Report: Obama ‘Lobbied’ for Harvard President Gay After Her Horrible Appearance at Antisemitism Hearing
Top person of Harvard’s governing board is Penny Pritzker, former Obama commerce secretary.

Harvard President Claudine Gay has had a few bad months due to her horrible appearance before Congress, inability to condemn antisemitism, and plagiarism allegations.
The scandals have led to calls for resignation or firing, but the Harvard Corporation, the school’s governing board, stands behind her.
A source told Jewish Insider that former President Barack Obama has something to do with Gay keeping her position:
According to a source familiar with the matter, Obama, a Harvard graduate, had privately lobbied on Gay’s behalf as she faced pressure to resign in the wake of her disastrous appearance before the congressional hearing on antisemitism. “It sounded like people were being asked to close ranks to keep the broader administration stable — including its composition,” the source, who was informed of Obama’s outreach and asked to speak anonymously to discuss a confidential matter, told JI on Tuesday.
Obama’s office did not respond to a request for comment from JI.
It is not hard to connect the dots. Obama graduated from Harvard. Penny Pritzker, Obama’s commerce secretary in his second term, is a senior fellow of the Harvard Corporation. She became a senior fellow after she donated $100 million.
(Yes, Pritzker is the sister of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.)
The senior fellow position put Pritzker in charge of the committee that searched for Harvard’s new president. The committee chose Gay last December.
Pritzker signed the letter with the board members, reiterating their confidence in Gay.
However, Pritzker has not spoken out for or against Gay, ignoring the school newspaper.
The silence has concerned people since Pritzker is an outspoken supporter of Israel. Brother J.B. became one of Obama’s first supporters, “persuading Jewish and pro-Israel donors to support his first presidential campaign, despite skepticism over his approach to Middle East policy.”
More from Jewish Insider:
“This is a full-blown corporate governance crisis for Harvard University and the fellows of the Harvard Corporation,” Benjamin Badejo, an MBA candidate at Tel Aviv University who studied at Harvard Law School and is a vocal critic of Gay and Pritzker, said in a recent email to JI, “and raises questions about the fellows’ ability to carry out their professional responsibilities.”
While [Founder and president of Harvard Chabad Hirschy] Zarchi clarified that he had not spoken with Pritzker, he speculated that she has been cautious in recent weeks because of what he described as a preemptively defensive posture he has observed among other Jewish leaders at Harvard. “Jews in power go to an extreme degree to show that they’re neutral, lest they be accused of showing favoritism,” he told JI last week. “It’s another reflection of the toxic culture in the academy that people can’t speak their conscience.”
Still, critics see other calculations at play. In his email to JI, Badejo, the Harvard Law School alumnus, claimed that Pritzker and her fellow board members on the Harvard Corporation “arguably have conflicts of interest regarding Gay’s continued tenure as president, as managing the public’s awareness of their potential failures to do proper diligence” could potentially “impact their own continued tenures.”
This story has become more interesting after The New York Post revealed that Harvard did not investigate Gay’s alleged plagiarism until after the news paper reached out about the allegations brought to it by an anonymous source.

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BHO supports toxic anti-semitic rhetoric, depending on “context”??
Of course he does.
Or, something far simpler. A bruthah coming to the aid of a sistah. Nothing more.
Slightly more, but only slightly: the club looks after each other. Both are members of the club (Democrats, progressives, socialists, communists, media, academics; BIRM), and one of the more important rules of the club is that you stick together. Yes, occasionally someone in the club loses a job (only to be hired elsewhere), and very, very occasionally someone in the club is ostracized (usually after they take the red pill).
But the club stays together. Obama is doing what he’s supposed to do.
Toxic anti-semitic trash? Yes, BHO supports it! He reminds me of Oscar on Sesame Street:
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash
Don’t forget POS Obama allowing the UN resolution to be passed, and then Trump moving the embassy, fixing Obama’s and Pale’s wagons.
2 Affirmative Action Presidents, each as accomplished as each other so it’s a no brainer they support each other against people who demand actual competence.
Guess what comes after the long march through the institutions?
Remember when the Left was always talking about how billionaires (Koch brothers) were bad for politics? 0bama is behind a lot of the world’s problems. Shall we say almost Biblical?
