Report: Biden Admin ‘Open to a New Title 42-Like’ Policy for Border to Get GOP to Agree to Ukraine Aid
He’s not doing it to protect our border. He’s doing it for others to get money.

According to CBS News, the Biden administration has told Congress it would support a Title 42-like policy for the border to get the GOP to agree with more aid for Ukraine.
NEWS — The Biden administration has indicated to Congress that it's open to a new Title 42-like border authority to expel migrants without asylum screenings, as well as an expansion of immigration detention and deportations, to get GOP to back Ukraine aid.
— Camilo Montoya-Galvez (@camiloreports) December 12, 2023
More proof the Biden administration cares more about others than the American people.
I guess the administration also doesn’t care about the border. Otherwise, it wouldn’t attach a stipulation to an agreement:
For weeks, a small group of senators have been attempting to reach an immigration enforcement deal. Republicans have conditioned any further assistance to Ukraine to policy changes designed to reduce the unprecedented levels of illegal crossings along the southern border. Last week, the president himself said he would be willing to make “significant compromises on the border” to win support for his funding bill.
In recent days, Mr. Biden’s administration has intensified its engagement with lawmakers. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas started engaging with negotiators in the Senate this week, two people with knowledge of his engagement told CBS News. The secretary was seen arriving on Capitol Hill on Tuesday afternoon as lawmakers continued talks aimed at reaching a deal before Congress adjourns for the holidays.
The Biden administration wants a $100 billion aid package to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. The agreement would include “money to bolster border enforcement and hire additional immigration officials.”
Can you imagine what the left is going to say when they realize Biden wants a policy similar to Trump’s Title 42?
Title 42 allowed the government to “expel those entering the country unlawfully” during the COVID pandemic.
Biden’s policy would not have a public health justification (emphasis mine):
The administration would also back a nationwide expansion of a process known as expedited removal that allows immigration officials to deport migrants without court hearings if they don’t ask for asylum or if they fail their initial asylum interviews. The program is currently limited to the border region.
Moreover, the White House would be willing to mandate the detention of certain migrants who are allowed into the country pending the adjudication of their claims. It’s unclear how this provision would work since the U.S. government has never had the detention space to detain all migrants who cross into the country illegally.
Administration officials and some Senate Democrats have also previously indicated a willingness to raise the initial screening standard for so-called credible fear interviews that migrants have to pass to avoid being deported under expedited removal.
I emphasized the asylum portion because recent videos taken at the border show migrants want work, not asylum.
Just listen to these interviews by @BillMelugin_
I was down there in Lukeville while he was doing these interviews. As a retired ICE Field Office Director I was appalled at the thought process of those that had just entered the US illegally with the help of the cartel. Most…— John Fabbricatore (@JohnE_Fabb) December 12, 2023
UPDATE: This Moroccan man who told me he loves Joe Biden after he crossed illegally into Lukeville, AZ last week has been released by Border Patrol & is already in NYC w/ a court date in October 2024, @AliBradleyTV reports. He openly told us he came for opportunity, not asylum.
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 12, 2023
AZ: “When we saw an opportunity to come through the route, we took it…” Fatima and her brother Osman from Guinea, Africa tell me they crossed through a hole in the wall in Lukeville with the help of coyotes—She is a content creator who wants to teach Americans about her culture.…
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) December 8, 2023
They’re all coming to work, better opportunities or to reconnect with family.
None are claiming credible fear and yet the Biden Admin is allowing them in.
— Auden B. Cabello (@CabelloAuden) December 8, 2023

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What a crock. There’s no need for new anything. Traitor Joe’s junta just has to stop letting illegals pour through the border and they have to stop making pretend that claims of asylum are credible. This is treason. This is about Traitor Joe ordering border patrol to weld open gates in the wall to bring invaders in. This is about Traitor Joe ordering border patrol to cut the razor wire that Texas put up to secure the border. This is about Traitor Joe suing for their constituents – the third world aliens they are using for their invasion. Traitor Joe and his junta just need to stop their treason to stop the flow of illegals … though their treason should be stopped by arrests and trials and subsequent capital punishments … but that’s a whole other story.
The GOP needs to start addressing Traitor Joe’s orchestration of an invasion of America as it is. This is not about policy. This is about the dems’ treason. Period. TREASON.
“Give our fellow embezzlers money, and we’ll consider obeying federal law.”
That’s a sucker’s game. I’m sure the Republicans will swallow it like Frappucinos.
Also, why would anyone trust biden to keep his word once the money for Ukraine is allocated.
Make no deals. I wouldn’t accept anything less than a wall 100 ft high from sea to shining sea, to be completed before one more penny is sent to ukraine. But I don’t expect the Republicans have any sort of balls to do anything like that
Speaking as someone of Chinese ancestry, I admit a certain fondness for walls to hold out the barbarian invaders. Although I will note that the Great Wall failed when the barbarians corrupted the government officials in charge of it.
