinecures, Fraudci despised President Trump and his contempt for him was very thinly veiled. Fraudci and his ilk knew damn well that all of the irrational, capricious, dystopian and tyrannical masking, closures of businesses and houses of worship (ordered at the state level by Dhimmi-crat governors, yes, but, with CDC’s and Fraudci’s blessing and their imprimatur of “scientific”/medical legitimacy) and sundry other assorted, misery-imposing and freedom-destroying diktats, would severely harm President Trump’s re-election chances.
DId you get yelled at by people in supermarkets for going against the arrows?
Fun times.
” ‘essential’ businesses (in reality just the companies that had the cash to bribe the appropriate bureaucrat)”
Churches and gyms closed… casinos and liquor stores open.
Even a Martian fresh off the saucer could have told you the fix was in.
“He can’t recall much of the science he said he followed.”
“Vax causes Alzheimers!”
Don’t forget about the farcical “15 days to slow the spread” slogan that was proffered by these idiots.
The vile Fraudci and his lawless, apparatchik ilk were pulling these obnoxiously tyrannical and irrational conceits and diktats (masking, distancing, etc.) out of their rear ends, with absolutely zero scientific or medical basis to support their imposition.
And, I still see gullible lemmings wearing their masks out on the street, in the open air. I’ve noticed that certain persons “of color” seem to relish wearing these things, as a stage prop that adds to their self-perceived and fallacious victimhood persona.
Or just to avoid being identified by cameras, who can really say?
I do not recall is the standard answer to deny lawyers any substance during depositions to run away from liability. So it’s no surprise.
What he should have been asked that would have nailed him to the floor is why mask manufacturers placed a disclaimer on their packaging stating that their product does not prevent the transmission of any virus. Speaking of lawyers, the mask manufacturers knew exactly why that disclaimer is crucial to them from being sued into oblivion.
Sounds like he studied at the Hillary School for the Denial of Responsibility. If Rush were still here, he’d have a little song about it.
Now get Dictator Whitmer before the committee to explain why while paint could be sold but mixing colors into paint wasn’t. And how disallowing the sale of garden seeds saved lives. And I’m certain between her and the other “governors” who forgot they were public servants and not tyrants there’s a whole laundry list of idiocies.
“explain why while paint could be sold but mixing colors into paint wasn’t.”
Oh, that’s easy. It’s the same reason you were allowed to buy prepacked ice cream, but not handpacked ice cream. Not only does the latter in both cases involve reckless, perilous human intervention, but The Science™️ shows that (at least in the ice cream case) it can cause your car not to start.
Definite for sure LoL.
And Congress, Dems & Repubs alike, will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to punish this monster! Congress is nothing more than a JV debating team that cares not a wit for American citizens. They don’t care about anyone but themselves. We need Term Limits and another
Typical Bureaucrat.. The one best skill of these people is CYA. There was no way Congress was going to get much info out of this clown.
Dealing with Congress is like playing the 1970s’ “Adventure” computer game: all the moves needed to stymie it and emerge triumphant are already well known, so anybody tasked with the challenge can easily run the winning script.
Hold on a sec, Dr. Jha said something that made sense?
Tyrant Raimondo and Dr. Nicole ‘masks work’ Scott ruled the roost and with the blessing of the General Assembly, they caused normal people to become so fearful churches had to be shut down and couldn’t even have mass in parking lots while seated in their cars.
The stupid people were those who bought this garbage.
Fauci – I don’t recall.
Wray – I don’t recall.
Hillary – I don’t recall.
All three should be put in front of a firing squad.
I can’t believe nobody did this yet.
The Covid Gnome’s theme song: What a Wonderful World
Don’t know much about history,
Don’t know much bi-ology,
Don’t know much about a science book.
Don’t know much about those jabs you took.
And I don’t know what I did back then,
But I know that if it comes again,
What a funderful world it would be.
Sam Cooke original version
I’m sure Anthony Fauci will remember it for the book.
I never trusted him. I work in academia and I was almost the only one who didn’t worship at the feet of Fauci. I very much doubt he will face any consequences for what he did but the effects will be long lasting; in the economy, in politics and most devastating in the erosion of the physician patient trust.