Anti-Israel Protestors Make Pig Noises to Mock San Francisco Jewish Man Who Lost Family Members on October 7

The anti-Israel and anti-Jewish dumbs mocked a Jewish man who told the crowd at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting about how he lost five family members on October 7.

His family no longer feels safe in San Francisco, either.

Transcript below the tweet:


Five members of my immediate family who used to come visit me in San Francisco were murdered at Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7th. Two of those family members, this is my first cousins, were taken hostage, Noga and Shiri Weiss, and they were realsed as part of that second day of the release of hostages.And I can tell you that this resolution does one thing. It fuels antisemitism and hatred, as exemplified in this room right now. Listen to the pig noises! And everything else is pure antisemitism.And I have never. since I moved to San Francisco, seen this kind of hatred against a minority group ever. A public demonstration of hate against a minority group.If you replace a Jew with any other minority, it would be unacceptable. But look at the behavior just in this room. And this is what it’s like through the rest of the city.My kids and I do not feel safe in San Francisco. And this resolution simply does advertisement and PR around the world and around this country in this city for that.Lie and rape is not resistance.Rape is not resistance.

Tags: Antisemitism, California, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, San Francisco