Missouri School District Gives Kindergarten Students Coloring Pages on Preferred Pronouns and Gender Expression

We need to get progressive activism out of K-12 education. That’s all this is.

The Daily Signal reports:

EXCLUSIVE: Missouri School District Offers Coloring Pages on Preferred Pronouns, Gender Expression to KindergartnersMissouri school district is providing elementary-school teachers with coloring pages, asking children as young as kindergartners to choose their pronouns and draw the corresponding hair and clothing.Webster Groves School District Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Shane Williamson emailed administrators a resource list of “Gender Identity and Expression Activities” in October 2022 in honor of LGBT History Awareness Month, according to public documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and shared with The Daily Signal.“I believe it would be good to start our own resource sheet that provides ideas and activities that can help affirm and support our elementary students around the topic of gender identity and expression,” Williamson said in the email.Williamson started the list and allowed others to add more activity resources. She did not respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.The list includes two “Playing with Pronouns” coloring pages from the Gender Wheel website for kindergarten through fifth grade and links to Welcoming Schools resources on gender-expansive classrooms and Advocates for Youth’s K-12 sexuality curriculum.The “My Personal Style” coloring page asks children to draw themselves in the “style that feels the most like you.” The page features a gender-neutral child in the middle surrounded by both boy and girl options for clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry.

Tags: College Insurrection, Education, LGBT, Missouri