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Ohio Gov. DeWine Vetoes Bill Banning Child Mutilation, Males From Competing in Female Sports

Ohio Gov. DeWine Vetoes Bill Banning Child Mutilation, Males From Competing in Female Sports

Riley Gaines: “@GovMikeDeWine is a spineless coward that needs to be removed from office.”

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed House Bill 68 (Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act and Save Women’s Sports Act) that bans child sexual mutilation and males from competing in female sports.

DeWine said:

Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life. Many parents have told me that their child would be dead today if they had not received the treatment they received from an Ohio children’s hospital. I have also been told, by those that are now grown adults, that but for this care, they would have taken their lives when they were teenagers.

What so many of these young people and their families have also told me is that nothing they have faced in life could ever prepare them for this extremely tough journey. Parents are making decisions about the most precious thing in their life, their child, and none of us should underestimate the gravity and the difficulty of those decisions.

The bill prevents physicians from mutilating children and prescribing them cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs.

DeWine agrees with the assembly “that no surgery of this kind should ever be performed on those under the age of 18.” He wants to ban that practice.

And yet:

Were I to sign Substitute House Bill 68 or were Substitute House Bill 68 to become law, Ohio would be saying that the State, that the government, knows what is best medically for a child rather than the two people who love that child the most, the parents. While there are rare times in the law, in other circumstances, where the State overrules the medical decisions made by the parents, I can think of no example where this is done not only against the decision of the parents, but also against the medical judgement of the treating physician and the treating team of medical experts.

That also means DeWine won’t stop public schools from allowing biological males competing with and against biological females.

The bill states:

(1) Separate teams for participants of the female sex within female sports divisions;
(2) Separate teams for participants of the male sex within male sports divisions;
(3) If applicable, co-ed teams for participants of the female and male sexes within co-ed sports divisions.

DeWine did not include the sports part of the bill in his remarks. The Columbus Dispatch mentioned the governor has said “that he believes the issue shouldn’t be handled by government.”

Unfortunately, the Ohio High School Athletic Association allows biological males to join female teams after one year of hormone therapy.

The Ohio House can override the veto. Maybe DeWine did this as a way to appease Democrats and moderates because he knew the House would override his veto.


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Not a surprise; especially after how he handled covid like a dem governor. One of the reasons I moved from Ohio to Nashville.

Dewine is one of those spineless Republicans that talks tough until it’s time to actually take the actions that they said they would. Hopefully he is replaced by a true conservative that will actually fight against the woke morons.

UnCivilServant | December 29, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Next year Michelle DeWine competes on the Women’s basketball circuit?

They say they have the votes to override his veto, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Ohio is full of worthless POS pols.

“Many Parents” told him their child would be dead…

And I’m sure there are many parents who did not want their child wearing a mask because it wasn’t good for their health only to be lectured by the DeWines “hey, aRe YOu a dOctoR? then shut up.”

    Joe-dallas in reply to George S. | December 29, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    George – I agree with your take.

    the kids suffering from Gender confusion are mentally ill. That is not in dispute (except by the trans activists) . The mentally ill have much higher rates of suicide than the general population.

    So the claim that the kid was saved from suicide by this treatment is dubious.

      nordic prince in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 29, 2023 at 3:21 pm

      Exactly. Gender-confused kids need counseling and mental treatment, not irreversible mutilation.

      Enabling delusion and mental illness is never a good idea.

      Many are just impressionable and trying to please their insane mothers.

        Joe-dallas in reply to geronl. | December 30, 2023 at 10:57 am

        concur – mental illness tends to be genetic, and passed on from parents. There is some validity of mom’s being the one with the mental illness that is pushing the child toward the delusions.

      henrybowman in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 29, 2023 at 8:20 pm

      Plus, it’s confirmation bias. How many parents contacted DeWine whose kid was suicidal, transitioned, then suicided anyway? Probably none, because the whole experience confirms they are failures as parents.

    chrisboltssr in reply to George S. | December 30, 2023 at 12:15 am

    These people lie with abandon. There is probably two parents who told this spineless slug (yes, you read the correctly) they needed to mutilate their kid to make themselves feel good.

    The party needs to purify itself of spineless slugs like this.

It’s impossible to mount an effective defense against the vile Dhimmi-crats’ utterly destructive and evil policies — including this obnoxious, misogynist, child-/teen-abusing and exploiting “trans” lunacy — when too many feckless “Republicans” to count refuse to stand up for moral probity and what’s right.

So if a minor has body integrity identity disorder (BIID), will we let them amputate a limb if they are suicidal? We used to treat mental illness…..

Who needs Democrats when we have people like @GovMikeDeWine as part of the @GOP? – Riley Gaines

I agree with Gaines. With the only exception that the issue of men competing in mens sports is trivial compared to the vastly more dangerous issue of destroying a mentally ill persons life. The normal treatment for any physical or mental illness is provide treatment so the person can return to normal. In the trans world, the vogue treatment is to permanently prevent the afflicted from every returning to normal. That treatment is pure evil..

    Olinser in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 29, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    I don’t care what mentally ill adults do with their own bodies and lives.

    I care very much what they are doing to CHILDREN, before they understand the actual consequences of their actions on their bodies and lives.

