Jewish High Schoolers Turning Away From the Ivy League Over Anti-Semitism

Who can blame them? The landscape of higher education is changing over this.

From National Review:

Jewish High Schoolers Abandon Ivy League Aspirations in Response to Campus AntisemitismEven if he were offered a full-ride scholarship to an elite university, Anton Frenk “would turn it down in a heartbeat.” The high-school senior from New York City would “have loved to go to Harvard, Yale, or any Ivy League School,” just a few weeks ago but that all changed after the Hamas attack of October 7.“Seeing what’s happening on those campuses, I don’t feel that it would be worth it to have to fear for my life every single day just to get a quality education that I could find in an environment without that sort of cutthroat antisemitism,” the teenager, sporting black nail polish, a gaming headset, and flowing black hair, told National Review.Frenk’s parents fled the former Soviet Union looking for a better future for their son. Although not raised strictly observant, like many American Jews, he goes to synagogue on high holidays, had a Bar Mitzvah, and wears a Star of David necklace. “I’ve had to hide it recently when I’ve been going into the city for various because I almost got attacked.”After seeing college campuses devolve into open displays of support for terrorism and Jewish students sheltering in libraries from mobs, Frenk considered forsaking the university experience altogether. “Seeing all those attacks, all this hate on these campuses, I’m not sure if I even want to go,” he reflected. In the end, the aspiring engineering student applied to several schools but didn’t even bother applying to the Ivy League because “I don’t really want to get accepted and then have to transfer out of fear for my life because of antisemitism.”

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection