Disgusting: Anti-Israel Protesters Harass NYC Cancer Hospital, Taunt Child Patients Watching From Windows

Anti-Israel protesters in New York City have not only crossed the boundaries of bad taste, they have shown themselves to be disgusting people who are not above chanting ‘shame’ at a cancer hospital where child patients could see and hear them.

They marched past Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and in case you’re wondering, they knew exactly what they were doing and who would hear their pathetic message.

The New York Post reported:

Anti-Israel protesters target NYC cancer hospital for ‘complicity in genocide’ as terrified Jewish resident says ‘I thought I was in Germany in 1939’Thousands of anti-Israel protesters descended on Manhattan to demand a cease-fire in Gaza on Monday, with some even targeting a respected hospital for cancer patients over its alleged “complicity in genocide.”The protesters shouted “Shame!” at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center while patients received treatment on the Upper East Side before targeting a Starbucks and a McDonald’s restaurant they reportedly accused of making “meals for genocide.”“Make sure they hear you. They’re in the window,” an organizer said on a bullhorn outside Sloan Kettering, according to footage posted on social media.Someone in the crowd beat a drum as scores chanted: “MSK shame on you, you support genocide, too.”The demonstrators took time during the event, advertised as a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza MLK Day march for healthcare,” to berate those at the cancer center, which is also a pediatric hospital.“What about refusing to acknowledge an attack on Palestinian people, and especially the healthcare system, shows any form of compassion or respect for health?” one speaker said, according to National Review.“Shame, shame, shame,” other protesters shouted in response…One Jewish resident on the Upper East Side told The Post she was “terrified” after a pair of cops had to escort her and her small dog out of a chanting crowd near East 87th Street.“I thought I was in Germany in 1939,” said the 74-year-old resident, who declined to give her name.

National Review describes the group behind this action:

Within Our Lifetime is a Palestinian-led New York organization that represents the “steadfast belief that no matter what obstacles we will face, victory of the oppressed is inevitable,” the group says on its website. The group’s latest anti-Israel campaign is centered on what it calls one of the biggest targets of “Israel’s 100 day genocidal campaign against Palestine”: health-care workers.

What is wrong with these people?

There is only one group of people who should be feeling shame here and it’s these imbeciles.

These people are part of the Democrat base. It is way past time for people to start sticking a microphone in the faces of Biden, Harris, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez and other prominent Democrats and asking them some blunt questions, like: Do you support this?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Antisemitism, Hamas, Israel, New York City, Progressives, Protest