Disgusting: Anti-Israel Protesters Harass NYC Cancer Hospital, Taunt Child Patients Watching From Windows
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Disgusting: Anti-Israel Protesters Harass NYC Cancer Hospital, Taunt Child Patients Watching From Windows

Disgusting: Anti-Israel Protesters Harass NYC Cancer Hospital, Taunt Child Patients Watching From Windows

“Make sure they hear you, they’re in the windows”

Anti-Israel protesters in New York City have not only crossed the boundaries of bad taste, they have shown themselves to be disgusting people who are not above chanting ‘shame’ at a cancer hospital where child patients could see and hear them.

They marched past Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and in case you’re wondering, they knew exactly what they were doing and who would hear their pathetic message.

The New York Post reported:

Anti-Israel protesters target NYC cancer hospital for ‘complicity in genocide’ as terrified Jewish resident says ‘I thought I was in Germany in 1939’

Thousands of anti-Israel protesters descended on Manhattan to demand a cease-fire in Gaza on Monday, with some even targeting a respected hospital for cancer patients over its alleged “complicity in genocide.”

The protesters shouted “Shame!” at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center while patients received treatment on the Upper East Side before targeting a Starbucks and a McDonald’s restaurant they reportedly accused of making “meals for genocide.”

“Make sure they hear you. They’re in the window,” an organizer said on a bullhorn outside Sloan Kettering, according to footage posted on social media.

Someone in the crowd beat a drum as scores chanted: “MSK shame on you, you support genocide, too.”

The demonstrators took time during the event, advertised as a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza MLK Day march for healthcare,” to berate those at the cancer center, which is also a pediatric hospital.

“What about refusing to acknowledge an attack on Palestinian people, and especially the healthcare system, shows any form of compassion or respect for health?” one speaker said, according to National Review.

“Shame, shame, shame,” other protesters shouted in response…

One Jewish resident on the Upper East Side told The Post she was “terrified” after a pair of cops had to escort her and her small dog out of a chanting crowd near East 87th Street.

“I thought I was in Germany in 1939,” said the 74-year-old resident, who declined to give her name.

National Review describes the group behind this action:

Within Our Lifetime is a Palestinian-led New York organization that represents the “steadfast belief that no matter what obstacles we will face, victory of the oppressed is inevitable,” the group says on its website. The group’s latest anti-Israel campaign is centered on what it calls one of the biggest targets of “Israel’s 100 day genocidal campaign against Palestine”: health-care workers.

What is wrong with these people?

There is only one group of people who should be feeling shame here and it’s these imbeciles.

These people are part of the Democrat base. It is way past time for people to start sticking a microphone in the faces of Biden, Harris, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez and other prominent Democrats and asking them some blunt questions, like: Do you support this?

Featured image via YouTube.


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A better question than, “Do you support this?” would be, “WHY do you support this?”

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 16, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    The “why” is simple. They are the enemy of this country and all that is good and decent. I know it won’t happen, but they should be videoed and the images run through facial recognition software. And they and their families should be banned from the hospital and others.

    Subotai Bahadur

Still and again: Islam is a cancer in the West.

I’d of given them the finger

I have only one thing to say:

From shining sea to shining sea, make America Islam free.

Laugh out loud headline. Cancer AND children. It takes a lot more bait in clickbait now.

    alien in reply to rhhardin. | January 16, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    “They’re in the window.”

    Headline says the protestors “Taunt(ed) Child Patients.”
    The author states in the first line that “child patients could see and hear them.”
    Next, “they knew exactly what they were doing and who would hear their pathetic message.”

    Post on X: “To be clear, they are chanting “shame” at a child in the window of a cancer center.”

    Well, no, not clear — there is one child in the accompanying photo, but there are also three adults looking out the window, one recording the scene with his phone. And there are probably more windows on the front of the building than the three windows in the photo. Were the protestors referring to the staffers looking out of their windows? I’d say yes.