Black… period
Unfortunately it does have that appearance. Would BHO response be the same if the harvard president was stale pale white male?
Not even stale, pale white female.
MIT is in “his district,” too — and two miles closer.
Obama the Mediocre goes to bat for Gay the Mediocre (at best) who is also a plagiarist.
Yep, the best and the brightest. Even with AA they’re all failures.
How many times have we been told he’s Barry the Brilliant, with an IQ in the stratosphere. But when we ask for some proof like college/law school grades, SATs, rank-in-class, we find this information is under lock-n-key, “ You lesser mortals will just have to take our word for it.
He should not be underestimated, despite the lack of information. As he turned into his persona, many people he associated with recognized his prowess he developed to blow people away. He did not rise to his level without brilliance, but he continually deceived and duped people about his true aims. With time, more people will come to know his role in hurting America, including former supporters. There’s a reason why Trump won in 2016.
I’m not sure Barry has ever been brilliant at anything of value? Fortunate and lucky yes, very fortunate and very lucky and also the right black guy in the right place at the right time but no, not brilliant in any real useful way.
No question he is an opportunist. Yet one can be brilliant even in bad ways. After all, he created a persona and sold it to the world, and he’s accomplished probably more than he ever dreamed. No question he took advantage of white guilt, too, but he stood out to almost everyone as he climbed the ladder with his multi-dimension grift.
We can’t even see Barky’s birth certificate. But we have been assured that some official in Hawaii saw it. It really does exist:). So why is Barky going to bat for Gay? It’s not like Gay is some “Reggie” that can do some favors for Barky.
Obama is the most destructive person in modern American history, the grandfather of the Tik Tock generation.
He used race as a sword and shield. He changed his identity to push obsession for wealth and power, A complete cynic that pretended there was only the United States of America, yet he adopted the divisive approach to life fueled by Davis, Alinsky and Wright.
He brought King “Biden the Corrupt” back to life, and the current American crisis is largely his doing. Gay is part of it. No surprise that he would support her, her dishonesty and cavalier view of antisemitism, and especially her race.
Also. He launched his political career in the living room of two domestic terrorists who declared war on the United States of America.
The rot runs deep in this one.
Tangled web being weaved. Bunch of liars. Wish Barry and Michelle would just go away 🙂
Obama probably didn’t even know she is black
I’m guessing someone’s sarcasm detector gene was malfunctioning, resulting in a down vote.
I have learned the hard way to add “sarc” after any sarcasm that I intend. I have had to answer so many commenters because they did not understand my sarcasm. Also, on this site and most others, some people say what sarcasm is supposed to make fun of means exactly what they said.
you forgot the sarc tag again
She had him at “Gay.”
For some reason the Feds raided Man Country and shredded Barry’s and Ron’s lifetime membership records.
From one vile hustler and apologist for Muslim supremacists/terrorists/Islamofascists, to another — “I got your back, Claudine.”
Thus spake the odious and wretched narcissist-incompetent and reprobate, Obama. Always count on vile Obama to take the most immoral, dim-witted and indefensible position on any issue.
Barky pushing Cultural Marxism
Hopefully Trump deports him back to Kenya
Not a day goes by that this shitstain Obama doesn’t do something, say something or work behind the scenes to undermine the fundamental principles of this great nation. He is truly the Manchurian Candidate.
Dusky poseurs must stick together. At one time the educated said that they were graduated. The institution performs that particular action.
Isn’t it strange that we know nothing of obama’s college grades, classes, classmates, thesis, papers, grades, graduation ceremony pictures, and Harvard Review president who never wrote a paper? Why? Of all our past POTUSs none have been so mysterious as he. We can’t get him for plagiarizing because we have never seen any of his “Work”. We do know that he never wrote any of the books that he claims to have written. But he has the race card which gets him out of jail free.
Professor Jacobson himself declared he was uninterested in the birth certificate issue when it was first in the news. No doubt he wanted to avoid punishing attacks and focus, in a lofty fashion, on the man’s stand on issues. I wonder if he now regrets not fighting to expose the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the public. Once this hoax was successfully foisted on the people, what could not then be done?
Aren’t Obama’s academic contributions to HLS unavailable to the public ?