Video Shows Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Mexico Trying to Catch a Train to Border
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Video Shows Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Mexico Trying to Catch a Train to Border

Video Shows Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Mexico Trying to Catch a Train to Border

“It’s not going to stop. And Mexico is allowing all of it.”

Did you know that the border is still a mess?

Migrant encounters once again hit 10,000 in one day. It’s about to get worse.

The border patrol also hit 10,000 migrant encounters once again on Tuesday.

Tucson and Del Rio Sectors saw 3,000 and 2,700 migrant encounters. The amount put them 200% over capacity.

Officials are also releasing “over 5,000 illegal immigrants” each day. The number does not include “the 1,600 migrants who arrived at ports of entry and are being processed and released via the use of humanitarian parole each day under the CBP One app.”

The number does not include the gotaways, which are people sighted by law enforcement but, as the name implies, got away. Who know how many people came through the border patrol did not see.

The encountered migrants came from over 150 countries, including over 190 Chinese nationals in the San Diego sector and over 150 Guinea nations in the Tucson sector.

The Biden administration supposedly wants to adopt a Title 42-like policy to ease the migrant numbers.

Unlike Title 42, the new policy would not have a health issue to justify it. The policy also wouldn’t help.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 13, 2023 at 8:25 pm

It’s not going to stop. And Mexico is allowing all of it.

Mexico has been pushing an invasion of our southern border for decades. It is an Act of War. Frankly, Mexico should have been bombed in retaliation for it years ago. Traitor Joe and his junta are complicit in this invasion. They are traitors. Pure and simple. As treasonous as you can get. And Barky and his gang of Maoist retards (mostly the same as in Traitor Joe’s junta) are all just as guilty (and there is no statute of limitations on treason – or “statue” of limitations, as leftist judicial nominees would say).

Will any of these overt and obvious traitors ever be held accountable? Doubtful, which is why this nation is not long for this world. The piper will be paid.

More of Soros’ beneficiaries. Send them directly to Michigan or Wisconsin. Minnesota is unworthy of anything more than islam.

The people on the train will all fall into the hands of the cartel. If they can’t pay the fee (usually several thousand dollars), the money will be extorted from their families. If that fails they will be sold for body parts. Some families have lost more than 30% of the members to the body-part market. They know, because the cartel sends the ears back to the family. The cartel works in cooperation with our feds. You have to wonder how much that cost the cartel.

We have become far too complacent.
What can legally be done when the left controls the Senate and WH?

    walls in reply to lc. | December 14, 2023 at 8:23 am

    To hell with legal The solution is tens of millions of Americans doing illegal things. It’s our country after all it’s not their country.

But them all to CA. Free hotel rooms and health care from gov newscum. Limousine Libs need them to clean their toilets in their million dollar homes, and pick the crop.

You got to show a little leg.

Nothing but a change of government will stop this. The present US regime wants it, refuses to enforce immigration laws, encourages it, pays to promote it, pays for the “migrant” camps all through Central America, the NGOs that run them, the buses that bring them north (200 a day at last count), and keeps them after they illegally enter the US — all at our expense. The federal deficit for the current fiscal year is on track to be at least $2.5 trillion, and at least the half-trillion is connected with the expense of importing and keeping millions of illegal aliens per year.

They’re so happy. They must be paid well for this. It’s hard to imagine such joy at going to a northern city in the winter unless they’re getting a lot out of it, beyond the opportunity to stand in a Home Depot parking lot and offer themselves as day laborers.