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Anti-Israel Terrorist Supporters Breach White House Security Fence, Staffers ‘Relocated’

Anti-Israel Terrorist Supporters Breach White House Security Fence, Staffers ‘Relocated’

Pathetically, no one was arrested. Democrats are playing a dangerous game with these people. The more this is allowed, the worse it is going to get.

In November, unhinged anti-Israel protesters descended upon the White House and assaulted the gate, seemingly attempting to breach it. This weekend, a similar mob did the same thing.

The only good news is that their numbers weren’t as great as many expected. They promoted this pretty hard.

Of course, Joe Biden wasn’t there because it is the weekend, after all. But the staffers who were in the building were relocated for their safety.

FOX News reports:

White House staff ‘relocated’ after pro-Palestinian rioters damage anti-scale fencing, hurl objects at cops

Anti-Israel protesters and rioters gathered outside the White House on Saturday night, with some demonstrators damaging security fencing and hurling objects at police.

The demonstrators were heard chanting “Ceasefire Now” and “Free, Free Palestine,” with many waving Palestinian flags. “Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,” was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News Digital that some fences were damaged outside the White House, and that staff members and journalists were “relocated” as a result. The White House also said on Saturday that President Biden is currently at Camp David.

“During the demonstration near the White House complex Jan. 13, a portion of the anti-scale fencing that was erected for the event sustained temporary damage,” the statement read. “The issues were promptly repaired on site by U.S. Secret Service support teams.”

“As a precaution, some members of the media and staff in proximity to Pennsylvania Avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue was being addressed,” the statement continued. “The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march and there was no property damage to the White House or adjacent buildings.”

This is not a protest. It’s a dangerous mob.

Of course, no one was arrested.

What happens when one of these mobs finally manages to get through the fence and charges the White House? It’s a serious question. Would the Secret Service or other security personnel open fire?

Democrats are playing a dangerous game with these people. The more this is allowed, the worse it is going to get.

Featured image via YouTube.


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So if they have now breached a security fence of the white house, its no longer free speech, it would be “insurrection” according to dems.

Double standards much?

    Hodge in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 10:42 am

    I don’t want to seem rude, but I am rather shocked that you can’t see the obvious difference between this protest and the 6 January insurrection.

    This took place on 13 January, duh.

    Ironclaw in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 11:56 am

    Didn’t you know that it’s different when it’s terrorist-supporting communists?

    JOHN B in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    The White House released a statement saying: ” The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march …”

    Is that supposed to make us feel better? Because if the Biden people didn’t arrest anybody, we know that nothing bad actually happened.

    guyjones in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    No double-standard — this was a “mostly peaceful” fence breach.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 4:31 pm

    The current dispensation, which is getting stronger by the day, is that if the group “protesting” is anti-American, anti-Constitution, and/or anti-Western Civilization; regardless of ANYTHING that they do to persons or property it will not be deemed a crime. The dance is beginning.

    What happens when one of these mobs finally manages to get through the fence and charges the White House? It’s a serious question. Would the Secret Service or other security personnel open fire?,

    Any SS or other personnel who open fire will be prosecuted beyond the full extent of the law. Mind you, I expect that at least the first time some few may fire over their heads [which will not save them]; which may stop that particular mob riot. But not those which follow.

    Subotai Bahadur

    thalesofmiletus in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    With Joe Biden cowering the basement like a scared little sh!t.

    BLSinSC in reply to smooth. | January 16, 2024 at 8:49 am

    partly true! Now the biden “doj” has stated they would track down everyone who was around the Capitol and arrest them – not just the ones who went in! Given that and the metadata VOLUNTEERED by the telecoms, shouldn’t everyone with a cell ping now be arrested for their ATTACK – ASSAULT on the White House??? One thing the DEMOcrats(HYPOCRITES) seem to forget, or just ignore, is STATUTE of LIMITATIONS!! If PRESIDENT TRUMP manages to escape all the illegal persecution and vote fraud AND installs an AG who takes this stuff SERIOUSLY, there should be MASS ARRESTS at 3 AM (why 3 and not 4? because we don’t lolly gag around)!!

The Gentle Grizzly | January 14, 2024 at 10:16 am

And, why were they not mown (mowed) down in a hail of automatic weapon fire? One Joe Blow would be so treated. Why the soft-peddling? Or, is this another rent-a-mob show put on by the Fibbies?

The biggest mistake J6ers made was not wearing burkas that the protesters who are storming the country in support of Hamas are. Their eyes are barely visible. Even if the FBI was so inclined to scour security footage for years as they’ve done against the J6 protestors hoping to identify the criminals (and they’re not), the thugs are dressed in such a way as to be unidentifiable. This is a lesson that should not go unlearned.

