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Students at Columbia School of Social Work Hold Pro-Hamas Event That was Canceled by the School

Students at Columbia School of Social Work Hold Pro-Hamas Event That was Canceled by the School

“On October 7, the Palestinian liberation fighters demonstrated their refusal to be dominated”

Students at Columbia University’s School of Social Work planned an event for this week that described the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel as a “counteroffensive.” When the administration found out about it, they canceled the event but the students went ahead and held it anyway.

The inmates are running the asylum.

Zach Kessel writes at National Review:

Columbia Shut Down an Event Celebrating Hamas Atrocities. Student Activists Held It Anyway

Columbia University’s School of Social Work (CSSW) shut down an event scheduled for Wednesday afternoon justifying Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel in which the terrorist organization slaughtered and brutalized innocents as a “Palestinian counteroffensive.” Students in the group that planned the event, Columbia Social Workers 4 Palestine, went ahead with the “teach-in and discussion” anyway in a different location on campus.

In a video that has made the rounds on X, student activists can be heard praising Hamas’s massacres, rapes, and abductions of civilians on October 7 as a valiant act of resistance.

“On October 7, the Palestinian liberation fighters demonstrated their refusal to be dominated,” a woman speaking at the event said. “They showed the world that the Palestinian people will fight for freedom instead of quietly adapting to subjugation. They showed us that with creativity, determination, and combined strength the masses can accomplish great feats, a fact we have seen in every heroic struggle for liberation from Vietnam to Afghanistan. As Mao says, ‘dare to struggle, dare to win.’”

Watch the video below and listen closely to what is being said. This is insane.

Another view here:

The matter is apparently under review.

This sentiment is becoming the new normal at Columbia.

The Times of Israel reports:

Amid Israel-Hamas war, students say antisemitism is ‘new normal’ at Columbia University

A stack of fliers caught Melissa Saidak’s eye when she walked into the lobby of the Columbia University School of Social Work in late November.

Advertising a “teach-in,” the fliers depicted three missiles targeting a Palestinian flag dripping in blood. One missile was emblazoned with the Columbia University logo, one with the American flag, and the third with the Israeli flag. Two weeks earlier, more than 50 students, some banging drums, some chanting into a megaphone, had staged a nine-hour sit-in in the school’s lobby. It was one of many such protests on campus.

“They were saying things like ‘Zionists get out,’ and ‘Israel go to hell.’ Most of the world is not safe for Jewish people and the facts are, Israel is important for a lot of reasons; namely, it’s a safe haven,” said Saidak, who describes herself as a non-Zionist secular Jew.

Columbia University is failing this moment in history. It won’t be forgotten.


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Identify as many as possible. Ban the students from campus, internet courses only. If they return to campus, trespass them and expel them.

Expel everyone who went to the thing. Expel the organizers.

These people aren’t afraid because they know no one will do anything to them other than a slap on the wrist.

There is a good possibility that many of these “students” are not American citizens. Therefore, immediate deportation.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Rusty Bill. | December 7, 2023 at 11:47 am

    Go people realize that Pales in America will eventually become as bad as those Israel is exterminating right now? These unjustified protests are warmup exercises for much worse, like what they are doing in Europe. Pale’s MO is now well known.

It looks as though anti-Jewish sentiment is starting to catch up with anti-Christian sentiment.

Commie revolutionaries doing commie revolutionary things. Deport them to North Korea.

Refuse to hire any anti-social workers graduated from C0lumbia.