‘We’re Not Last in Line’: Chicago Mayor Blasted by Black Community for Favoring Illegal Immigrants
“Also, the West Side and the South Side Black communities have been earmarked for having funds – never seen it. We’re still waiting those funds to come into those communities.”

The Chicago City Council canceled a vote on a resolution allowing residents to vote on the city’s sanctuary status.
The councilors canceled the vote after the black community tore into Mayor Brandon Johnson and the councilors.
Oh, it’s glorious. I guess they’re MAGA white supremacist Republicans, right, Johnson?
I guess the comments swayed the councilors to cancel the vote. The Chicago Tribune doesn’t even mention the outrage from the community.
Lauren Lawrence is one native Chicagoan who berated Johnson:
Lauren Lawrence, a woman who described herself as a Chicago native, born and raised in the city, said she witnessed a “transition as if a lot of people are not important here.”
“I’m not for the sanctuary city, and the reason why I’m not for the sanctuary city is because people have waited years to come in here legally,” she said. “Not just transported on these buses, dropped off in our neighborhood, raise of crime, almost got hit several times just making it down here today. And this is ludicrous. There should not be two sets of laws.”
“Also, the West Side and the South Side Black communities have been earmarked for having funds – never seen it. We’re still waiting those funds to come into those communities,” she continued, taking aim at the new mayor, who just assumed office in May, replacing former Mayor Lori Lighfoot.
“Brandon Johnson, many people stood behind you. They feel let down, because the day you came into office, which I believe was May 15, you already had signed an executive order,” Lawrence said Thursday, referencing Johnson’s Day One order establishing a “deputy mayor for immigrant, migrant and refugee rights.”
The May 15 order instructs all city department heads to take direction from the new deputy mayor “to ensure the efficacy of Chicago’s status as a welcoming and sanctuary city.”
“Now, whether it came from Gov.r (sic) Pritzker or whomever that directed you on this, is it fair to these communities that have been waiting for years? You said you on the West side, but you should know what’s going on over there as well,” Lawrence said. “When are you going to have our neighborhoods cleaned up? And when are we going to get the rights that we deserve?”
“I’m not against anyone coming in here legally. I want to say that clearly. But for those who have not, they don’t top us. They don’t go before us. We’re not last in line,” she said.
Lawrence probably brought up Pritzker because the state wanted to install temporary winter camps in Brighton Park for illegal immigrants.
The state pulled back the plans because of “the risk of containments at the former industrial site.”
Over 25,000 illegal immigrants have traveled to Chicago since August 2022.
Alderman Anthony Beale is one of the resolution’s sponsors. He criticized Johnson and the councilors for not allowing people to vote for it.
Beale said the quiet part out loud:
“Let me just say that I figured you all had something up your sleeve,” Beale, who represents Chicago’s Ninth Ward, told Johnson and fellow councilors. “What are you scared of? To let the people have a voice? What are you scared of? The truth? Are we scared of the truth here? Are we afraid that the people are going to tell us that we are spending money frivolously in this body? Are we afraid that the people are going to tell us that we are headed in the wrong direction? Are we afraid that the people are going to finally stand up and speak in the city of Chicago, that they’re saying that this ship is headed in the wrong direction? Why are we afraid to let the people speak?”
“But we are afraid of the truth. Crime is running rampant. Our schools are in trouble. We’re spending hundreds, millions of dollars on people that don’t even pay taxes and live in the city,” Beale continued. “Now I’m all for taking care of people. I get it. I am sympathetic as well. However, I’m more sympathetic for the people in my community that have been paying taxes their entire life, can’t get a furnace, can’t get a roof, can’t get a hot water heater, can’t get a back porch. And my seniors are still starving for resources.”
Beale charged: “There’s no conscionable way we should be voting on hundreds of millions of dollars to just, you know, go to Brighton Park, only to have the whole thing blown up.”
“We need to wake up. That’s all we’re trying to do, y’all. We’re trying to wake up,” Beale said. “Our people are demanding change. They’re demanding resources, and they’re demanding that we do something different in this body.”
Beale concluded: “I hope you all sleep good tonight knowing that you all continue to turn your back on the people that are paying taxes in this city. So if that’s how you feel. God bless you. And I wish you a very good night’s sleep. Thank you.”
It’s happening yall. This sister was speaking raw truth! She literally corrected herself in the moment! She went from saying migrants to ILLEGAL Foreign Nationals! Real Black Americans in Chicago are DONE with The #OpenBorder Democrats! #MandatoryeVerify Video Length: 4:38 pic.twitter.com/zdvLPlGNU3
— Nas (@nasescobar316) November 30, 2023
This would be a layup for Republicans to win in 2024.
