The Fight to Stop California Politicians from Enshrining Racism in State’s Constitution
A petition campaign against ACA7, an underhanded bill to repeal the state’s equality-supporting Proposition 209 based on The Science™
Back in the days before Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Critical Race Theory, there was “affirmative action.” Affirmative action became one of the first tools used by progressives to begin dismantling America’s merit-based system of reward and success.
In 1996, Californians were becoming concerned about the threat to true equality under the law, especially as it was being applied at the state’s institutions of higher learning. California Proposition 209, the Affirmative Action Initiative, was placed on the ballot and won the day with 55% of the vote.
Proposition 209 language was simple, adding the following section to the California Constitution’s Declaration of Rights: the “state cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, and public contracting.”
The progressive politicos in Sacramento have been fighting Proposition 209 ever since, as it prevents them from using their preferred-victim preference guide to divide people as well as gain and maintain power. Back in 2020, there was another proposition offered up that would have repealed 209. Proposition 16 went down to a resounding defeat, with an even larger percent of voters rejecting that measure than approved 209.
However, social justice cultists never stop. Let me introduce you to California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 (ACA7), which is an underhanded method to repeal Proposition 209 based on The Science™.
This measure would provide that, subject to approval by the Governor pursuant to specified procedures, the state may use state moneys to fund research-based, or research-informed, and culturally specific programs in any industry if those programs are established or otherwise implemented by the state for purposes of increasing the life expectancy of, improving educational outcomes for, or lifting out of poverty specific groups based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations.
So, the politically connected in California can simply claim funding or support is needed for something related to “research,” and equality is tossed out the window and under the bus (archive link):
“[T]he State may use state moneys to fund research-based, or research-informed, and culturally specific programs in any industry, including, but not limited to, public employment, public education, and public contracting, if those programs are established or otherwise implemented by the State for purposes of increasing the life expectancy of, improving educational outcomes for, or lifting out of poverty specific groups based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations.”
This would let them ignore the ban on discrimination as long as they can point to some bogus research. It’s the progressive response to losing a 2020 voter referendum on rescinding the constitutional ban.
Even if this were to pass the California Assembly and Senate, voters would have to approve it in another referendum. But organizations such as Californians for Equal Rights and the American Civil Rights Project are hoping to nip this before it reaches that stage.
We have enough experience with covid pandemic policies to know The Science will mean whatever the politically powerful want it to mean.
Gail publicizing a petition campaign to drive a stake in the heart of this undying attempt to erase Proposition 209.
, who fought the original battle to get Proposition 209 before the voters, isThe new proposal – known as Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 or ACA-7- is trickier. Instead of repealing the words outright, it gives the Governor the power to make “exceptions” to Proposition 209. If the Governor can point to “research” that purports to find that discrimination would be a good thing, he or she can make an exception.
In other words, ACA-7 asks California voters to pre-approve unknown exceptions to their fundamental right to be treated equally. This is an insult to voters’ intelligence. If ACA-7 becomes law, present and future governors will be able to make as many exceptions as they like, so long as they can find “research” that says it’s okay to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin, etc.
We all know that “research” can be found or created to support practically anything. If voters approve ACA-7, the exceptions will swallow the rule.
The group hopes to stop these efforts to enshrine racism in the California Constitution before they go further.
The group, No on ACA7, is found HERE.
The petition, open to residents of any state, can be found HERE.
The “No on ACA7” photo parade continues! Don’t let California legislators gut the state constitution’s ban on preferential treatment based on race, sex, or ethnicity. #NoACA7 #KeepDiscriminationIllegal #NoACA7photoparade
— Gail Heriot (@GailHeriot) December 26, 2023
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California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7. Wouldn’t it make more sense to call it CACA-7? It would explain the aroma.
You beat me by 25 hours!
This is attack on asian americans in CA. Asian americans are 15% of population in CA, but 30% of students at colleges like UC Berkeley.
This is gov newscum’s idea of “reparations” for blacks. Take away everything asian americans have worked hard for all their lives and give it to blacks.
And Asian’s keep voting for the donkey party. What do they expect?
Why am I not surprised at how openly racist democrats are?
The DemoncRat party been the party of racism since its inception by Andrew Jackson.
In addition to stopping their initiatives, it’s important to push back and force them to lose ground. Yes it means being racist, but if we’re playing for the tie and they’re playing for the win, they will win. We have to play for the win too.
The “social contract”, to the extent it was ever more than something they let us believe in when they were on the defensive, is gone. We have to have situational awareness.
How are stopping their initiatives and forcing them (I assume you mean the DemoncRats) racist?
Asians, like Jews, vote 65-70% for the Party that wants to screw them over.
So let’s see:
California – which never allowed slavery, which came into the Union as a Free State, which encouraged blacks to flee slavery and come there for sanctuary, which never had Jim Crow laws, and was the one state where blacks had political power BEYOND their proportion of the population, wants to give them reparations and screw over all other groups to make it up to them?
Degeneracy too.
Gail Heriot, not Harriot, IIRC
Fixed, thanks.