‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Wants to ‘Strengthen Access’ to Abortion, Contraceptions
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‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Wants to ‘Strengthen Access’ to Abortion, Contraceptions

‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Wants to ‘Strengthen Access’ to Abortion, Contraceptions

Vice President Kamala Harris has started her Fight for Reproductive Freedoms tour in Wisconsin. She wants to fight against those “extreme attacks” on abortion.

Fifty-one years ago, the Supreme Court somehow found abortion protection in the Constitution.

The Supreme Court finally righted that wrong a year and a half ago when it overturned Roe v. Wade. FINALLY.

But our “devout Catholic” President Joe Biden lamented the fall of Roe v. Wade and bragged about supposed ways his administration has strengthened access to abortion and contraception.

‘Devout Catholic’ Biden’s Statement on Roe v. Wade

No Catholic should mourn the loss of Roe v. Wade. But Biden is sad SCOTUS made the “extreme decision” to overturn Roe v. Wade:

Fifty-one years ago today, the Supreme Court recognized a woman’s constitutional right to make deeply personal decisions with her doctor—free from the interference of politicians. Then, a year and a half ago, the Court made the extreme decision to overturn Roe and take away a constitutional right.

The statement is filled with lies:

Then, a year and a half ago, the Court made the extreme decision to overturn Roe and take away a constitutional right. As a result, tens of millions of women now live in states with extreme and dangerous abortion bans. Because of Republican elected officials, women’s health and lives are at risk. In states across the country, women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to seek permission for the medical attention they need, and made to travel hundreds of miles for health care.

Abortion is not health care.

A woman in Texas had to leave the state because she didn’t meet the criteria for an abortion.

However, it’s not because her life is in danger. It’s because she has a supposed “non-viable” pregnancy, even though Trisomy 18 is not a 100% death sentence.

‘Devout Catholic’ Biden declared he stands “with the vast majority of Americans who support a woman’s right to choose.” He demands Congress restore those Roe protections!

‘New Actions to Help Strengthen Access to Contraception, Protect Access to Medication Abortion, and Ensure Patients Receive Emergency Medical Care’

The scare mongering! God forbid a woman isn’t allowed to kill her unborn baby:

Today, on what would have been the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, women’s health and lives hang in the balance due to extreme state abortion bans. These dangerous state laws have caused chaos and confusion, as women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to travel hundreds of miles, or required to go to court to seek permission for the health care they need.

Abortion isn’t health care.

But due to these “continued threats to reproductive freedom,” our “devout Catholic” Biden will announce a new plan to make sure a woman can have an abortion and contraception.

The fact sheet from the White House, though, really does not show anything new. It looks like they just want to make people think they’re “doing” something, which is basically what politicians always do.

They’re “committed” to enforcing this law, “clarifying” this guidance, “reminding” others of that rule, “affirming” this move, etc.

For instance:

The Departments of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services (HHS) are issuing new guidance to clarify standards and support expanded coverage of a broader range of FDA-approved contraceptives at no cost under the Affordable Care Act. This action builds on the progress already made by the Affordable Care Act to expand access to affordable contraception for millions of women nationwide.

In addition, the Office of Personnel Management will strengthen access to contraception for federal workers, retirees, and family members by issuing guidance to insurers participating in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program that incorporates the Departments’ guidance. OPM will also newly require insurers that participate in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program to take additional steps to educate enrollees about their contraception benefits.

I guess by strengthening access to abortion, the administration means the HHS issuing “a comprehensive plan to educate all patients about their rights and to help ensure hospitals meet their obligations under federal law.”

Vice President Kamala Harris has started her Fight for Reproductive Freedoms tour in Wisconsin. She wants to fight against those “extreme attacks” on abortion.


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So, he is he still publicly receiving communion?

“The statement is filled with lies:

Then, a year and a half ago, the Court made the extreme decision to overturn Roe and take away a constitutional right. As a result, tens of millions of women now live in states with extreme and dangerous abortion bans. Because of Republican elected officials, women’s health and lives are at risk. In states across the country, women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to seek permission for the medical attention they need, and made to travel hundreds of miles for health care.”

Lies indeed, but the problem is that too few Republicans know the facts of the matter and are willing to speak about them in public.

He’s a Satanist

He’s anything with a buck attached to it

He’s a devout idiot. That’s about it.

The leftists continue to push abortion as a “Catholic” issue; then they can rant about “the church” getting involved in American politics rather than looking at abortion as a purely criminal issue: the murder of an individual unable to defend him/herself.

It’s part of taking advantage of the anti-abortion Republican brand, to establish Democrats as saviors for women.

It will keep working until Republican state politicians stop the 6-week stuff and go for something with wider support like 15 weeks.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Nonsense. The Dems will use the same rhetoric they have been using for decades, which apparently does work on weak-minded women and beta males.

    It will never cease to be an issue and the 6 week bans make no difference in the ways that Dems frame their arguments.

    Like many others in the GOP, you seem to think if we just cave this one time, the Dems won’t say mean things about us.

    The women and men who say they base their vote for President on how easily they can kill their unborn children would have voted Dem in any case.

