The Democratic Socialists of America Are Far More Active in K-12 Education Than Many People Realize
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The Democratic Socialists of America Are Far More Active in K-12 Education Than Many People Realize

The Democratic Socialists of America Are Far More Active in K-12 Education Than Many People Realize

“The Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, has long had the goal of using the K-12 system as a way to proselytize to a captive audience of other people’s children”

Doesn’t this explain how we have come to the point we’re at in American education? It makes so much sense.

The New York Post reports:

How DSA educators spread far-left ‘poison’ in America’s schools

Members of the Democratic Socialists of America have quietly gained leadership posts in K-12 education to push anti-capitalist and anti-Israel views on youngsters across the US, according to a parental rights watchdog group.

Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization that backs the “restoration” of non-political schooling, has identified dozens of DSA members who have landed or sought top school board and teachers union positions in at least 15 states — from California to Kentucky and from New York to Texas.

“The Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, has long had the goal of using the K-12 system as a way to proselytize to a captive audience of other people’s children,” Parents Defending Education outreach director Erika Sanzi told The Post.

“Their anti-Jewish and anti-Israel messages in the K-12 context are not at all new but many more people have become aware of them since October 7th,” she added. “The DSA is poison in schools.”

The DSA became infamous after boosting a hate-filled pro-Palestinian rally in Times Square a day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, which killed an estimated 1,200 people — including 33 Americans.


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What did everyone think “The Long March Through the Institutions” really meant when Rudi Dutschke spoke endlessly of it in the last half of the 60s? It wasn’t rhetoric.

“Democratic Socialists” is an oxymoron. Socialism provides the control that a dictator needs to take over the government. Venezuela, Cuba, etc, etc. There are many examples of Socialist governments that became dictatorships.

The DSA is staunchly anti American and anti Israel