‘Death to America, Death to Israel’: Anti-Israel NYC Protesters Cheer for Houthis in Yemen
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‘Death to America, Death to Israel’: Anti-Israel NYC Protesters Cheer for Houthis in Yemen

‘Death to America, Death to Israel’: Anti-Israel NYC Protesters Cheer for Houthis in Yemen

“Yemen Yemen Make Us Proud.”

So now we have dumbs cheering for the Iran-backed Houthis, a terrorist group in Yemen.

Houthis have been targeting ships in the Red Sea, including American ships.

As these people protested, the U.S. sank Houthi ships.


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The headline makes it sound like protesters in NYC were actually saying “Death to America, Death to Israel”, which would be a new level of outrageousness even beyond anything they’d done before, and also would sound really weird in English. In Farsi “Death to X” doesn’t mean literally to kill whomever it is, it means the same as the English “Down with X”, which is also not meant literally — it doesn’t mean that whoever it is is now on the roof and should be brought down to ground level or something. In English “Down with homework” sounds like something a normal kid might say, but “Death to homework” would not; in Farsi it does sound normal, and means the same thing. So I thought that now they were saying this in English, on American streets.

But it turns out that the headline is misleading. The protesters weren’t actually saying that, in English or even in Farsi. Instead they were cheering Yemen, by which they meant not the Yemeni government but the Houthi rebels, who in turn have that slogan on their flag, presumably in Arabic rather than Farsi. I don’t know whether it’s as normal a thing to say in Arabic as it is in Farsi.

    guyjones in reply to Milhouse. | January 1, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    Fair point with regard to the translation, but, my feeling is these distinctions in meaning are irrelevant — these idiots are evincing undeniable and brazen hostility to the U.S. and to Israel — whatever phrases or lexicon they’re employing. The Houthi rebels are Iranian-funded proxy thugs, so, to have American citizens cheering on a foreign terrorist group that is attacking U.S. and allied interests, as well as commercial shipping vessels flying under the flags of sundry other countries, is outrageous and indefensible behavior.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 1, 2024 at 10:04 pm

    In Farsi “Death to X” doesn’t mean literally to kill whomever it is, it means the same as the English “Down with X”, which is also not meant literally — it doesn’t mean that whoever it is is now on the roof and should be brought down to ground level or something.


    ANd in Farsi they used to call the American hostages “guests of the ayatollah”. It’s a shame you weren’t around to explain to us all how those Americans weren’t “hostages”, with your Farsi expertise.

      Laughing at it doesn’t make it less true. Facts don’t care if you laugh at them. They’re stubborn that way. It remains a fact that “Death to America” in Farsi is not literally a death threat, while in English it would be.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 1, 2024 at 11:05 pm

        It’s not literally a death threat in English, either. It all depends on the attitude of the speaker. Language is funny that way. A kid can scream “I’ll kill you!” but that doesn’t mean that he has any intention of killing anyone. It’s a form of speech.

        But muslims are very serious in their attempts to kill non-muslims, and they all have a special hate for the West, for Israel, and for America, the most.

        Are you trying to make the laughable claim that these dirtbag Iran/Hamas fans don’t want to see America destroyed? They most certainly do and everyone (but you) knows it. They hate America. They are envious of America. They feel inferior because of the existence of America (which is about their only reasonable position)

        Personally, I don’t think you know the difference between Farsi and Fauci. Your attempt to argue away on the “finer linguistic points” of arab and muslim threats is silly. You wouldn’t last 2 days in the desert with your “understanding” of things.

          In English it is literally a death threat. It may not be a serious threat, or a “true” threat as the law defines it, but it is literally a threat of death. That’s why it sounds odd in English to denounce something by calling for its death. But “Down with” is a perfectly common English idiom that means the same thing as “Death to” does in Farsi. That is simply a fact.

          So the Houthis’ slogal is “Down with America”, and these protesters are cheering the Houthis. That’s bad enough, but it’s not as bad as if they had literally been shouting, in English, “Death to America”.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | January 2, 2024 at 1:54 am

          That’s why it sounds odd in English to denounce something by calling for its death.

          It doesn’t sound odd, at all. But you don’t seem to have much of a grasp of Persian/muslim culture if you think that they call for death metaphorically just to say “Down with!!!” I mean, really … these are people who have the father and brothers strangle the daughter to death (while mom holds the door closed so that she can’t escape) because some guy looked at her the wrong way in the market) … and then, what’s left of the family sits down for a quiet dinner to talk about how terrible Americans and Jews are and yelp “Down with USA!!” as the dessert is being served.

          It’s kind of funny how you are concentrating on individual words when we all know what these savage cultures are actually like.

          But “Down with” is a perfectly common English idiom that means the same thing as “Death to” does in Farsi.

          So … you’re saying that they are LITERALLY saying “Death to” but that they are just a bunch happy-go-lucky , friendly muslims who only really mean “Down with AMerica” or “Bad America!!” … and don’t intend to actually kill anyone … even though all they really do is fantasize about killing EVERYONE.

          And then, when you’re finished with all of these linguistic contortions, you easily transfer them onto the retarded hamas/iran/anti-American mobs, most of whom know less about any of this than just about anyone. But you are assuming their knowledge of the alleged nuances of Farsi that you have made up in your mind …

          That’s quite a piece of work. For what reason, I don’t know.

          You’re an idiot, an ignoramus, and a bigot.