    “Anti-Israel protesters in New York City have not only crossed the boundaries of bad taste, they have shown themselves to be disgusting people …”

    First Amendment protected free speech. “We may not agree with it, but we will defend to the death their right to say it … unless we don’t agree with it, then to hell with them.”

      JohnSmith100 in reply to alien. | January 16, 2024 at 11:08 pm

      There is no acceptable excuse for these protests, Hamas slaughtered Jews, now they are paying the price.

      Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 12:33 am

      The first amendment doesn’t say we shouldn’t condemn them for this, it just says they can’t be arrested for it, unless they break any laws while doing it.

        alien in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2024 at 6:08 am

        “We may not agree with it, but we will defend to the death their right to say it … unless we don’t agree with it, then to hell with them.”

          Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 6:36 am

          Huh? What part of what I wrote was too difficult for you to understand? What part of defending someone’s right to be a disgusting piece of filthy is inconsistent with condemning them for it?

          alien in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 7:14 am

          Back atcha. What part of what I wrote was too difficult for you to understand?

          Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 18, 2024 at 12:07 am

          The part where you invoke the first amendment. Nobody here suggested arresting them for this. (For blocking traffic, maybe, but only if protesters supporting a cause the city agrees with would also have been arrested.) So the first amendment would seem to be irrelevant, unless you were invoking it against merely condemning them, which is not what it says.

      So I take that your position is that if the government is prohibited from punishing despicable speech we are obliged to praise it.

      bmarrs@bcmvco.net in reply to alien. | January 18, 2024 at 9:14 pm

      Close the drapes. The terrorists are playing to the audience. Leave the windows and turn the TV sound UP!

So what’s triggering this? Some doctor has FB page with “I stand with Israel”? What would be this hospital’s alleged “complicity” in anything?

Starbucks and McDonalds are supposed to be “symbols” of american culture? I go there maybe once a year.

Isn’t there any way to deport them? If they really hate everything about america why do they want to be here?

Yeah, that’ll show ’em! Except it is actually showing anyone who sees it exactly how deprived this movement is to decide to create a ruckus there. Plenty of other options but they choose a cancer center? Get bent, y’all are PO way more people than you are intimidating.

Adams has lost control of the city!

MoeHowardwasright | January 16, 2024 at 5:01 pm

Mayor Adams…where were the police? By your failure to address this you are complicit. Shame on you!! That is if you have any shame. A lame woke fool who campaigned on law and order. All you have delivered is disorder. FJB

    Adams is woke joke, new yorkers see that now.

      wendybar in reply to smooth. | January 17, 2024 at 5:18 am

      New Yorkers are too. They voted for this. And they will continue to vote for this, because they don’t want those nasty conservatives who hate immigrants/s to win.

    “Mayor Adams…where were the police?”

    Link in second paragraph, NY Post. The accompanying photos show NYPD officers out in force. They allowed the protestors to peaceably assemble and protest, and worked to keep the protestors separated from spectators.

    And when the protestors weren’t peaceable:

    “In a nearby scuffle, one protester was thrown to the pavement by multiple cops near Gracie Mansion as other Palestinian supporters swarmed the scene…
    Three people, including a 16-year-old boy, were arrested during the protest, cops said.”

      alien in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 6:21 am

      The Post article doesn’t specify if the three arrested were protestors or spectators.

      Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 6:39 am

      The question is why they allowed the nazis to block the road. That’s against the law and they should not have allowed it, just as they wouldn’t let you or me do so.

        Crawford in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2024 at 6:51 am

        Neither “alien” nor “rhhardin” are worthy of arguing. They start from the premise that Jews deserve all this.

        alien in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2024 at 7:18 am

        I don’t see anyone blocking the road in those photos. I see people marching in the streets — the article even states such. I don’t know if NYC law prevents groups from marching on a public street. Here in Florida, there were marches and parades all over the state, since it was the MLK holiday.

          CommoChief in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 11:45 am

          Most places you need to apply for and receive a parade permit. Otherwise every affinity group or advocacy group could just decide on their own to march down the street whenever they wanted to.

          Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 18, 2024 at 12:11 am

          I don’t see anyone blocking the road in those photos.

