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Teachers in Oakland School District Plan Pro-Palestinian ‘Teach-in’

Teachers in Oakland School District Plan Pro-Palestinian ‘Teach-in’

“The Israeli government created an apartheid state and the Israeli government leaders have espoused genocidal rhetoric and policies against the people of Palestine”

Oakland is the city where leaders recently denied the Holocaust. Not the best and brightest.

FOX News reports:

Oakland school district teachers plan pro-Palestinian ‘teach in,’ ask students to draw a Zionist leader

Teachers in Oakland, California, are planning a pro-Palestinian “teach in,” scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital.

Oakland Unified School District’s superintendent, Kyla Johnson-Trammell, issued a warning to teachers planning to hold the unsanctioned event that she said is not aligned with district educational protocol.

“I want to again make clear that our expectation is that all educators, in every classroom across the District, take seriously their responsibility to adhere to principles of education, and to keep their personal beliefs out of the classroom,” she said in a statement shared with Fox News Digital.

Materials included in the Oakland Teach-In Curriculum Resources ask elementary school-age children to draw what they think a Zionist leader looks like and what the definition of a massacre is.

A Lincoln Elementary School teacher who was identified by FOX KVTU as Jacob Fowler appeared in a YouTube video on Wednesday calling on teachers in the district to use the Palestine curriculum.

“We’re asking that all teachers in the whole city participate in support of the event,” the teacher said in the video. He argued a teach-in was an effective use of labor power and an important tool to give students “counter narratives.”

Another teacher in the video argued teachers have the academic freedom to teach what they want, in part because they are backed by the Oakland Education Association (OEA), but other teachers told KTVU that the teach-in is not authorized by the official OEA and is instead backed by a small group called “OEA for Palestine.”

The OEA was under fire last month after it published an anti-Israel statement that said it “unequivocally condemn[ed] the 75-year-long illegal military occupation of Palestine,” making no reference to the October 7 terrorist attack, KTVU reported.

“The Israeli government created an apartheid state and the Israeli government leaders have espoused genocidal rhetoric and policies against the people of Palestine,” OEA said in its statement before it was modified. “As educators of a diverse community here in Oakland, including those with family and friends directly impacted, our conscience demands that we say clearly that OEA calls for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation of Palestine.”


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The single biggest donor to newscum’s campaign was the california teacher union. No teacher is going to be fired and they will receive nothing more than “warning”, as the woke progressive lefties are allowed to accelerate their indoctrination agenda of CRT, LGBT, etc.

I thought that the picture used was from Oakland.

Who ever in history ever asked kids to draw people, as part of any kind of educational experience?

This is clever and slick and evil — identifying a handful of kids with artistic talent…. whilst in K-5…… whom they can nurture and groom.

Within ten years, you’ll see the most vile antisemitic posters and cartoons drawn by young adult artists who got their start through something like this.

Count on it.

(Ultimately, realistically, the funding for this surely comes from the Middle East.)

I hope that as part of the teach-in there is opportunity to view dead beheaded Israeli babies, the “exploration” of rape & kidnap culture, the Hamas charter that promotes genocide, and the squandering of $Bs in the militarization of Gaza including the stockpiling of rockets randomly targeting Israeli cities.

But then I doubt those topics will be brought forth.

The Duke d’Escargot | December 8, 2023 at 12:19 am

It occurs to me that these teachers ought to be held accountable for at least some degree of student proficiency in Readin, Ritin, and Rithmetic………. before they take on issues that have flummoxed the best efforts of generations of quite knowledgeable international scholars of history, religion, geography, law, etc. In grade school.

I cannot help wondering , respectfully, how many of the teachers, parents, children would be able to tell you where the Middle East is. I’m not trying to be unkind.

I’d lay odds that most would not be able to point to where they live on a map of the world. On a globe. On a map of the U.S.

I’m not exaggerating.

It’s a problem.