It’s important to Harvard that its brand survive Claudine Gay. It’s important to America that it doesn’t.
The corruption and rot caused by DEI is on full display, and Claudine Gay has become its poster child. While on substance she should be gone, having her stay in place serves the function of keeping the focus on the DEI farce. The Harvard brand may have to fall so that a better academia can rise.
I’ve never been one of those “be true to your school” types. I feel no real allegiance or loyalty to Hamilton College or Harvard Law School. I never really fit in either place (a life pattern, it seems). Even if I had, I still wouldn’t understand the psychological grip that colleges have on alumni, it seems highly manipulated.
The only school-related place and people to whom I have allegiance are my childhood and high school friends, because “mentally and emotionally I’m still 17, it’s 1977.”
But enough about me.
Which brings me to Claudine Gay. She’s a real piece of work, we are finding out, as her plagiarism scandal unfolds. This from Wesley Yang is devastating and infuriating:
Carol Swain grew up in a shack without running water with 11 brothers and sisters. She was much feted in academia upon her emergence but quickly engaged in heterodoxies that got her blackballed and went on to become an evangelical Christian and a Trump supporter. That’s why her outraged demands for accountability for Claudine Gay stealing her work carry no weight with anyone that matters. She lacked the implicit knowledge of how to stay within the right-thinking consensus that Gay learned at Exeter and therefore became a pariah while Gay made a rapid ascent to the very pinnacle of all academic leadership.
Roland Fryer was abandoned by his mother early and his abusive father was convicted for rape, leaving him to fend for himself in the streets as a teenager. He righted himself and became [one of] the youngest tenured professor in the history of Harvard University, a favorite of the then-President of Harvard Lawrence Summers, and one of the most productive scholars at Harvard University, studying subjects seeking to find ways to ameliorate the condition of the black underclass.
Soon after publishing a study demonstrating that police officers were slightly more likely to shoot white suspects than black subjects, he became the subject of a sexual harassment investigation. He ended up suspended for a year and the lab where he studied ways to ameliorate the condition of the black underclass was shuttered — despite the fact that the female best friend of his accuser told investigators and went on the record with the press that his accuser was typically the instigator of the sexualized banter that occurred in Fryer’s lab.
The dean of Harvard [Faculty of Arts and Sciences] who delivered this punishment was — Claudine Gay.
Gay is the scioness of one of Haiti’s wealthiest families and a graduate of Exeter. She obtained tenure at Stanford on the strength of four published papers, and was poached by Harvard. She has gone on to publish a total of eleven research papers and no books — a record that a professor told me was easily in the bottom 5th percentile of all professors employed at peer institutions. Seven of those papers have been shown to have violated Harvard’s rules on academic citation.
All of these professors are beneficiaries of affirmative action — Swain and Fryer overcame great adversity and disadvantage to do high level academic work that was generally regarded as of the first rank by their peers. They fulfilled the promise of that policy by taking opportunities granted to them on the basis of considerations beyond the strictly academic, given the diminished opportunities available to them in youth.
Gay is a child of privilege who learned how to play the game among other elites — she stole from Swain and shut down Fryer on her path to the presidency.
I talked about the damage to the Harvard brand from the Claudine Gay scandal in an interview on NTD:
The president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, found herself at the center of a plagiarism storm this week.But what is Claudine Gay accused of—inadequate citation, or something more serious? And how has this damaged Harvard’s reputation?
NTD spoke to William Jacobson, a professor at Cornell Law School and the founder of The Equal Protection Project, to find out what effect the allegations could have on the Ivy League university.
“I think it taints the Harvard brand,” he said. “The Harvard brand was ‘the best and the brightest’—[the] leading university in the world, perhaps.”
“And they have somebody who’s at the head of the institution who has committed numerous … instances of plagiarism dating back to her doctoral dissertation.”
I don’t care about the “Harvard” brand, which signifies the smugness, classism, and elitism that makes me want to puke. It’s not just the Harvard brand under pressure, most of the ‘elite’ colleges and universities, particularly the Ivy League, are damaged by their reactions to Hamas’ October 7 massacre. How bad the damage is and how long it lasts remains to be seen, but it’s not a bad thing if it is deserved – and in most cases it is.