      Martin in reply to Olinser. | December 29, 2023 at 9:44 pm

      I do care for mentally ill adults and I think that the doctors that should be working for the good of their patients not just to get a long term streams of income for ongoing medical and psychiatric treatments.

        Joe-dallas in reply to Martin. | December 30, 2023 at 10:59 am

        concur with martin – the current trans treatment fad creates a lifetime income stream by inflicting permanent damage instead of a treatment that returns the patient to normalcy

That’s totally bunk. Its called playing the “suicide card”. Its all over social media. Whenever kids can’t get what they want, they threaten suicide to get their parents to agree.

The reality is that suicide rate is higher than average after gender re-assignment surgery. Its like encouraging child that they can fly, giving them paper wings, and pushing them off the roof. Its arguably child abuse. Let the person make their own decision when they become 18 y/o.

    Olinser in reply to smooth. | December 29, 2023 at 5:53 pm

    The reality is the so-called ‘gender affirming care’ produces ZERO BENEFIT to long-term suicide rates.

    That’s the entire reason Johns Hopkins, the pioneer of this, stopped doing it, because the data was clear – it was of ZERO benefit to the individual.

    chrisboltssr in reply to smooth. | December 30, 2023 at 12:20 am

    It’s the same tactic the LGBT crowd used to justify all of their deviant behavior.

    You don’t want me to commit suicide, DO YOU? If I don’t get to do what I want and I kill myself, my death will be on your hands.

    And weak willed people buckle to this emotional blackmail.

Dewine is the face of a politician who wants to win both sides of the argument or at least not antagonize them. Nikki Haley is another. They will not take a strong position on anything and stick with it when times get tough. Our country is in perilous times and we need a strong leader who is immune to public scorn.

    I act thought birdbrain had written his speech

    guyjones in reply to inspectorudy. | December 29, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    Yeah, the execrable Haley is another one of these useless twits. Go along to get along; don’t rock the boat and upset our Establishment/Deep State masters and betters; choose the path of political and personal expediency.

Moral cowardice on the part of Gov. DeWine.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 29, 2023 at 4:26 pm

Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life. Many parents have told me that their child would be dead today if they had not received the treatment they received from an Ohio children’s hospital.

Utter and complete BS. Deranged perversion.

Dewine is a disgusting, putrid dirtbag. Truly.

“Treatment” … right …

This guy is absolutely despicable.

Putting the INO in RINO.

Geesh, have these people involuntarily committed. A normal guy wants to do the Dutch if his johnson gets sliced off, not if he gets to keep it.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 29, 2023 at 4:31 pm

So … can DeWine point us to the obvious data that must exist on the innumerable numbers of teen suicides all through history up until the point at which this monstrous gender mutilation surgeries were available?? We should be able to look at any society over all of its history and see these numbers jump out at us.

DeWine is such a despicable, lying piece of trash. What utter filth he is.

    What planet do you live on? Teenage suicide has always been a significant phenomenon, and some percentage of those have always been over issues of sexuality or sexual identity, or over bullying about same.

    It’s a serious issue, but permanent mutilation is not the answer.

      ALPAPilot in reply to Milhouse. | December 30, 2023 at 3:03 pm

      Okay, then point us to the obvious data!!

        Milhouse in reply to ALPAPilot. | December 30, 2023 at 10:41 pm

        The data on teenage suicides is readily available and something that literally everyone knows about. I cannot believe that you are genuinely unaware. Therefore you are pretending in order to dishonestly make a point.

Riley Gaines totally nailed it.

It is an emotional and very contentious issue. To left it is something of a ‘sacred cow’ which they put incredible effort into advancing/defending. While the center/right has many figures who oppose this we some politicians and power brokers, including in key Executive positions who for whatever reasons, choose to avoid political risk by being unwilling to advance the policy preferences of their electoral base on the issue.

spill Dewine, get dat gurl

He has got to go

when is he up for reelection
(if he dares) get someone ready
to primary him ….
mentally, physically, emotionally,
and finically.

Vetoed on Friday before New Year’s Eve…. thankfully TwitterX operates 24/7 and DeWine is getting torched.

How successful are these surgeries anyway? How likely is it that a victim of these processes goes on to lives normal life in regards to their genitalia? Or are hospitals creating life time customers? I wonder how many of the post op suicides were caused by despair wrought by complications physical and mental from botched procedures.

JR x Danny = DeWine.

It’s time for women to stand up for themselves by simply refusing to compete. I good thrashing in the locker room for the offender would not hurt either.

Does anyone know when DeWine was castrated?

We are told that, (A)without “gender affirmation”, trans kids will commit suicide. We are also told, when we point to the meteoric increase in the number of kids identifying as transgender, that (B) it’s just a result of increased acceptance. These trans kids were always there, they insist, they were just afraid to make themselves known.

But if both these things were true, then youth suicides should be in free-fall. They’re not. If anything, they’re increasing. So by modus tollens, the conjunction (A & B) cannot be true. One or the other – or both – must be false.

PersonofInterests | December 30, 2023 at 1:20 pm

About the best thing that may be said about Mike Dewine is that unlike his predecessor, John Kasich, he doesn’t have a father that worked for the U.S. Postal Service to be endlessly reference as tough anybody may give a crap.