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U. Utah Profs Cancel Classes and Host ‘Healing Circle’ When Detransitioner Comes to Speak on Campus

U. Utah Profs Cancel Classes and Host ‘Healing Circle’ When Detransitioner Comes to Speak on Campus

“This week, our campus is hosting a presentation by a prominent anti-trans activist”

Chloe Cole, an activist who has detransitioned, was invited to speak by the Young America’s Foundation chapter at the school, and leftists were triggered.

From the YAF Blog:

Professors Cancel Classes, Host ‘Healing Circle’ Ahead of YAF’s Chloe Cole Lecture at University of Utah

Multiple professors at the University of Utah have called off classes for the day ahead of this evening’s Young America’s Foundation campus lecture featuring Chloe Cole, a leading voice in the Conservative Movement’s push against the Left’s gender ideology. The emails seem to imply that the content of Chloe’s speech will create an unsafe environment on campus.

Meanwhile, the university’s “Armed Queers” militia – which is composed of armed leftists who don’t know the first thing about safe and responsible firearm ownership – is planning to make an appearance outside of the event, and the university’s LGBTQ Resource Center and Women’s Resource Center are hosting a “Healing Circle” to combat the “trauma” that the brave detransitioner’s impactful messages will apparently inflict upon fragile campus leftists.

“This week, our campus is hosting a presentation by a prominent anti-trans activist,” one professor’s email reads. The professor goes on to declare that Chloe, who underwent a “gender reassignment” herself before realizing her grave mistake, is “transphobic,” and that students shouldn’t feel pressured to come to campus due to safety concerns.

Another professor, who claims to be “nonbinary,” announced that classes will be held remotely, and that attendance is optional in order to accommodate students who would like to protest Chloe’s speech.


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Michael Gilson | December 2, 2023 at 11:58 am

What happened to ‘lived experience trumps everything’? Oh, right, the Left are lying hypocrites who will say anything to win.

“the university’s “Armed Queers” militia – which is composed of armed leftists who don’t know the first thing about safe and responsible firearm ownership – is planning to make an appearance outside of the event”

Sounds insurrectiony.
Actually, pretty domestically terroristic.

Encourage mentally ill person to believe they can fly, give them paper wings, push them off the roof?

Then blame somebody else when they kill themselves?