‘Pro-Palestine’ Protesters Blocking 110 Freeway in Los Angeles
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‘Pro-Palestine’ Protesters Blocking 110 Freeway in Los Angeles

‘Pro-Palestine’ Protesters Blocking 110 Freeway in Los Angeles

The drivers had no time for the shenanigans. Many got out of their cars and dragged the protesters out of the way,

Oh, look. The anti-Israel group IfNotNow is blocking the 110 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles as they scream for a Gaza ceasefire.

This is NOT how you get people to your side.

They blocked kids from getting to school.

How many people missed important appointments? How many had an emergency?!

So stupid.

Drivers got out and pulled people out of their way.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


CHP just standing around watching this nonsense? Surely this is in violation of numerous laws, right?

What would Ponch and Jon have to say about this?

I’d say the quickest resolution would be to take the dumb sons of b****** and throw them off the bridge

Some of the “Jews” are wearing the checkered Hamas-Waffen SS black and white shawl. They also placed flowers in the menorah-tops as if placing flowers in the muzzles of rifles. Because Hamas-adjacent phascists are flower children.

They turned the menorah into a symbol of aggression and hate.

LA commuters are now automatically in the category with “oppressors” because they want to get to work on time ??

The leftie oppressor/oppressed narrative has jumped the shark.

    CommoChief in reply to smooth. | December 13, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    Expectation of punctuality has been determined to be part of the patriarchal, colonialist, exploitive, capitalist system by the woke leftists. Not that their redefinition of societal norms will ever stop these woke/leftist neo Marxists from reaching their hands into the pocketbooks of the diminishing number productive folks to extract their ‘fair share’ of the fruit of our labor.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to CommoChief. | December 13, 2023 at 5:18 pm

      I have begun to see, repetition, a video of a young she/he/her/them/they/it (she talks like a girl, so I will self identify for her/it) where she complains about not being able to get a job because of “time blindness!”

      She can’t make it to work “on time” because she has no concept of time (or some such bulkshit)!


      She wants us to change our societal norms of behavior regarding getting to work on time.

        The one constant for the various flavors of woke, lefties is that the rest of the world is supposed to work around them and their needs, wants and desires no matter how selfishly absurd their demands are. Many have been encouraged to this by their Parents, K-12 experience and Univ.

        Easily fixed. I’ve just founded a startup named Tasiri. It’s a combination of Taser and Siri. Our product needs no introduction.

Capitalist-Dad | December 13, 2023 at 3:55 pm

This is not legitimate free speech because blocking others from using the road for its intended purpose infringes on their legitimate rights. Good thing to see arrests (even though leftist DAs are unlikely to try to impose penalties). However, a club to the head and jettisoning the terrorist lovers over the side of the bridge works for me too.

It’s time to chose sides, if you are an “Independent” and “vote for the person and not the party” because you have had enough laid before you since 2008 to decide which party to vote for.

That person who is in your Choir, your kid’s soccer team, your kid’s scout troop, etc who you send off to Washington because “they are a good person and they are like us,” will vote along party lines.

They talk a good line about how they are going to vote for the community but once off in Washington or your state’s capitol they are going to vote along party lines.

But I have to give the Democrats credit because they do stick together.

Don’t know how the Democrats do it, pictures of sheep or some other method but for you “Independent Voters” it’s time reconsider your voting habits because “There’s nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos.”

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Chitragupta. | December 13, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    I am an independent voter, mainly because I refuse to belong to either cult.

    But I have been voting for the Republican candidates since Reagan.

    I know which side of my bread holds the butter.

    It’s you republicans who always give us shit to vote for with your fupped duck “lesser of two evils” crap you keep foisting on the rest of us.

    YOU and your party are the problem, not us independent voters.

    Need proof? Here, I’ll help.

    And Lord knows how many other pieces of crap YOUR party keeps pushing toward the voter.

    You can’t even get republicans and independents, let alone Democrats who may consider jumping ship, excited about Ramiswamy or Haley, and yet we are the problem?

    Get your house in order before you make an ass of yourself.

The Gentle Grizzly | December 13, 2023 at 4:19 pm

“Two school buses full of children were stuck on 110 freeway for over an hour,”

I’m cynical enough to think at least some teachers counted those kids on the bus as tardy.

When the Rodney King riots took place, “protestors” closed Santa Monica Blvd and allowed only a couple of cars through at a time. When I got to the roadblock, I did not stop, but proceeded through at about 5 MPH, pushing “protesters” out of the way. I had a shotgun next to me on my front seat.

I do not advocate running people over at speed — that will dent your front end.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 13, 2023 at 5:04 pm

People who try to use their bodies to stop traffic deserve to be run over, That is what they deserve. Our society is too cowardly and stupid to do that so this sort of crime needs to be punished severely – years in jail. One would think that an enterprising US attorney could even make a major case about interfering with interstate commerce (especially if this is on an interstate, but even so any old road will do) and all sorts of civil rights violations of drivers who are, effectively, imprisoned in their cars on the road.

If actually innocent Jan 6 protesters can get jailed for a year without trial and get years for “parading” and “obstructing an official proceeding” then these clearly guilty and destructive leftist idiots can get tens of years (after having waited for a year or two in jail for the trial) for their actions which are actually intended to do bar commerce and to imprison people on roads, among who knows what else could be thought up. There is no end to the charges one could legitimately lay on these lowlifes, if one were so disposed.

