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Anti-Israel Protestors Make Pig Noises to Mock San Francisco Jewish Man Who Lost Family Members on October 7

Anti-Israel Protestors Make Pig Noises to Mock San Francisco Jewish Man Who Lost Family Members on October 7

“And I can tell you that this resolution does one thing. It fuels antisemitism and hatred, as exemplified in this room right now. Listen to the pig noises!”

The anti-Israel and anti-Jewish dumbs mocked a Jewish man who told the crowd at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting about how he lost five family members on October 7.

His family no longer feels safe in San Francisco, either.

Transcript below the tweet:


Five members of my immediate family who used to come visit me in San Francisco were murdered at Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7th. Two of those family members, this is my first cousins, were taken hostage, Noga and Shiri Weiss, and they were realsed as part of that second day of the release of hostages.

And I can tell you that this resolution does one thing. It fuels antisemitism and hatred, as exemplified in this room right now. Listen to the pig noises! And everything else is pure antisemitism.

And I have never. since I moved to San Francisco, seen this kind of hatred against a minority group ever. A public demonstration of hate against a minority group.

If you replace a Jew with any other minority, it would be unacceptable. But look at the behavior just in this room. And this is what it’s like through the rest of the city.

My kids and I do not feel safe in San Francisco. And this resolution simply does advertisement and PR around the world and around this country in this city for that.

Lie and rape is not resistance.

Rape is not resistance.


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Why would they make pig noises at a Jew with the same mouth that curses the Subway patron that chooses ham and bacon on his sandwich?
Tolerace must be why.

    Remember Nikki Haley thought it was a good idea for America to import 1,000,000 Palestinian Gazans. What could go wrong with that?

    That is an idea I would have expected from Rachel Corrie, but she is unavailable for comment right now.

Tough crowd. But it’s just a refusal of a claim to empathy. We have our own empathy claim.

Can’t fault him for speaking, but trying to talk to and reason with today’s leftists is an exercise in futility. These people are so far gone that they are beyond reason, or help.

    ChrisPeters in reply to SField. | January 12, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    They are so far gone . . . but they never go!

    These Leftists hate the country, but they refuse to leave.

      I’ve asked many of them why they just don’t simply leave. They will give you a look like you are suddenly speaking some unknown language. It doesn’t occur to them that they are free to make new plans, pack up, and leave for a better place.

      I used to live in a state that unfortunately became a leftist hellhole. Instead of sitting around whining and “demonstrating”, I packed up and left for a state more in line with my values and way of life.

      Leftists have an ingrained sense of helplessness. I’d pity them if they weren’t such a bunch of insufferable assholes.

      gonzotx in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 12, 2024 at 6:34 pm

      We must “encourage ” them to leave..

      chrisboltssr in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 12, 2024 at 6:45 pm

      They will never leave because their reason for existence is to destroy the country, by any means necessary.

      Theirs is a movement of sheer evil.

SF votes 90% dem. Now you see how lefties really are.

    TargaGTS in reply to smooth. | January 12, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Trump actually received almost 13% of the vote in San Francisco in 2020. That sounds horrible…until you realize he did 2x as well in San Fransisco than he did in our Nation’s capital, DC. Trump didn’t even win 6% of the vote in DC.

    I have no idea how any court could say that it’s possible that a jury pool like that can offer anything resembling a fair trial to Trump.

      henrybowman in reply to TargaGTS. | January 13, 2024 at 5:46 pm

      It can be no other way. To paraphrase General Electric’s 1950s motto, “Government is our product — our only product.” If it wasn’t for revenue generated by governing, pretty much all of the people who live there would already be dead.

      I can’t think of a single entity headquartered in DC that produces tangibles that people actually want — the Bureau of Printing & Engraving doesn’t count, and won’t be a correct answer in five years anyway. They have stores full of cheap (and exotic) booze, but not a single distillery. They have streets full of guns, but not a single gun store, much less a factory.

      It’s a city full of people who get rich by dipping their hands in other people’s pockets. The founders wisely denied them representation in Congress, and the privilege of voting, even for their own city government. It should have stayed that way — not that it matters, since any even-slightly fat cat who works in DC lives safely outside it anyway.

I am sorry for him and his family and all of Israel.

Pales and their supporters are ignorant and deranged.

I suggest dubbing recording of pigs being slaughtered in video of Hamas and their supporters being slaughtered, cremating all their bodies and telling their families they were drenched in pig’s blood.

They like propaganda, give them a good dose of it.

    Not your usual suggestion of lighting ’em up with a nuke or two? Maybe a neutron bomb or thermobaric weapon detonation to “demonstrate” a point?

      JohnSmith100 in reply to alien. | January 12, 2024 at 7:06 pm

      The underlying point is that the punishment has to be server enough to make the opponent change their ways. Arabs, Muslims have shown us that they have not learned anything from the current levels of punishment. That means we need to hit the harder.

