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Analysis Finds Denial of the October 7 Massacre on Social Media Platforms Began Almost Immediately

Analysis Finds Denial of the October 7 Massacre on Social Media Platforms Began Almost Immediately

“The central role that social media played during the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians is historic and unique.”

As soon as the day after the attacks, some social media influencers were spreading denial of the events.

From CyberWell:

Ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2024, CyberWell analyzed one of the latest trending phenomena in online Jew-hatred – denying the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023. The Holocaust and the October 7 massacre are two distinct historical events and CyberWell cautions against conflating the two without appropriate context and nuance. However, aside from purposeful violent targeting and mass murder of the Jewish minority, the two events share another commonality – propagation of the denial of the occurrence and scope of both events being leveraged to promote Jew-hatred. Whereas Holocaust denial at its height was limited to fringe academic circles and extremist hate groups who gained a limited following through traditional media, conferences, and papers, today social media platforms provide an algorithmically enhanced stage to disseminate the antisemitic narrative of October 7 denial directly into the mainstream from a select few influential accounts.

According to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, a globally recognized consensus definition, Holocaust denial and distortion is antisemitism. Often this takes the form of claiming that Jews invented the Holocaust to gain sympathies for the establishment of the State of Israel.

On October 7 mass atrocities were committed by Hamas terrorists against the Jewish people in Israel. These atrocities were fueled by Hamas’ expressed charter to wage a holy battle against the Jews. Hamas’ charter was updated in 2017, replacing the word “Jews” with “Zionists”; however, it maintained the position of being engaged in a holy war against the “Zionist project”, describing it as the enemy of the Arab and Islamic nations. Furthermore, Hamas leaders have continuously evoked virulent, hateful, and violent statements against the Jewish people in public and through religious statements.

The central role that social media played during the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians is historic and unique. First, Hamas terrorists harnessed social media as a vehicle of psychological torture, live-streaming their brutal attack. Second, Hamas terrorists and their sympathizers exploited social media as a mass misinformation and disinformation machine, amplifying claims that deny the reality of the atrocities and asserting that victims, survivors, and first responders are lying or exaggerating their experiences.

Read the whole thing.


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It’s almost like the left have these reactions pre-scripted, pre-casted, and ready to roll when events occur.

    Dimsdale in reply to Halcyon Daze. | January 24, 2024 at 9:22 am

    How very accurately conspiracy minded of you!

    To paraphrase Groucho Marx on paranoia, just because you see (obvious) conspiracies doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

    henrybowman in reply to Halcyon Daze. | January 24, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    You mean, like the 100-page gun-control bills that magically appear the day after a mass murder, and contain only prohibitions that have absolutely no relation to anything that would have affected what just occurred?

Never forget to remind the Hamas lickers demanding a cease fire that one was in place and functioning on October 6th…..

The Duke d’Escargot | January 24, 2024 at 1:11 pm

And the college professors go “I can understand mass cold-blooded murder , and I can understand raping and mutilating 20-year-old girls at a dance rally for peace (I mean honestly who hasn’t cut the breasts of somebody you’re raping , right?)

“And live-streaming it. Who hasn’t ever live-streamed a mass murder or two, a mass rape-fest or two

“BUT!!! exaggerating casualties? That’s just a thing I simply cannot imagine that youall might do

“And pre-planning this whole public relations effort — blocking the highways, the bridges, the bus and train stations, the US Capitol — I just cannot conceive that such hysterics and dramatics could have possibly been preplanned.

“I mean, that would really not be very nice.

“Now oops I have a Pilates class I must get to. I don’t want to be late. I love Pilates don’t you? Ya think it might snow tonight?”

The Holocaust and the October 7 massacre are two distinct historical events and CyberWell cautions against conflating the two without appropriate context and nuance.

Not really. The Arab war on the Jews is part of the Holocaust, a part that never stopped when the rest of it did. The Arabs, especially the “Palestinians”, were Hitler’s allies, and when Hitler was defeated they just kept going. And Hamas in particular is part of the Moslem Brotherhood, which was consciously patterned on the National Socialist German Workers Party. They’re not nearly as powerful as he was (yet), so they’re (thus far) unable to do things on the scale he did, but there can be no doubt that they would if given the opportunity.

Would the goblins social=media broadcasting their, um, activities from their gopros be mis-, dis-, or mal- information.

I’m going with “mal-“, as in true but inconvenient.