The brazen actions of these and other activists who decided to shut down traffic alongside the willful failure of gov’t to make immediate arrests followed by jail time is a major sign of societal decay. Lack of action may seem like the easiest choice but that’s illusory b/c each time normal folks become less willing to allow this to go on and less willing to allow nothing much be done to prevent/end it. If we don’t want vigilante style events in the absence of actions by LEO, DA, Judicial system then the ‘authorities’ must act instead of leaving a void to be filled. Sooner or later one of these things is gonna go horribly sideways for the activists when ordinary folks get fed up and take action.

This is unlawful imprisonment on a mass scale. The drivers affected are not legally permitted to abandon their vehicles in the street, and arguably passengers were trapped too — certainly the schoolchildren in those buses were.

There should also be a civil lawsuit done as a class action: salary per hour (minimum of minimum wage) times number of hours delayed, times two for last-minute involuntary overtime, times two or more because it was work done for an employer you didn’t have opportunity to refuse and who had no legal authority to coerce you. Plus pain and suffering, generally modest on an individual level but aggregated over the crowd can add up handily. I might well agree to be delayed an hour or two for four or five times my normal salary put into hourly terms under normal circumstances, but not if it puts me in a situation of needing to pee desperately for an hour or peeing on the road in the middle of a crowd. To say nothing of people missing important appointments, people whose job may be at risk from being late even when it’s not their fault (this time), etc.

Subotai Bahadur | December 13, 2023 at 6:34 pm

OK, some candor. This is ultra-Leftist, ultra-Woke Los Angeles that culturally favors “From the River to the Sea” and those who chant such. It sits in the Peoples’ Republic of Alta California where the rule of law is not by consent of the governed but by what the current Party line is.

Earlier today I read a posting in Second City Cop, a Chicago cop blog. It described a situation there. Cops there are forbidden car chases and foot chases because that is both dangerous and offensive to perps and civilians. For some reason, somehow they have had a rash of carjackings there since that was imposed, and have created a Carjacking Task Force. A couple of members of the task force saw one of the stolen cars in line at a carwash. They pulled over and got out of their car, not chasing just getting out of their car. The driver of the stolen car took off running and tried to run across the street. He did not notice the semi coming down the road. It was described as looking like a Wile E. Coyote scene in a Roadrunner cartoon. Leaving aside that the two cops are now on limited duty pending hearing for just getting out of their car; it struck me that the incident was more of a deterrent to carjacking than anything else Chicago Police had done.

Now, once again, consider the location and people there. If one group goes out of their way to create problems for the mass of the people who probably agree with them . . . who cares? If the mass of the people there decide to punt gluteal structures and not bother taking names, how does that affect the rest of us. Time to get some popcorn.

Subotai Bahadur

I’m not certain. But, I believe this is exactly why the Snow Plow was invented.

The Palis, as usual, are lying their asses off about the number of casualties and their status as civilians.

If there were actually children being killed, they would be parading the pitiful little bodies. Instead, they are reduced to using dolls. The images of the “babies” are good enough for internet video, but the reactions of the people around the “mourners” tell another story.

I am glad the IDF seems to be serious about breaking Hamas’ toys, and that they are careful to make sure somebody isn’t carrying a bomb. I am not at all certain that it is wise to accept the “surrender” of a Islamist terrorists by the dozen and without the return of hostages. It looks like a hudna, or pause to re-arm.

    The images of the “babies” are good enough for internet video
    I would dispute that. They are so obviously dolls, even in most of the video.

Washington Examiner is reporting that the protesters blocking traffic are progressive “Jewish” activists.

Why does such a large segment of the U.S. Jewish community place a higher value on anti-Western destruction than they place on their own physical survival?

    rebelgirl in reply to Q. | December 14, 2023 at 7:25 am

    They’re not Jewish..they are a antisemtic, pro-pali organization that uses ‘Jewish’ in their name to throw people off….see, it works.

    GWB in reply to Q. | December 14, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    Because they are not Jewish, but Progressive. It’s not just a Christian heresy, but a Jewish one, as well.

I agree, they should be executing them, that would improve Pale’s gene pool, something they desperately need.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 14, 2023 at 8:34 am

    Improve the gene pool? These people are first-cousin level inbreeders. The branches on their family tree are limited to just two.

    This would just reduce the inter generational gene pool to the point that most will have to resort to brothers and sisters.

    “Let me introduce you to my wife, who also a happens to be my half-sister, aunt, second cousin once removed, granddaughter, and my boss’ mother-in-law.”

Arrest deport and or send some to San Quentin

Take saw blades and attach them in an X pattern on a shaft of rebar or pipe.

Weld to a steel plate with mounting brackets.

Attach to front bumper.

Mount more blades along the sides of car.

Problem solved.

The drivers had no time for the shenanigans. Many got out of their cars and dragged the protesters out of the way,

18,000 Palestinians killed. 8,000 children dead in Gaza. And every single one of those lives has NOT been snuffed out
FIFY. I doubt Israel has killed anywhere near that many. Pity that.

Tensions heighten between drivers and protestors
This might be why they do this carp in CA, where no one can carry a gun. They don’t want to get Panama-ed.

BTW, this is why I’m contemplating carrying plastic cuffs in my car. So I can not only remove these people from the road, but can leave them safely hog-tied on the shoulder where they can’t get run over. And I can do the removing without having to resort to lethal force.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to GWB. | December 14, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    The average fat ass leftist has a 16 to 18 inch neck. Make sure your zip ties are large enough to accommodate.