But they need black Americans as their enemy and stereotype.
They would rather the country burn down than to have black Americans as partners to save this country. @GOP @RNCResearch #immigration— All_Purpose_Hak
(@HakHinton) December 2, 2023

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Welcome to Intersectionalism toots. There is a new peak intersectional victim class in town and it ain’t yours anymore. There are more of the “brown” then of the “black” especially with the open borders that you VOTED for. How does it feel to have helped nudge an election that has PERMANENTLY nudged you out of first place?
The solution is simple — Have the fbi investigate Lauren Lawrence and all others who make similar comments.
You can be sure that it is already in progress. One thing the Coercive Organs of State Power are is efficient at silencing anti-government speech.
Subotai Bahadur
It sure took blacks a long time to recognize that they were going to pay dearly, fewer jobs, higher housing costs, less aid. They are screwed royally. I recognized this from the beginning.
Plus much higher inflation. Which, of course, has much greater impact on poor people than on middle and upper class people.
I don’t know about other ethnic groups, I have had experience with both American blacks and Mexicans. Overall, Mexicans have far better work ethics. Their crime rat is far lower. Their family culture is better.
Now we are going to have a huge shortage of low cost housing, illegals will be competing for what is available, prices will rise.
I agree with what you say in your first paragraph for the most part but what does that have to do with illegal vs legal immigration? Illegal is illegal and they should all be deported and forced to go through the legal immigration process. You know, follow the law like the rest of us?
I do not like illegals and think they should be deported, I also do not like domestic slackers who do not earn their way. Their infighting is funny,
He’s “had experience,” folks.
I have had an unusual mix of businesses, Mostly tech, but also a farm. I all cases I was hiring and firing people. Hence my opinion about workers. Mexicans were better than American blacks, on a few occasions I had African blacks, their work ethics were good, as were Mexicans. With American blacks, some were good, but far more were not. I found it interesting that 1st generation African immigrants mostly disliked American blacks attitude.
The Latin community will wind up supporting the blacks with their taxes, so it’s a temporary problem.
The reason that one hires illegals is that they don’t need to pay wages which have taxes taken out of them because those wages don’t exist. A friend in construction told me that it is cheaper to hire illegals and pay them low wages (he as owner taking a tax hit in the profits from the job) than it is to hire union workers at full pay which includes SS taxes as well. Always follow the money.
It sounds to me like they need to keep sending more and more and more up to Chicago to further encourage this divide
I doubt that it will sink in that voting for Joe is the cause of their situation
What Anthony Beale and others upset at the change in status do not realize is that in the Peoples’ Oblast of Chicago that Blacks and their votes and acceptance of subjugation is now considered property of the Left regardless of their wishes. This being Chicago, Blacks’ votes will be counted for the Leftists regardless of how cast/forged.
The next goal for the Left is to place the hostile foreign invaders from the South in the same category. Which entails giving them temporary preferences over Blacks. It is what it is.
Subotai Bahadur
So now the black ox is being gored, and they don’t like it. Whites haven’t been particularly fond of being taxed into bankruptcy to support the black community, either. Of course the black community isn’t complaining about being taxed, they’re just mad that somebody else is getting the money.
As this situation sinks in, more blacks will desert the Dem party, Latinos will be thrilled about paying for black perks..
I don’t believe blacks will abandon the Democratic Party.
1. It’s the only thing they know.
2. The democratic plantation will not allow it.
3. Other blacks will harass them if they do.
Disagree overall. Your #3 is 100% accurate, those are the recipients of govt largesse and the political class who vote for it and the bureaucracy of Federal, State, local gov’t employees who distribute that largesse. All three have a vested interest in maintaining the system of dependence.
The opposition will absolutely be buttressed by the d/prog machine in blue Cities/Counties and blue one party States so #2 is certainly valid as well. Well meaning liberals and women especially so for single women (they vote d/prog 68%+/-) who allow their heat strings to be pulled instead of using logic, facts and reasoning aid this which is how we.get saddled with RINO and moderate/liberal GoP elected.
#1 though is not completely accurate. There are plenty of black men who have figured out the scam. Many of them in Gen X and younger who see some of the consequences in the daily life. Consider a young black man with a 9/5 job. He’s trying to do the right things in life. Wants to date to find a wife and start a family.
