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Senator Visits Harvard, His Alma Mater, and Shocked to Find Almost Everyone in the Library Wearing a Kaffiyeh

Senator Visits Harvard, His Alma Mater, and Shocked to Find Almost Everyone in the Library Wearing a Kaffiyeh

“I couldn’t believe my eyes”

Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska, a Republican, was stunned when he walked into the reading room at Widener Library, to find that nearly every student was wearing a Kaffiyeh, the traditional Palestinian scarf.

The Yeshiva World reports:

HARVARD LIBRARY: “I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes, Almost Every Student Was Wearing a Kaffiyeh”

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) wrote an article about his experience visiting Boston last weekend which was published in the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

While in Boston, he decided to visit his alma mater, Harvard Universty, especially the “places that held significance to me while I was there” – including “of course, Widener Library—a monument to learning, study and contemplation that sits like a temple in the middle of Harvard Yard.”

Sullivan continued: “When I walked upstairs to the famous Widener Reading Room, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Nearly every student in the packed room was wearing a kaffiyeh. Fliers attached to their individual laptops, as well as affixed to some of the lamps in the reading room, read: ‘No Normalcy During Genocide—Justice for Palestine.’ A young woman handed the fliers to all who entered. A large banner spread across one end of the room stated in blazing blood-red letters, ‘Stop the Genocide in Gaza.’

“Curious about what was going on, I was soon in a cordial discussion with two of the organizers of this anti-Israel protest inside of one the world’s great libraries—not outside in Harvard Yard, where such protests belong. They told me they were from Saudi Arabia and the West Bank. I told them I was a U.S. senator who had recently returned from a bipartisan Senate trip to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. I mentioned the meetings I had. I expressed my condolences when they told me their relatives had been killed by Israeli military action in Gaza.

“One then asked whether I supported a cease-fire in Gaza. I said I didn’t, because I strongly believe Israel had the right both to defend itself and to destroy Hamas given the horrendous attacks it perpetrated against Israeli civilians on Oct. 7.

“Their tone immediately changed. ‘You’re a murderer,’ one said. ‘You support genocide,’ said the other.

“‘Excuse me, what did you say?’ I asked in disbelief.


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The Duke d’Escargot | December 18, 2023 at 9:33 am

They regard you as scum. Less than scum. A pig. A dog.

That’s why they don’t feel any obligation at all to engage honestly in reasonable debate with you.

There’s every reason to believe that Gazans are raping Israelis in those tunnels. Every day. Including today if you’re reading this. In accordance with sharia.

Any signs or posters or speeches at Harvard urging Hamas to stop raping any of their captives?

Banner and handing out flyers cant be allowed inside the library. They can take that outside to the sidewalk, public easement, under free speech. But once its inside the library, then it become college endorsement of that position. The college would then be required to permit anybody else the same.

Wearing rag on their head if they aren’t actually palestinian or muslim is cultural misappropriation. It looks ridiculous like pelosi and dems wearing kente cloth. Virtue signal much?

Perhaps Harvard should start paying taxes on their endowment. After all when we have all these “bright” Ivy Leaguers in our Government causing financial mismanagement let’s have the schools pay!

They told me they were from Saudi Arabia and the West Bank.
Then they should go home. They have no business in America, obviously.

I expressed my condolences when they told me their relatives had been killed by Israeli military action in Gaza.
And you should not have. I will almost guarantee their relatives were fighting for Hamas or supporting it in other material ways, so, tough. You should have said something like, “Well, were they involuntarily? No? Then they probably should have surrendered instead of participating in the action in a war zone that Hamas initiated. Now get your racist bullcarp and get out of my library.”

I asked in disbelief.
Yes, because you’re obviously an idiot. I don’t care that you label yourself a Republican, you’re evidently a Progressive to not have seen this for the last several decades.

If they’re not US citizens, revoke their visas and ship them back. We shouldn’t have to put up with people who are here visiting on student visas.

The somewhat lengthy headline was truncated on your homepage (at least on my browser) so as to be missing the final three words. When I got here, they turned out to be precisely what my tinfoil hat had predicted.
I gave it a nice treat of tinsel sweepings as a good-boy reward.

We can no longer afford to harbor terrorists potential or otherwise. Its time that all who express genocide against the Jewish state be either removed or incarcerated as security risks.