    BLSinSC in reply to TargaGTS. | January 16, 2024 at 8:51 am

    I’ve suggested before to just spray them with some kind of semi-permanent dye and then arrest the “pinko’s” later!!

Our nation is descending into chaos. Buy ammo, food and water.

Do the calls for ceasefire include returning the severed breasts to their rightful owners?

Yorktown Heights | January 14, 2024 at 10:35 am

Where is good ok Tucker Carlson to weigh in with a really helpful opinion

It’s Woke-topia. The anti-Israel protesters are all solid Dem supporters and/or voters. I think the RNC should go into the crowd with free coffee, bullhorns and fireworks in order to facilitate expression of their 1st A rights on the WH grounds. How could Biden’s woke staff not appreciate that? C’mon man!

Are there any examples in history of muslims successfully assimilating or integrating into western cultures? Anything more than 1% of the population?

India is 1/3 muslim but not considered “western” culture.

    Paul in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 10:49 am

    And neither are the Muslims in India ‘assimilated.’ There are regular outbreaks of religiously-based terror attacks. And then there is the fact that India and Pakistan were actually formed by dividing the Hindu from the Muslim, and there is a constant threat of war between them.

      smooth in reply to Paul. | January 14, 2024 at 10:59 am

      But india and pakistan are commonwealth countries and play cricket to resolve disputes now, right? Maintaining the woke progressive leftie narrative.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to Paul. | January 14, 2024 at 12:26 pm

      In other words population transfer & ethnic cleansing – the very things Pakistan & Bangladesh love to accuse Israel of doing— but on a massively larger scale.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 10:59 am

    The large Muslim immigrant communities in many American cities are doing just fine. Working, paying taxes, sending their kids to school, etc. I know, crazy. How do they find the time in between all of their suicide bombings and jihad planning conniving to take down you and all the other upstanding white Christian soldiers that make America what it is.

      Tell it to the christians in armenia.

      Tell it to the christians in nigeria.

      Tell it to the christians in France

      randian in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 11:45 am

      Tell it to the Copts in Egypt.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 12:02 pm

      The truth is that America will have expel undesirables, these violent protesters expelled. They will continue to act up.

      They will not assimilate, just like so many other places around the world. The truth is that barbarians are inside the gates.

      They were laying low until now.

      We have 1400 years worth of evidence that Muslims are unworthy of trust or respect.

      “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

      Originally written by George Santayana and rephrased by Winston Churchill: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it” (Santayana) and “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” (Churchill).

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 14, 2024 at 12:31 pm

        Didn’t he also say “You’ve got to change your evil ways…You’ve got me runnin’ and hidin’ all over town
        You’ve got me sneakin’ and a peepin’ and runnin’ you down
        This can’t go on
        Lord knows, you’ve got to change,”

      guyjones in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 1:05 pm

      Where was the staunch condemnation of Hamas’s genocidal murders, rapes and atrocities from Muslims in the U.S.? There was none. Where were the counter-protests and counter-statements to the obnoxious marches, bridge and tunnel blocking and other intimidation tactics of pro-Hamas Muslims? There was none. Instead, you have the leader of the vile CAIR organization — farcically styling itself as an alleged Muslim civil rights organization — openly and brazenly saying that he welcomed the 10/7 attacks and that they made him happy.

      That says it all about how pervasive Jew-hate and Israel-hate is among supposedly secular, westernized Muslims in the U.S., and, how utterly malignant is their practice of the intrinsically supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission.”

      guyjones in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 1:10 pm

      Spoken like an indoctrinated and dim-witted fool, “Thad.” A true, useful idiot dhimmi.

      Your overwrought and heavy-handed sarcasm falls flat, and instead betrays the intrinsic stupidity of your comment.

      Your witless contention is that there are some peaceable Muslims in the U.S.; ergo, there is absolutely nothing to criticize and nothing to be concerned about with regard to their supremacist, misogynist, belligerent and hateful ideology, and, the pervasiveness of Jew-hate and Israel-hate being expressed by a substantial number of Muslims in these agitprop acts of bullying, intimidate and thuggery.

      Such utterly infantile and stupid “logic.”

      Crawford in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 3:04 pm

      Tell that to the girls in Rotherham.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Thad Jarvis. | January 14, 2024 at 4:33 pm

      Tell it to Lebanese christians and druze.

I’m hearing that the UN International Court of Justice is preparing to bring charge of genocide.

Against the United States.

For those fences.

Lefties say southern border fence is “racist”. But white house fence is necessary?