      I have worked with may very smart Jews, they are an asset for all of humanity, that is virtually impossible to find in the Muslim population. In other words they are completely expendable.

        Again — your problem is that you don’t think. You assume that other cultures and religions share common values and will respond to Western thought and reason.

        They don’t, and won’t. Your “strategy” will only lead to constant escalation until you reach extermination. You paint with a broad brush and begin with basic fallacies about human nature and the differences among peoples.

        “…that is virtually impossible to find in the Muslim population. In other words they are completely expendable.”

        And there it is — you’re the one in favor of genocide.

        I wonder if their view of

          alaskabob in reply to alien. | January 12, 2024 at 10:09 pm

          Being “kind” to them only reinforces dhimmitude. Looking at history…. Val the Impaler and Martel were not kind and won. For an ideology rooted in violence, extermination means the earth will not be Allah’s and there is a point where even they will stop.

          The truly radicalized Muslim does not what to subordinate the world by force. The fundamental Muslim does.

          mailman in reply to alien. | January 13, 2024 at 4:13 am

          “ Your “strategy” will only lead to constant escalation until you reach extermination.”

          I believe your terms are acceptable.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 12, 2024 at 8:30 pm

        “Your “strategy” will only lead to constant escalation until you reach extermination.”

        They do not have the means to exterminate all Americans, we do have the means to exterminate them if they insist on that outcome. Their choice.

        And then there is the issue of dealing with actual domestic terrorists, as in Arab terrorists who are working up their nerve.

          “They do not have the means to exterminate all Americans …”

          That’s not what I said. Read it again.

          “…we do have the means to exterminate them if they insist on that outcome. Their choice.”

          No, it’s the ones performing genocide that are making that choice.
          That’s the moral equivalent to the Nazis claiming that the Jews who were exterminated during the Holocaust “insisted on that outcome.”

          And you’re one of those who are advocating for it.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 12, 2024 at 10:03 pm

          “Your “strategy” will only lead to constant escalation until you reach extermination.”

          Jews were not the aggressors, Pales were. And that is why they deserve punishment, enough punishment that they no longer have a taste for terror. In my opinion that will require termination of all terrorists and those who support them.

    You are beyond disgusting. I suggest dubbing the burial of your dead body with pigs being slaughtered in a video of you and your supporters being slaughtered, cremating all of you and their bodies and telling their families they were drenched in pig’s blood. That’s what you deserve. But that would be insulting to racist pigs.

      alien in reply to JR. | January 12, 2024 at 6:34 pm

      And JR knows all about racist pigs.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | January 12, 2024 at 7:11 pm

      JR, can’t you come up with anything original? Gee, you are copying me, you must be desperate:} Tell me how you have compassion for Jews, after that I might have compassion for what is left of Pales.

I wonder if his experience will result in this Jewish man voting in the future for a non-Dem?

    mailman in reply to Q. | January 13, 2024 at 4:14 am

    I believe the answer will be no.

    Like blacks, Jews cannot get themselves off the Democrat plantation.

I am beyond disgusted by this. where are the Democrats who should be calling out this behavior? I’m beginning to believe that saying about scratching a liberal, find a Nazi

    henrybowman in reply to rochf. | January 13, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    The constant media drumbeat that Israel is an aggressor too (or, depending on the outlet, the original/only aggressor) absolves Democrats from having to defend their moral choice.

You get what you vote for.

I’d almost feel sorry for him if it not for the fact that he hasn’t been paying attention. He thought he was one of the “in” crowd. He though the “good” progressives would have his back. He didn’t understand he was just a useful idiot to them and they’d turn on him in a second. Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc… are only useful to white progressives as long as they know their place. Once they step out from the group and dare to criticize them, it’s over.

    guyjones in reply to Sanddog. | January 14, 2024 at 5:16 am

    Do you know this gentleman’s personal political beliefs and loyalties? You have no basis upon which to assume that he votes Dhimmi-crat, other than his Jewish faith. I find that assumption unfair and distateful.

    And, at the end of the day, his political leanings are irrelevant — nobody deserves to be treated in this manner.

The pro-Palestinian demonstrations throughout the western world have clearly been coordinated and well financed. Qatar is apparently very, very rich. They’ve bought the left. These “useful tools” are demonstrating in support of rape, murder, and infanticide. Incredible. They are as blood soaked as the Gazans who cheered their sons and brothers on to even greater atrocities. Yeah, sanFran, you deserve what you support.

The animal noises are what animals make. It seems very apropos in this case.

Isn’t it amazing how the media never shows you the face of real racism?

Lucifer Morningstar | January 13, 2024 at 7:48 am

What I find disheartening and disgusting is that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors allowed those people in to stand behind the man to begin with and even worse allowed them to make pig noises as he gave his statement to the Board. They should have been immediately removed the minute they started their shenanigans. But there we go and here we are.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | January 13, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    In-group / out-group; this is how they roll.

    Some people are held to the pretense of civil engagement, while some engagement is given the pretense of civility.