      You’re mischaracterizing the issue. The issue isn’t the Dems saying mean things; it’s that voters are siding with the Dems. Rhhardin thinks that if the Reps stuck to 15-week bans instead of 6-weeks, the voters would side with them, because most voters want a 15-week ban, while most don’t want a 6-week ban.

      As a matter of political reality that seems plausible. Since most voters support a 15-week ban, if the Reps stuck to that most voters would support them. But it ignores the possibility of persuading people to change their minds, and it also ignores the moral point that sometimes one must do something unpopular because it’s the right thing, and one must risk the voters not liking it.

Note when it’s time to give a speech on this topic, Biden’s mumbly incompetence goes away and the demons provide him with a burst of lucidity to get the evil message across.

Abortion will be on the ballot again in 2024. Abortion is officially the number one plank in Biden’s platform because his campaign has nothing else but sorrow and despair to run on.


theduchessofkitty | January 23, 2024 at 10:23 am

I’m very certain there are whores out there who are a lot more “devout Catholics” than Joe Biden.

The Biden’s are very religious. Joe’s a devout Catholic and Hunter is a Crystal Methodist.

SuddenlyHappyToBeHere | January 23, 2024 at 11:24 am

Knocking Biden for his greater access to abortion services policy is the sort of my-way-or-the-highway idiocy we have come to expect from this blog, especially Mary Chastain.

Doing so because Joe claims devout belief in Catholic teaching is particularly stupid. Given that the US is NOT a Catholic-ruled country, a President’s personal religious beliefs should not sway his policies for the entire country.

I know you children aren’ old enough to recall the 1960 election between Nixon and Kennedy. Whether Kennedy would be beholden to the Vatican or to the laws of the US was such a concern that ol’ JFK had to speak publicly on the issue.

I know the Baptists and hardline Catholics who run this site are of the view that all laws must originate in the Bible, but the rest of the country disagrees. One CAN be a devout follower of a religion without being of the view that those religious beliefs should be imposed on the entire country.

You all need to get a grip from your BDS attitudes.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to SuddenlyHappyToBeHere. | January 23, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    And I’m sure you would have argued in exactly the same terms for the legality of slavery, that it was just a “religious ” issue that should not be imposed on the nation as a whole.

    Making other humans into chattel property is certainly not just a religious issue.

      SuddenlyHappyToBeHere in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | January 23, 2024 at 12:48 pm

      WTF are you writing? Seriously that has to be one of most bizarre responses one could imagine.

      Imposing a policy for the entire country from one’s own personal beliefs is pretty much the opposite of what you wrote.

      And if there is no US Constitutional “right” to abortion, which is obviously now the case, that doesn’t arise from religious tenets, but from the constitution. Yet apparently you’d have Brandon impose limits or restrict abortion based on his personal religion. Really, you ought to think through a bit more before you post. Last I checked no religious creeds blessed slavery (though I’m sure some variant of cracker Baptist theology might have ok’d it, though no religion of general, not regional, applicability has ever so held).

      Get a clue.

        “And if there is no US Constitutional “right” to abortion, which is obviously now the case, that doesn’t arise from religious tenets, but from the constitution. Yet apparently you’d have Brandon impose limits or restrict abortion based on his personal religion.”

        Talk about spinning facts onto their heads. Brandon isn’t “imposing limits or restricting abortion” and nobody is asking him to. He is “voluntarily facilitating and paying for abortion,” despite (as you have just admitted) it not being a function delegated to the federal government in the constitution. The constitution requires the fedguv to be NEUTRAL about abortion, as a matter rightfully left to the states.

          SuddenlyHappyToBeHere in reply to henrybowman. | January 24, 2024 at 1:33 pm

          Bowman, are you able to read? Reread my comment. If you are capable of doing that you will see I did not say Brandon should impose limits on abortion.

          And you are just dead wrong about “abortion, despite (as you have just admitted) it not being a function delegated to the federal government in the constitution”. I admitted no such thing. Typical right wingnut nonsense. The RIGHT to abortion is not within the US Constitution. That is Dobbs. That is a far cry from believing that the federal government has no power to legislate or the Executive to adopt policies on the topic of abortion. Obviously at this point the Congress could pass a law outlawing abortion. It could pass a law limiting it. It could pass a law authorizing it in all circumstances.

          You do yourself no favor when you expose your poor reading skills and complete ignorance on the topi at hand.

    Given that the US is NOT a Catholic-ruled country, a President’s personal religious beliefs should not sway his policies for the entire country.

    Of course they should. If he were really a devout Catholic he would be personally convinced that abortion is a great evil, so he would welcome the Supreme Court having seen the light on this, and he would do all he could within his authority to reduce abortion’s availability. He certainly wouldn’t speak in support of it, or go out of his way to make it more available than it would otherwise be.

Good Dog Happy Man | January 23, 2024 at 11:47 am

Most sentient Americans want some reasonable time limits on “choicing”, i.e., killing , a baby.

The poor-choice pro-aborts don’t. Only a few countries in the civilized world allow abortion right until delivery,…. Lefties want to be like China, N. Korea, and Iran.