It doesn’t need to be 100′ high though. But it needs modern updates such as Claymores. And it needs to be manned by troops with weapons-free orders to defend us from invasion.
As far as the concept of trading cash for Ukraine for restrictions on the invasion:
1) You know that the Biden family will get its cut of any such cash.
2) That the word of the Biden administration as far as measures to secure the border is bloody worthless. And the GOPe will accept it, even as they watch it being broken.
Subotai Bahadur
Having no personal military background, I’m assuming your term means able to use their weapons freely, not kept free of weapons.
Yeah, basically it means that they do not need to ask permission from higher up the chain of command to open fire and fulfill their mission/defend their position.
Subotai Bahadur
The only reason Biden wants more money for Ukraine is graft.
If we gotta compromise here how about simply requiring an application for asylum be filed in a US Embassy or Consulate, the claim reviewed and to receive preliminary approval prior to arrival? How about enforcement of current removal procedures in the interior? Holding Visa over stays accountable (that’s an often overlooked big component of illegal aliens) as well as the Univ and Employers who wanted them? Crack down on hiring by raiding employers and holding the management accountable both criminally and eliminating their future ability to apply for Visa.
On another note
The Supremes look like they are ready to put a fork in this great Country
There is no reason to take this case but to destroy an innocent President
“ the Supreme Court signaled it would grant Jack Smith’s request for an expedited consideration.
“The court’s brief order did not signal what it ultimately would do.” – the AP reported.
make it a numbers game, for every 100k in deportations we will approve 1B in aid. This is after money is allocated to secure the border.
There doesn’t need to be any more money allocated to the border. Traitor Joe and his junta have been using border money to process illegals into America. if they would be stopped from bringing in illegals then there would be tons of money and there would be enough border agents to patrol the border if they weren’t wasting their time working for Traitor Joe processing illegals to let them free in America. If anything money needs to be kept from this treasonous administration, since they spend every penny of border money trying to open the border even more.
I could go with your deportation idea, but I would have to kick the number up to half a million per billion in money going to Ukranian oligarchs. After all, we have tens of millions of illegals here and 100k at a time wouldn’t make much of a dent.
What good is a policy that Biden will not enforce? Do Republicans want to be played so clearly?
This. At best the Biden Maladministration would slow walk any implementation, minimally enforce any policy that they agreed to and as soon as possible gut/repeal the policy. At the very least I would want the policy to be made actual law and not just a policy that an administration could change at a whim
We’ve already seen this sucker game played once. To Reagan: “Give us this one amnesty and we will secure the border from now on.” No more Democrat gaslighting, bring the hammer down.
If they believe the FBI promises to reform their corrupt and abusive FISA practices, then they’ll believe anything. Or, maybe they just don’t care and want an excuse to do nothing. I’m leaning toward the latter.
We need money for an army of game wardens.
Why not $100 billion to secure US southern border from illegal invasion??
Unfortunately, we have treasonous sh*tweasels in charge of the border. Every dollar that is allocated to “the border” gets used by Traitor Joe and his minions in order to deepen and hasten the invasion. If Congress allocated $100 billion to the border then Traitor Joe and his junta would bring 50,000,000 illegals over in a couple of months and pay for them to be dispersed all over America.
Not one penny to the border. There is more than enough money for security there. Border agents need to stop being forced to let illegals in and stop wasting time processing illegals (who have no right to be here). And Congress really needs to get off of its a55 and start impeachments of MANY treasonous officials over their orchestration of this invasion.
By now the Dems know they have enough border crosses to convert the US into their utopia. Too little too late..otherwise FJBiden wouldn’t make a deal.
Per usual, The Feckless R’s are blowing the politics on this. Brandon (or handlers) are setting up so they were forced by The Evil R’s into the border policies. They get to crank down the flood a bit, while making the opposition yet more the bad guys.
Put a stand-alone Title 42-ish bill through the House, and dare the Screaming D’s not to enact it.
Well, the proposal for all its wrongness does lay bare The Screaming D’s agenda: to rule us as needed, to support their true clients — everybody else.
A lot of good comments here. You get it.
First, the executive makes an oath to uphold all laws passed by the legislature. This executive refuses. Any new laws will be ignored unless the legislature impeaches and removes the executive. That will not happen.
Second, there are basically only two reasons to grant asylum. One is persecution by their government. The other is civil war. There is no provision for asylum due to harassment by criminal gangs.
Third, I have read that newly arrived illegal aliens are being given Visa cards with $5k on them. Guess where that money is going. It goes directly to the coyotes and their cartel overlords for transporting them here.
We are paying for our own displacement. It is ugly beyond words.
What fool would believe anything this demented liar would say? He hasn’t said an honest sentence his entire life. He is a fraud, was elected by fraud, and intends to die a fraud.
The problem isn’t lack of law, it’s the Democrat regime refusing to enforce the law. No need for a new anything. That’s a scam!