I’m old enough to remember when nobody in America marched on Washington to defend

rapists (of Americans and others),
murderers (of Americans and others),
and those who hold hostages (from U.S. and elsewhere)

We in the West seem to have a mental block about accepting these protestors for who they are telling us that in fact they are.

Perhaps Israel will take advantage of Biden’s border policies and sneak some defenders in to dispatch them

thalesofmiletus | January 14, 2024 at 11:24 am

Why didn’t the guards invite them in and give them a guided tour this time?

    You’d expect this crowd to stay within the velvet ropes?

      thalesofmiletus in reply to alien. | January 14, 2024 at 5:36 pm

      Of course not — ths crowd would jump the ropes the smash the statues. If you invite the crowd knowing they’re going to stay within the velvet ropes, you know they’re also not going to overthrow the government, therefore, not an insurrection.

It was a mostly peaceful demonstration, sort of

The more this is allowed, the worse it is going to get.

Just as planned. Create a crisis and then offer a solution. My bet is that the Democrats know that Republicans won’t be suckered into another Jan 6, so instead foment riots and such that can be used as pretext for election “reforms” that coincidentally make the Democrats electorally unassailable.

All these agitprop antics are a result of the current emboldened state of vile and brazen Muslim supremacists in the U.S., and, their Dhimmi-crat supporters and enablers.

Don’t look for any Dhimmi-crat politicians to criticize the fascistic bullying, intimidation and violent tactics of these goose-stepping, Islamofascist thugs.

All of these incidents of property destruction, blocking of bridges, tunnels and airports, etc., by thuggish Muslim supremacists are plainly intended to be an assertion of their alleged power.

This is the face of Islamic supremacism and totalitarianism, bared in all its evil and ugliness. Europe has been dealing with this cancer for decades, and, now, decades of persistent and indefensible obsquiousness, myopic Islamophilia and idiotic dhimmitude in the U.S. have produced a similar result.

Illegals freely enter the country via the southern border without problems.
Mobs can attack the White House grounds without consequences.
“Protesters’ can disrupt traffic for hours without consequences. Hordes of thieves can ransack and loot stores of thousands of dollars of goods, without fear of consequences. Witnesses are called before congress and either lie or refuse to answer. Without consequences.

A message is being sent loudly and clearly. The powers that be have no desire to uphold the rule of law. The country is broken. How long before some frustrated otherwise law abiding citizen says, enough and takes matters into his hands?

I stick with my prediction that the Democratic National Convention could be like 1968 – and ultra rich member of the oppressed class, Michelle, may emerge from her Climate Change challenged beachfront cottage on Martha’s Vineyard to save the day. If the war in Gaza is still going on, I would bet money on a 1968 style mess, although I doubt the war lasts that long.

I encourage these Muslim supremacist bullies and Islamofascist thugs to continue to engage in their obnoxious and destructive agitprop antics in Chicago, during the Dhimmi-crat National Convention. Show the U.S. that the ideology of “Submission” is intrinsically supremacist, fascistic, totalitarian, intolerant, bullying, violent and malignant, and, is plainly at odds with secular, democratic norms and the values of the Enlightenment.

smalltownoklahoman | January 14, 2024 at 1:57 pm

A violent mob of anti Israel, anti America thugs descends on the White House and practically nothing is done about it: great job Dims!

Jan 6

There’s every reason to believe that Jewish girls are being raped every day in those tunnels in accordance with sharia

And people are calling for cease fire?

And the UN is at The Hague wearing robes and pontificating?

And South Africa talks and blabbers

And Pelosi and a o c and jayapal and omar and Liz Warren and Hillary and Michelle Obama

Not a peep from Taylor swift
Not a peep from our VP’s stepdaughter

BierceAmbrose | January 14, 2024 at 4:24 pm

Is this internal extremist terrorism, or insurrection? I get confused.

So ‘mostly peaceful’ protests are back in vogue in DC after a hiatus on J6 when they were bad. Good to know.

India is 1/3 muslim but not considered “western” culture.

Toss a ticked off skunk into the mob and watch them scatter. There’s nothing like the sweet essence of polecat to make people leave, and those shreds of damp rag in front of their faces will make it even better. The aroma stays in the nose, skin, and clothes for a long time.

William Downey | January 15, 2024 at 9:19 am

Break into the White House grounds, and no one is arrested.

Trespass on the Capitol grounds or be in the vicinity, and you’re an insurrectionist. You’re hunted down by the FBI and arrested by SWAT teams.

If one supports genocidal terrorists, one’s actions are OK.

Protest an election, and you’re an insurrectionist and domestic terrorist.

When the British surrendered at Yorktown, it has been reported that the song played by the Red Coats was ‘The World Turned Upside Down.’ It seems appropriate for this period in the history of the United States.