          Look at all the photos in the tweets embedded here. They all show the marchers blocking the road.

          I see people marching in the streets

          On the road. That’s against the law. Holding a banner and being with a few dozen or a few hundred friends doesn’t change that.

          Milhouse in reply to alien. | January 18, 2024 at 12:14 am

          At least in NY, you don’t need a permit if you stick to the sidewalk, and don’t loiter in one place. You have the right to use the street just like any other pedestrian, and the fact that there are a few dozen or a few hundred of you, and you’re holding banners, doesn’t change that.

          But you don’t have the right to walk on the road, or to occupy the sidewalk and prevent other pedestrians from walking through, and the fact that there are a few dozen or a few hundred of you, and you’re holding banners, doesn’t change that either.

If “victory of the ‘oppressed’ is inevitable,” why do they have to drag their vile carcasses up and down the streets yelling about it? Just sit back and wait. After all, it’s “inevitable.”

You people have it all wrong

These protestors beneath the “Hospital. Quiet” signs had been told that Hamas were hiding inside. And so the protestors were imploring Hamas to release hostages immediately

And to stop raping their captives

And to stop killing their captives

And to apologize for the 50 rockets they just fired into central Israel

They should have gotten a whiff of the grape.

    alien in reply to Crawford. | January 17, 2024 at 7:22 am

    For exercising their right of assembly and right of petition guaranteed under the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

      CommoChief in reply to alien. | January 17, 2024 at 11:55 am

      The key qualifier you left out is ‘peaceably’. To do ‘peaceably’ also means lawfully. Which means applying for and receiving a permit from the jurisdiction for lawful use of public areas.

      Some whackos yelling and screaming nonsense in the middle of the street on a slow Tuesday gonna get moved along and/or arrested by the cops. Calling the same behavior a ‘protest’ doesn’t invoke the 1A as a shield.

You can’t rationalize facts to someone whose position is based on emotion.

Round up all those protesters, put them on a leaky ship bound for Middle East. See how well they do there, if the ship makes it.

Speaking of hospitals and other great works, ever notice the religion of piece(s) has no hospitals in this country founded by adherents? No similar charities such as St Judes.

Typical DEM behavior 2024

“What is wrong with these people?”
There never is any penalty for their misbehavior.
Try raising even a dog that way, and see what you get.

nancyinOregon | January 17, 2024 at 2:43 pm

The people that have been coming into the public eye this past year or two have made me believe that Satan exists and thinks that he/she/ze/zir/they is about to win. The good thing to come out of it all is that tolerant and complacent people like me have finally become disgusted and realized it’s time to fight back. The DEI, antiracism, transgender atrocities on children, and now antisemitism have me, a rural populist in conservative Oregon, aligned with inner city blacks in Harlem and it feels GOOD.

“There is only one group of people who should be feeling shame here and it’s these imbeciles.”

They are not imbeciles and don’t deserve a pass for being imbeciles. They are genocidal anti-Semites.

Tranacria51350 | January 17, 2024 at 9:49 pm

Is it coincidental that ever since Biden was elected president the fabric of America has come apart? Increased crime, District Attorneys who refuse to prosecute, organized retail theft to the tune of billions of dollars and recently open hostiity & violence towards Jews which would never be tolerated if that was directed towards Moslems or Blacks. Today in an article appearing in the N Y POST a Jewish mother and her daughter were surrounded in Manhattan by a violent crowd thrashing their car. When the crowd found out they were Jewish (Her daughter was called a “Nazi Bitch” and replied “We’re Jewish) the crowd got more violent & yelled out “Death to all you Jewish Bastards”.The protesters also called “Death to America” the very country granting them this freedom to attack it. Where was Adams or Hokul? No where to be found . They allow this violence to happen . Under the watch of these democrat politicians New York City is circling the bowl to its ultimate decline as is our country. Organized violence by Antifa, BLM & these Palestinians groups is permitted and looked upon as “mostly peaceful protersts”. These groups & their sponsors want one thing : the destruction of Western culture including Israel.