Academia has been corrupted and hollowed out by the rot caused by the DEI agenda, which elevates group identity over the individual, and skin color and physical appearance over merit. It’s also a part of why “The anti-American activists are the anti-Capitalist activists are the anti-Israel activists”.
The corruption and rot caused by DEI is on full display, and Claudine Gay has become its poster child. While on substance she should be gone, having her stay in place serves the function of keeping the focus on the DEI farce. The Harvard brand may have to fall so that a better academia can rise.
It’s important to Harvard that its brand survive Claudine Gay. It’s important to American that it doesn’t.
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Harvard and by extension “the Ivy League” lost their collective reputations long ago. The y collectively turn out narcissistic fools. They create meaningless studies and degrees. Please someone, anyone burn it all to the ground. FJB
L’affaire Gay is about to get worse for Harvard.
Besides being a serial plagiarist and scholastic lightweight, there are now serious questions as to whether she committed the unforgivable sin of academia: fudging your data:
This is starting to resemble what caused the downfall of former-celebrated-tenured-history-professor-now-bartender Michael Bellesiles. Anyone — especially in a “soft” science — who won’t allow their dataset to be checked is very likely hiding something.
We have a similar problem across the Pond.
The two most prestigious universities Oxford and Cambridge have caught the same disease as Harvard, and many others aren’t far behind.
I read the WSJ article about the AK senator who recently returned to his alma mater Harvard and found a huge anti-Israel sign in the main library and most students were wearing kifaya headscarves in sympathy. This shocked the hell out of me. Protest signs belong on the quad, not in the library.
Clearly all administrations are afraid of their students and afraid to punish bad behavior.
What makes you think they see it as bad?
Barky was the poster child. Lest we forget, Barky was a Precedent at Hah-vahd … back when they changed the rules and procedures for the Lawn Care Review right after the asinine sit-ins. Barky, who never would have qualified to even be an editor, won the Precedency of the Lawn Care Review … with the runner-up just happening to have been another DIE token. Barky … the Hah-vahd “Constitutional scholar” who confused the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in a friggin State of the Union speech.
Take away the teleprompter and he sounds exactly like what he is …a fucking idiot
Hear, hear!
Even WITH the teleprompter he didn’t do that well … “corpse-men” … “Oh‘-ree-ahn”
Barky is jaw-droppingly stupid. It’s clear that he didn’t score north of 900 on his SATs … not on his luckiest day.
It still amazes me that all of his fawning admirers believe this idiot narcissist to be so allegedly sagacious, sophisticated and worldly, and yet, he doesn’t even speak a single foreign language.
How many did either of the Bush’s speak? Eisenhower? Or, Trump?
Grizz, those folks that you mentioned don’t speak a foreign language, but, they also didn’t strut around in the most narcissistic and self-aggrandizing manner, possible, cultivating the notion that they were the smartest person in a given room. They listened to counsel and to other people’s opinions. They didn’t believe they were sages with regard to every topic, under the Sun.
The point is that the vile Obama — unduly elevated by his fawning cheerleaders and worshipers — has always believed himself to be smarter than everyone else around him.
Gentle Grizzly, let’s also remember that it was Barack the Annointed who hectored Americans about being able to speak other languages. Neither Bush, nor Trump, nor Eisenhower did that. Again, it was Obama who did that. So, let’s not try to muddy the water by making a false equivalency about that point. Good try, though.
(Actually, it wasn’t even a good try.)
What would this paragraph look like if written in English? Who the hell is “Barky?”
And what the hell is the “Lawn Care Review?” Desperate to be cute, are we?
You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
Do you need me to explain that metaphor to you?
What’s this word you use twice: “Precedency”?
It’s intentional. Think about it and you will probably be able to figure it out.
And, in addition to that idiocy, there was the joke of Hah-vahd and Princeton going to war over the employment of one of the biggest idiots and frauds in academia – Cornell West. The guy is a complete moron but Hah-vahd and Princeton fought to the death over the guy. It would be laughable if these weren’t supposed to be such serious institutions.
West’s first name is Cornel, one “l.” When you’re calling people morons, you should get everything straight.