          It is a fact that in Farsi “death to” is an idiom that is exactly equal to the English “down with”. Neither of those idioms is meant literally — that’s what idioms are. In English when we say “down with” something we do not mean literally that its elevation should be reduced. “Down with homework” does not mean that it should be done on the ground floor or in the basement rather than on the second floor. Nobody thinks it means that. And in exactly the same way when a Persian kid says “death to homework”, nobody thinks he means it literally, or thinks it’s an odd thing to say. That is simply a linguistic fact, which you can easily find from reasonably reliable sources on the web (e.g. Language Log and Language Hat).

          As for “the retarded hamas/iran/anti-American mobs”, the point is that they are not shouting “Death to” anyone. Not in English and not in Farsi. The misleading headline implies that they are, but the article makes it clear that they are not. So I am not “assuming their knowledge of the alleged nuances of Farsi” at all. You idiot.

          Let’s face it; when all is said and done, Milhouse, like all others of his ilk, will always employ ad hominems when his factual arguments fall apart. Sort of reminds me of a little girl I knew in kindergarten some 75 years ago.

    Hodge in reply to Milhouse. | January 2, 2024 at 9:30 am

    In English “Down with homework” sounds like something a normal kid might say, but “Death to homework” would not; in Farsi it does sound normal, and means the same thing.

    OH! So it’s perfectly okay then. Thank goodness.

Also, you’d expect a genuine rebel organization, if it’s going to have a flag with slogans on it, to have it say “Down with” or “Death to” the current ruling party against which it is rebelling, not two countries that are far away and don’t affect their country at all. That the Houthis have this slogan on their flag is odd. That the same slogan is one their Iranian sponsors use makes it more than odd. It indicates that they are not a genuine Yemeni revolutionary organization, whose primary goal is to liberate the Yemeni people from the current regime (whatever faults they may perceive in it) and govern them properly (as they see it), and who happen to be supported by Iran because they’re friendly to it, much as the US supports various friendly movements in other countries. Rather, it indicates that they are primarily an Iranian proxy, and only secondarily, if at all, a revolutionary or liberation movement for Yemenis.

    Crawford in reply to Milhouse. | January 2, 2024 at 6:19 am

    Why are you supporting terrorists and pirates? Why are you supporting people who want to kill us? They won’t spare you, no matter how much you simper.

      Milhouse in reply to Crawford. | January 2, 2024 at 7:33 am

      Another gibbering idiot heard from. Get lost, moron. You have nothing of value to contribute to this blog, or to the world in general.

      What? Did you read his comment? He’s not supporting them in the least, right? What exact part of his comment makes you think that? I’m asking seriously because I don’t get this comment at all.

Time to check their citizenship status. If they were born here make them an offer of a one way, first class seat to yemen.

This is what happens when your goal is to import people who hate America. Is anyone really surprised?

    Milhouse in reply to dging. | January 2, 2024 at 7:35 am

    Nobody has that goal. You have made the mistake of starting to believe your own stupid slogans.

      inspectorudy in reply to Milhouse. | January 2, 2024 at 4:13 pm

      Have you read what Islam stands for? You do know of course, that they say they will conquer the West and we will be their slaves and pay homage to them as infidels. They don’t hide it, it’s out front in their quest to rule the world. Their sharia law is incompatible with a free society yet we allow them to migrate here. To me, it doesn’t make any difference what their stupid slogan means because we know what their stupid religion means.

        Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | January 3, 2024 at 1:07 am

        Irrelevant. Nobody has the goal of importing people who hate America. Claims that someone does have that goal are pure sloganeering, and it’s a big mistake to believe your own slogans.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 1, 2024 at 10:42 pm

These despicable lowlifes have no business being in America. They have no business being in the West, or in any civilized society. They are destroyers of civilization.

Rabid animals.

All of those idiots should be given one way tickets to go spend time with the people they seem to admire so much. Odds are, many of them wouldn’t live long enough to even request a ride back home.

And who is behind these well-organized protests? Follow the money.
Are we witnessing a rise in new BLM/antifa/OWLs, etc. who will be used to foment violence and unrest in an election year?

Steven Brizel | January 2, 2024 at 8:52 am

These people are advocatinng nothing less than death and danger to American personnel and citizens and should be arrested for treason, and those who are not American citizens deported

Steven Brizel | January 2, 2024 at 8:53 am

Last Thursday I saw a mob of these protesters gather in Times Square -they looked like the same rioters who rioted in 2020-woke and mostly Caucasian males and females

It is going to take the political will to arrest these folks, run a background and hold anyone with an active warrant and send those with a Visa overstay or who are otherwise unlawfully present for deportation. Of the reminder start giving out max but 90% suspended sentences. If they get picked up again for illegal demonstrations or whatever then apply the suspended sentence, imprison them while awaiting trial for the new violation.

I increasingly wonder if the Democratic National Convention this year could be like 1968 and really turn people off.

    CommoChief in reply to jb4. | January 2, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    The d/prog nominating convention gonna be lit AF. That’s before any theories of a replacement candidate. Just the breakdown among the fragile coalition of grifting, grievance hustlers demanding more spoils for their group ID swill be entertaining to watch.

So now I am to believe that “Death to America” shouted on the streets of America does not really mean “Death to America”? Even I am not that stupid. Does an Arab throwing a shoe at someone now mean LOL? No!

    Milhouse in reply to kjon. | January 3, 2024 at 1:10 am

    You idiot. “Death to America” was NOT shouted on the streets of America. That was the whole point of my comment. Did you not bother to read it before criticizing it? The headline that implies it was so shouted is wrong, and is contradicted by the text.