Biden Invites Texas Woman Who Sued for an Abortion and Lost to State of the Union

Our “devout Catholic” President Joe Biden invited the woman who sued Texas for an abortion and lost to the State of the Union.

Kill your baby and meet the “devout Catholic” president!

The Bidens THANKED Katie Cox for taking on the “extreme abortion ban.”

I wrote about Cox before.

Cox was pregnant with her third baby. The doctors told her and her husband the baby had Trisomy 18.

Cox’s life was not in danger. Trisomy 18 is not a 100% guaranteed death sentence.

The Texas courts all told Cox no because, as I said, her life was not in danger. But by the time the Texas Supreme Court denied Cox, she already left the state and had one.

Cox and her lawyer claimed her life was “deteriorating” and went in and out of the hospital.

Obviously, physicians didn’t think her life was in danger even though she leaked amniotic fluid. It could lead to life-threatening complications…if you don’t take proper precautions:

If you leak amniotic fluid and your membranes rupture earlier than 37 weeks, and your practitioner determines it’s too soon for your baby to be safely delivered, you’ll most likely receive antibiotics to ward off infection and may need to be hospitalized.You’ll also likely get a dose of steroids to help your baby’s lungs quickly mature for an early delivery. Depending on how early you deliver, your baby may need to be in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for some time before coming home.

So don’t use infections and sepsis as an excuse. Modern medicine can help you with this.

For crying out loud, all pregnancies carry risks, even if you and the baby are 100% healthy.

There is so much I want to say, but I don’t like revealing personal information. Just know that someone I know very close to me who had a horrific pregnancy. The birth of the child was just as bad.

Cox was 20 weeks pregnant. It’s rare, but they could have done an emergency C-section.

All I see are excuses.

It sounds like someone used her situation to become the new “Roe.”

The “devout Catholic” president announced on the Roe v. Wade anniversary that he wants his administration to “strengthen access” to abortions and contraception.

Vice President Kamala Harris is on an abortion celebration rally tour. The lady said abortion is “an integral part of the country’s tradition of personal liberty.”

THE LIES. A miscarriage is not an abortion:

“In America, freedom is not to be given. It is not to be bestowed. It is ours by right,” she said. “And that includes the freedom to make decisions about one’s own body — not the government telling you what to do.”Harris shared stories of women who have miscarried in toilets or developed sepsis because they were denied help by doctors concerned about violating abortion restrictions.“This is, in fact, a healthcare crisis,” she said. “And there is nothing about this that is hypothetical.”Wisconsin faces an ongoing legal battle over abortion. When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Republicans argued that an 1849 law that was still on the books would effectively ban the procedure except in situations where a mother’s life was at risk.“These extremists want to roll back the clock to a time before women were treated as full citizens,” Harris said.Um, the Declaration of Independence says, “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Our creator provided us with those unalienable rights, woman, including LIFE.

Tags: Abortion, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, Texas