The spelling of a name. You think that’s a big deal? I don’t give a sh*t how many “l”s are in his name. It’s immaterial.
Dude, get a life.
GC, you’re missing the forest for the tree when you criticize Primordial’s remarks like that. Or is that really the only critique you can muster about his remarks?
They didn’t need affirmative action BS. Swain and Fryer might have gone to lower-tier schools but they would have gotten through and published about the same stuff as they have. They didn’t need anyone’s finger on the scales. All that affirmative action does for competent blacks (and women, to a lesser extent) is taint them.
There have always been black professionals. Fewer, for sure, but it was known that they got through on their own merits and talents. And that’s what spurred on the creation of black colleges, too. Those colleges would have done much better without AA for other schools to steal their best, too.
I am a proud alumna of Sweet Briar Collège. Plaigiarism is a honor offense and subject to expulsion.
Ms. Gay’s antisemitism is repulsive and entitled to all opprobrium and is morally more reprehensible than her academic hishonty
These days, not even our national military academies retain their original principles about honor offenses.
What kind of animal is a “hishonty”?
Amen, professor. A-effing-men.
More than 50 years ago, the management and social thinker Peter Drucker said that one major advantage America had over Europe is that we *did not* have a small set of ‘elite’ universities that acted as gatekeepers to the key positions in society:
“One thing it (modern society) cannot afford in education is the “elite institution” which has a monopoly on social standing, on prestige, and on the command positions in society and economy. Oxford and Cambridge are important reasons for the English brain drain. A main reason for the technology gap is the Grande Ecole such as the Ecole Polytechnique or the Ecole Normale. These elite institutions may do a magnificent job of education, but only their graduates normally get into the command positions. Only their faculties “matter.” This restricts and impoverishes the whole society…The Harvard Law School might like to be a Grande Ecole and to claim for its graduates a preferential position. But American society has never been willing to accept this claim…”
We as a country are a lot closer to accepting Grande Ecole status for Harvard Law School and similar institutions than we were when Drucker wrote the above, and that is not a good thing.
An astute and important observation. Well done.
Given that the collegiate system was modeled after Britain’s pretty much says it all. The Cambridge-Oxford schools were just youth polishing machines to prepare the anointed for their rise through the British aristocracy. I suspect that the class protection function has morphed into the underclass destruction mode since there are too many supplicants to fill the limited openings in the monarchical machine.
It used to be different. It used to be that the best and the brightest got into Harvard. Whereas it was the wealthy and groomed that got into Oxbridge.
Now it’s the leftists, the legacies and the minorities that go to Harvard. Not certain about Oxbridge.
When I think of Oxford I think of Bertie Wooster. Bumbling fool with the right bloodlines.
And foreigners.
Claudine Gay is the Andrew Cuomo of elite education.
Cuomo should’ve been history for forcing nursing homes to accept elderly Covid patients. He’s largely responsible for the deaths of thousands.
Sexual harassment charges are what finally brought him down.
Gay should’ve been history when, after punishing students for microaggressions and insensitive speech, she selectively needed “context” to condemn calls for genocide against Jews.
Plagiarism looks to be what will bring her down.
Funny the priorities we have in society these days.
Well sad!
Very well said!
As a physician in NY, I witnessed the consequences of Andrew Cuomo’s policies re forcing nursing homes to
accept known COVID+ patients!
It was criminal!
A first year nursing school student would know better than to introduce someone with a ootentally lethal disease into a vulnerable population!
Cuomo deserved to be ousted..and was…but for the wrong reason!
I still hold the media complicit since they didn’t dare admit that he deserved removal for nursing home deaths rather than sexual misbehavior…since they had gushingly praised his response to COVID….for no
Other reason that they hated Trump
and wanted someone else to praise in comparison.🙄
And Al Capone was brought down by tax offenses. We have a weird system indeed.
“I never really fit in either place (a life pattern, it seems).”
Wow, I can totally relate.
“mentally and emotionally I’m still 17, it’s 1977.”
Same. And the same age.
How much more evidence do we need that we are long lost twins?
Same here.. Although I already have a twin..
I’ll make a case for fraternal triplets!
I never fit in at all. I care naught about sports; hated most of my generation’s music; found the chatter about this or that scandal or new movie to be boring in the extreme.
