Anti-Israel Protesters Shut Down California State Assembly Session in Sacramento

Biden’s Valley Forge address, which kicked off his 2024 presidential campaign, included insults and smears of former President Donald Trump and Trump voters . . . with many hyperbolic references to the January 6th “insurrection.”

Applying the new definitions being used by Team Biden, I would argue that the work of the California Assembly was halted by a group of insurrectionists earlier this week.

On the day California lawmakers returned to Sacramento for the new year, hundreds of protesters convened at the state Capitol on Wednesday and shut down the Assembly with calls for Israel to stop its war against Hamas.Legislators filed out of the Assembly chamber as at least 250 demonstrators chanted, “Cease fire now.” Filling the Capitol rotunda, protesters unfurled a banner stating “No U.S. Funding for Israel’s Genocide in Palestine” and made paper flowers representing more than 22,000 Palestinians killed in the war that began after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking 240 others hostage.“We hear them, we support them, however we have to make sure that the legislative business is done for the entire state of California,” Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) said as the demonstrators’ chants echoed throughout the halls.“This just stopped what we needed to do,” he said.

Now I have to chuckle at the description of the protesters, as the media endeavors to shape the narrative about who was protesting. Demonstrators cannot be labelled as “Pro-Hamas”, “Pro-Palestine” or “Anti-Israel” in the wake of the atrocities of October 7th. I guess “Pro-Ceasefire” is the next best choice.

They milled around the state Rotunda, similar to what the J6 protesters did.

Dozens of protesters remained after the Assembly shut off the lights, and stayed chanting after reporters, staffers and lawmakers were cleared from the chamber. Outside, more than 100 protesters filled the Capitol rotunda, where they spread a large banner over the ground mourning people killed in Gaza. Protesters kneeled in concentric circles around the banner, folding black and red poppies out of tissue paper to symbolize lives lost.Hundreds of people had planned to participate in the demonstrations, and had planned for “mass arrests,” said Jewish Voice for Peace spokesperson Liv Kunins-Berkowitz. Several hours into the protest, no one had been arrested, she said.

I am looking forward to the arrests, show trials, harsh penalties, and condemnation by Biden.

But I am mindful of the fact I must adjust my expectations due to the fact the Biden is the figurehead for the most irony-rich presidency in history.

However, for Trump supporters, there may be an upside.

The Sacramento protesters seem far more organized and less grass roots than those at the J6 demonstrations.

It appears certain Assembly members were targeted for harassment.

I anticipate more of these demonstrations in the months leading up to the general election, especially given how organized this action was. The subject may vary, but the tactics will not.

Tags: Biden Administration, California, California Legislature, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Media Bias