What is his dating experience? He runs into the barrier of women who have impossible requirements. This holds for all groups but is pronounced among blacks. The imbalance in the ratio of college educated women to men is much larger among blacks. These college educated women (who posses lots of student debt which is why Biden is trying to gift them a payoff) often say they will not date a man who makes less income than themselves. Other black women have children with ‘bad guys’ and end up with baby daddy not a husband but Uncle Sugar steps in to provide financial support that a husband should provide.
These black men are getting hit directly with the consequences of decades of d/prog policies in a very real way. These guys graduate HS, go to work, pay taxes, delay gratification but can’t attract a wife b/c they aren’t viewed as enough of a bad boy or make too little income. This phenomenon has spread to the larger population but IMO this is one overlooked reason that black men supported Trump and GoP candidates at more than twice the rate of black women.
I do hope you are right.
It’s coin flip. Short term we may get a victory or two. Longer term looks a bit bleak. Remember that unmarried women voters are THE difference in elections. The GoP wins majorities with:
1. Married Men
2. Single Men
3. Married Women
However those majorities range from 52% to 55%. Unmarried Women, population is growing due to lax no fault divorce laws, welfare for single Mothers and a cultural shift away from marriage, vote 68% for d/prog. Even more so for college educated and on campus women outnumber men 60/40 or better. More so for grad degrees.
IOW we have a growing demo of voters who pull the lever for d/prog that will over time offset gains for GoP among men of all stripes. The old saw about d/prog are the ‘mommy’ party and GoP is the ‘Daddy’ party is still very relevant.
I bet they saved mad stacks by defunding the police though so they got that.
Defunding the po po to save lives resulted in 30% more blacks getting kilt. That was some real NASA thinking.
I love it when the left eats its own
They added so many cars to the Gravy Train that now they have to personally get out and push.
Whew! I am so glad that more people get to push the gravy train. My fellow travelers and I are tired of pushing.
I am very impressed with the cogent, heartfelt, and articulate off-the-cuff speeches. I certainly hope that the various politician take note. All I can say in response is Amen!!
Nothing concentrates the mind and carbonates the blood more effectively than realizing that the grift you survive on is falling apart.
The real excitement is always at the back end of the food line. Learned that from watching Piranhas on Youtube.
From Don Surber’s substack today.
llinois State Conference NAACP President Teresa Haley, who was caught on tape objecting to the government putting illegal aliens in luxury hotels and the like.
President Haley said, “But black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares, because they say that we’re drug addicts; we’ve got mental health issues.
“But these immigrants who come over here, they’ve been raping people,
they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well. They
don’t speak the language and they look at us like we’re crazy.”
For some reason, her words upset the state’s billionaire governor and the rest of the Democrat Establishment.
The Chicago Tribune reported, “Reached by WLS-Ch. 7 while on vacation in Dubai, Haley denied the statements, but when confronted about them being on video suggested it was fake, saying ‘With AI, anything is possible.”’
With AI anything is possible is the new “Bitch set me up”.
The “sister” in the Nas video said a little too much. She still considers Republicans snakes, and she still wants setasides for blacks.
Hard pass, we should not pander to them. If they want real Republican policies (without setasides for blacks) that’s what they can vote for, we’re here. But we won’t become Democrats.
I predict blacks will continue to vote 90% for the Democrats. Maybe it’s down from the old level of 95% or whatever. I’d be amazed if it’s less than 80%.
And so be it. Republicans should not pander, which won’t get them votes anyway. None of the pandering has worked. It just made people like Trump’s base stop giving a damn and they stayed home.
I never sit out an election, though I might have for DeSantis. I think that at this point he is happy to be noticed at all.
What’s amazing to me is that blacks have not figured out yet that the illegals will be taking over their jobs once allowed to work. I can guarantee that they will take many if not most labor jobs that blacks now have. They will also compete for medical benefits and school attendance. Talk about cutting your own throat!
“the risk of containments at the former industrial site.”
Containment or contaminants? Both seem applicable to me.
I’m surprised that the black population of Chicago took so long to figure out voting because of party or skin color has not helped them in any way. Trump did one thing, he sure woke up a bunch of people as to what is going on.
Honey, you were never in the front of the line. The democratic machine has made sure that the only time they notice you is when it’s time to vote.
Need proof?
“West Side and the South Side Black communities have been earmarked for having funds – never seen it. We’re still waiting those funds to come into those communities,”
They want you at the back of the bus, and the new chosen few (illegal invaders) want you off the bus.
Good luck.
Perhaps the next Democrat you elect will be better than the last few you elected. I wouldn’t bet on it.
If its guaranteed lock that 90% blacks will always vote dem, then blacks get taken for granted by dems politicians.