Surgeon: ‘Unbelievably Toxic’ DEI Policies in Medicine Destroying Quality Care in the Field
“The tool kit is an exhaustive, some might say exhausting, compilation of everything related to pushing the narrative of systemic and structural racism as the source of disparities”

This was as predictable as the rising sun. DEI policies should have no place in our healthcare system.
FOX News reports:
Surgeon says ‘toxic’ DEI in medicine has led to ‘erosion’ of quality care: ‘Dangerous to our patients’
A surgeon blasted a top medical organization for doubling down on its antiracist initiatives at a time when many corporations and organizations are distancing themselves from these controversial principles.
“America’s surgeons are not woke enough, according to the American College of Surgeons (ACS),” Dr. Richard Bosshardt penned in his column for National Review this week.
The largest surgical organization in the country recently launched a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion toolkit for providers. In an announcement earlier this month, the ACS touted the materials would “provide a blueprint for implementing equitable practices” in medicine.
Bosshardt explained how the ACS has rapidly embraced DEI and antiracist teachings since 2020. He argued that the organization was sacrificing quality medical training and patient care by focusing on concepts like “microaggressions,” “implicit bias” and “White privilege” that he says “have no place in medicine.”
“The tool kit is an exhaustive, some might say exhausting, compilation of everything related to pushing the narrative of systemic and structural racism as the source of disparities including minority representation within the ACS and clinical outcomes in minority surgical patients,” he explained.
The surgeon said the toolkit uses flawed studies to promote the “unbelievably toxic” idea that racism infiltrates surgery and leads to poorer outcomes for Black patients. The toolkit also pushes implicit racial bias training to combat racism, despite research debunking its validity, he said.
Bosshardt claimed the worst part of the toolkit was that it requires surgeons to lump patients into racial identity groups, which he believes threatens the traditions modern medicine is based on.

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From this point forward, all diverse medical professionals are blacklisted as affirmative action hires.
Big brother wants numbers, not quality.
Affirmative action destroyed standards, the COVID fraud destroyed credibility and rampant wokeness has destroyed trust. There is no medical “profession” in the United States any more.
Remember the ’50s and ’60s, when the then-conservative medical community was issuing weekly warnings about the horrors of “socialized medicine?”
Good times!
As an MD who spent about half my career on the faculty of med schools, I can state unequivocally that this is true. The med schools are all in on DEI and the test scores show it. when I entered in 1979 the average MCAT score for my class was the 98%. Today at my local “top 10 med school” the average MCAT score 85%. Which is abysmal. Routinely 10% of the class cannot pass part 1 of the boards. You only have to be in the bottom 6% to pass. They give them 2 months of leave (something we never had) to study and 3 tries to be in the bottom 6%. Be cause the test “disproportionately affects minorities”.
The left is marching through our institutions and the decline is not a myth.
I concur with rebar. After 50 years of associations with state, private, and government medical school/institutions/organizations; I have experienced and witnessed the deterioration of the caliber of medical school admissions , graduates, and administrators.
Administrative “weenies” degrade the quality of medical care, replacing excellence and competence with equity and virtue signaling.
Those students who strive to be the best doctors often are forced to “hide in the closet” and give lip service to bigotry, racism, and Marxism.
The airline industry is the same. Sad to say, but who will want to board an airplane with a black pilot? DEI has always the opposite effect of what was intended.
You can’t choose your pilot any more than you can choose your surgeon. If I’ve been given a surgeon from the hospital rotation I’ve never been told their name beforehand, and rarely see them after.