All that made me the loner I am today.
Compare and contrast white dude and black woman. Absolute polar opposites in every regard, especially in the outcome.
In the U.S., we know more about the pros and cons of choosing which toaster oven to pay for
than we do about the pros and cons of choosing which form of higher education to pay for.
In the former case, we can look to Consumer Reports etc. for reasonably reliable outcome data. Same with deciding what car to buy, or used car.
But with the latter — which is far more expensive than a toaster oven or a used car — the realities of what, exactly, we are paying for ……. it’s much more anecdotal.
In theory, can be helpful but not sure how trustworthy the info. But it’s a start.
What’s going on now w Harvard seems more about power than about anything academic.
We are being told , “This is how it’s gonna be, so f**k you, get used to it you punk-arse b*tches.”
DIE is straight up Cultural Marxism, it will kill the country
Hilarious- we had a worse phony with a forged birth certificate as POTUS for two terms and the public sucked it up as mother’s milk, and Harvard is supposed to crumble because some wink and a nod, stupid propped up negress has a couple of bad news cycles? She will eventually be channeled millions to leave and a somewhat smarter version will replace her.
perhaps somewhat smarter (street-wise :”smarter”) but, based on recent history, no more honest and ethical than the current subject.
When one fears/respects an all seeing and all knowing God, one then takes care that ALL one’s actions are seen and held to account. When one only fears public opinion or the boss/board/whoever, then one can more easily play the odds that such indiscretions can be carried off, unlikely to ever come to light and thus never bring consequences. The FACT that this fraudulent creature only fears/respects those who might bring trouble upon her makes her utterly unreliable in everything. Her game thus has become that of building Potemkin Villages, taking “nice” photographs of them, and then asking “am I not utterly wonderful, look at what I have made…? , the whiles absolutely certain no one will ever take opportunity to walk round the façade and examine the papier=maché and chickenwire “structure” being put forward as “the truth”. The paper thin veneer appears to be wonderful, but has no substance nor ability to last. Its all for “the now”, no thought for the future.
If Hahvahd buy her off and replaces her with a “current year model” of the same ilk, Hahvahd are done.
My question is: WHO that matters will care two hoots of a horned owl?
Harvard is a brand, no longer an institution for education.
Speaking of which, following the example of Bud Light, I totally expect a Harvard Coffee Mug with an image of a happy Jazz Jennings as their student of the year in their merch store.
Nothing says you are qualified for matriculating at Harvard like cutting off you manhood so you can pole vault into the elite of the elite with … all that Jazz.
Nice 1970’s duds in your high school photo, Professor Jacobson!
Thank you for the great work that you and your team do. I wish all of you the very best for year 2024.
The rocker/pop hairstyle is cool, too. 🙂
LOL, some grinch shows up to down-vote my innocuous post. Merry Christmas! 🙂
Publick Opinion Schmublick A Piñon who gives two hoots from a horned owl about the “votes? anyway? Speak the truth and let the blows fall where they may.
“This is the first time and first application season where I’ve seen a student who got into Harvard early that I’ve worked with for almost three and a half, four years now, starting in ninth grade — we’re seeing them say, ‘You know what? I want to apply to other schools because what if I graduate and this stigma and this reputation of Harvard stays the same?’ That’s their true concern.”
That quote exposes the whole, real game. The blatant, totally instrumental careerism. Working diligently to win by working the system, vs. doing the work. Or, perfect preparation for an academic career. Ideal training for the operatives and functionaries in govt, and business, these days.
Are the tech-lords are really failed academics: they just weren’t ruthless enough.
Harvard is going to have a hard time firing Gay, or if they do, surviving the process. They knew who she was and hired her anyway. Or they didn’t know because they didn’t care. Neither of those look good.
And they have to hire somebody like her. It’s in their blood, so to speak. Woke is their Thing, which is how they got Gay, and they’re not going to give it up. So they’ll hire somebody like her.
“Oh, you went to Harvard? Bless your heart.”
LOL! I’m a northern transplant living in the south, and I know what *bless your heart” means. Spot on!
Sorta like another oft-quoted line from a book I read somwhere”
“Frankly,Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.”
