If America is as Systemically Racist as the Left Claims, Why are Millions of Minorities Crossing Our Border?

This is one of those things that doesn’t add up and never gets addressed.

The Manhattan Contrarian writes:

Millions Of People Of Color Endure Grueling Thousand Mile Trek In Effort To Enter Systemically Racist White Supremacist Hellhole

The United States: As you know, it is a systemically racist, white supremacist hellhole. It is filled with structures and barriers intended to oppress people of color and make them suffer. Or at least, you know those things if you read the usual sources from left-wing institutions and journalists. I’ll give you several examples in a moment.

But then, how to explain the undeniable fact that millions of people of color are enduring almost unimaginable hardships every day in the effort to reach and then gain entry to this hellhole. The most recent example is on the front page of today’s New York Times. The headline is “Blinken Seeks Mexico’s Help To Slow Surge”; but the accompanying photo — occupying most of the front page above the fold — is particularly revealing. A caravan of thousands of people is shown surging forward toward the U.S. border, with nearly every single visible face having a noticeably dark complexion. The photo in the online version of the article is not the identical one found in the print edition (although the photographer given credit, Juan Manuel Blanco, is the same), but the visual impression of a sea of dark faces is the same…

Hasn’t anyone informed these people that in the U.S. people of color are systemically and structurally oppressed and exploited? Surely they must have access to information from top international institutions and journalism outlets as to the true conditions. Here are a few examples that you would think they would be hard pressed to miss:

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, College Insurrection, Education