Well sad!
Very well said!
As a physician in NY, I witnessed the consequences of Andrew Cuomo’s policies re forcing nursing homes to
accept known COVID+ patients!
It was criminal!
A first year nursing school student would know better than to introduce someone with a ootentally lethal disease into a vulnerable population!
Cuomo deserved to be ousted..and was…but for the wrong reason!
I still hold the media complicit since they didn’t dare admit that he deserved removal for nursing home deaths rather than sexual misbehavior…since they had gushingly praised his response to COVID….for no
Other reason that they hated Trump
and wanted someone else to praise in comparison.🙄
I might
I might be mistaken …but isn’t it the polite Southern was to say??:
In order to lobby in support of this woman, it seems the thought process would have to be something like:
“Academic standards? We don’t need no academic standards. That sheet is whiteness and it don’t apply to me.
“Honesty? Who cares. Cheating? Who cares. Double standards? Who cares. Take your whiteness and go. Get out. Get. Out. Or I’ll call the fbi on you”
Even if Harvard eventually rids itself of Gay, the system that installed her will still be there. The only thing that will restore the “brand” is to shut it down for forty or fifty years, then start over.
Or, something very unlikely but remotely possible:
look to New College of Florida, oresently in process of a total remake. So far the progress looks good and solid. If I were looking to hire someone competent AND of high integrity, I’d look very favourably on a graduate of New College, or New Saint Andrews, or Hillsdale, than I would of Hahvahd. Or other Ivy League institutions of.. what, exactly?
I LOVED this article Bill!
Especially this line where you didn’t mince words!
“I don’t care about the “Harvard” brand, which signifies the smugness, classism, and elitism that makes me want to puke.”
That line struck a chord, since like you, my educational background has a connection to an elite educational
Institution…where I never felt I fit in.
I have.a 1973 MA degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, run by Tufts University with the cooperation of Harvard.
It’s an elite school of International affairs attended by the children of the elites …from all over the world.
I was an American kid from a blue collar family on Long Island, NY. My dad was a blacksmith with a high school degree and my mom was high school dropout and housewife.
I attended Fletcher with the goal of entering the U.S. Foreign Service .
Because I had always been taught to love my country and I wanted to serve it!
To serve …and nothing more.
I soon discovered that my motivations were different from those of most of the other Americans at the school.
I never understood why they wanted to be in the Foreign Service…other than perhaps the “prestige” of being a diplomat….but it wasn’t because of a deep love for their country.
They sneered at and mocked patriotism. I remember how distraught and angry most of them were over Nixon’s victory in 1972, while I rejoiced..and how they gleefully tortured me over Watergate and Nixon’s resignation!
I didn’t fit in with such people!
They caused me to change career paths since I couldn’t see myself having to work besides such people for a lifetime career.
So, instead, I ended up volunteering as an officer in the USAF and serving for 12 years among some of the finest people it has been my honor to know in my life! Those were people who had made the decision to give their Iives, if necessary, to defend America and its freedom. How could I not admire them?
Along the way, I attended the DOD medical school and ended up
having a 40 year career as a physician.
I made the right choice for me.
A long career alongside those elitist, woke snobs would have killed my soul.
As I’ve said before Bill, you are MY local hero!
I can’t imagine how you can endure the environment you must experience at a woke pit like Cornell.!
It would be an honor to
meet you again some day over a cup
Of coffee…as you once suggested.
Your local MD admirer.
Increase Mather and his son, Cotton Mather, established Yale because they believed that Harvard had become too liberal. And that was in 1701. One wonders what those two gentlemen would think nowadays.
What’s going on at Harvard is incredible. The place doesn’t have any instinct left for self preservation. Perhaps they think they can continue to lecture everyone and make them accept the authority and admirability of Claudine Gay. But they’ve clearly gone too far. The rest of the world knows what cheating is, and we’re not fooled even when Harvard pretends it wasn’t cheating.
Claudine Gay should have been removed from the presidency immediately and replaced by an acting pending a new search for the replacement. And an investigation started toward revoking her tenure and firing her from the faculty. A community college would probably do that in the circumstances.
Harvard has shown that they lack the standards of a community college. It is what it is. They cannot deny it.