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IDF Chief: Hamas Rule Beginning to Collapse Amid Mass-Surrender by Gaza Terrorists

IDF Chief: Hamas Rule Beginning to Collapse Amid Mass-Surrender by Gaza Terrorists

IDF Chief of Staff Halevi: ‘[W]e’re seeing terrorists surrendering — a sign of the disintegration of the system, a sign that we need to push harder.” 

With terrorist fighters surrendering in large numbers for the second day in a row, the Israeli military believes that the Hamas’s rule is beginning to collapse in terror-infested Gaza.

According to IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Hamas is losing its grip on power after ruling the Palestinian enclave with an iron fist for more than 16 years.

The Times of Israel reported IDF Chief of Staff’s remarks on Sunday:

Hamas operatives have increasingly been surrendering to the IDF in other areas of Gaza amid the ongoing fighting, according to military officials.

“I see the achievements every day. We are seeing every day more and more terror operatives killed, more and more terror operatives wounded, and in recent days we’re seeing terrorists surrendering — a sign of the disintegration of the system, a sign that we need to push harder,” said at a Hanukkah candle lighting in the south with Nahal Brigade troops.

Later, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari confirmed many Hamas members surrendered Saturday to troops in Gaza, saying they revealed intelligence information on the terror group’s functioning amid the ground offensive.

“In Shejaiya and Jabaliya, terrorists who surrendered handed over weapons and equipment,” he said, confirming the leaked video.

“From the interrogations of the terrorists who surrendered, the following intelligence has emerged: The situation of the operatives on the ground is difficult, and the Hamas leadership, led by [Yahya] Sinwar, denies the reality even though it is updated on the details,” Hagari said.

“The operatives complain that the Hamas leadership is out of touch with the tough situation they are in on the ground,” he added.

IDF eliminates terror cells, destroys Hamas infrastructure

Over the weekend, the Israeli military is making further advances on the ground, with heavy fighting concentrated around the terrorist strongholds of Jabaliya (northern Gaza) and Khan Yunis (southern Gaza).

“Over the past day, IDF troops fired with precise munitions and struck underground tunnel shafts in Khan Yunis. In addition, a drone assisted IDF troops in identifying an armed terrorist cell that planned to attack additional IDF troops forces in the area. The terrorist cell was eliminated,” the Israeli military disclosed Sunday morning.

“Overnight, the IAF struck terror infrastructure in which terrorists operated and underground tunnel shafts in Khan and Overnight, the IAF struck terror infrastructure in which terrorists operated and underground tunnel shafts in Khan Yunis,” the IDF added.

Israeli ground troops are directing air strikes against Hamas targets and fortified terrorist infrastructure, including Gaza’s vast underground terror tunnel network being used to stage sneak attacks on IDF soldiers and for hoarding rockets and weaponry. “IDF hits 250 targets in past day, including tunnel shafts and terrorist squads,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Sunday morning.

“IDF arrested dozens of arrests terrorists who surrendered in the Jabaliya region of Gaza, a second group that was published, following many who threw down their weapons instead of continuing to fight,” the TV channel noted.

IDF brings artillery to bear deep inside Hamas territory

As Israel’s ground offensive enters in sixth week, the IDF is finally bringing big guns to bear deep inside the terrorist-controlled territory.

“For the first time since the beginning of ground operations: The Artillery Corps is operating inside the Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed in a statement on Sunday afternoon. “During their operation, the Artillery Corps struck over 20 terrorist targets, including weapons storage facilities, booby-trapped houses, and terror infrastructure of the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Israeli air force hits Hezbollah terror target in Lebanon

Israel on Sunday morning launched air strikes against terror targets in southern Lebanon after Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah carried out more drone and missile attacks into Israel, injuring several IDF soldiers, the Israeli media reported.

Israeli air forces carried out “an extensive series of strikes on Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanese territory,” the IDF confirmed.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Lebanon’s Hezbollah said it had launched explosive drones at an Israeli command position on Sunday and Israeli strikes hit south Lebanon, as violence prompted by the war in Gaza rumbled on across the Israeli-Lebanese frontier.

The IDF said “suspicious aerial targets” had crossed from Lebanon and two were intercepted. Two Israeli soldiers were moderately wounded and a number of others were lightly injured from shrapnel and smoke inhalation, it said.

The Lebanon-based terrorist group admitted carrying out attacks inside Israel. “Hezbollah said it had launched explosive drones at an Israeli command position on Sunday,” Reuters reported.



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#FJB <-- Disco Stu_ | December 10, 2023 at 5:11 pm

Lovely, inspiring prose:

“The terrorist cell was eliminated.”

Hamas is used to fighting against unarmed civilians. Facing off against armed and trained soldiers is a terrible shock to them.

Luckily Walter Cronkite is dead so he is unable to get on the TV and tell us that we can’t win and we must negotiate with Hamas. I know the current crop of know nothings is saying that but they don’t wield the influence Walter did.

    inspectorudy in reply to Martin. | December 11, 2023 at 10:26 am

    I was in Vietnam when that lying bastard made the evening lie a fixture. We were shocked at the lies he told daily and that most people believed him. Then the lying McNamara followed up with his lies and ROEs. Throw in the incompetent LBJ and we had an unwinnable war.

Though Israel dropped the ball, it’s obvious they have been planning this takedown for a very long time.

I wonder if mass surrender isn’t just another ploy. These rabid dogs are unable to stand against an army, so they surrender en mass, keeping the enemy busy processing prisoners, while the hostages are maybe transferred to other hiding places. Because Hamas continues to hold the trump card: the hostages. They will get their rabid dogs back, if they want them, by trading them for hostages. If Hamas were truly desperate, they would be negotiating for the hostages. But they are not.

Hopefully good news, watched a YouTube video from Catherine Glick interviewed a woman on the body recover burial team. It wasn’t a easy job but they seemed to do what they could with half destroyed bodies.

Hamas has failed the people of gaza. They are disgrace.

    mailman in reply to smooth. | December 11, 2023 at 2:54 am

    The tragedy here is that the left hates Israel more than it cares about Palestinians. If the left actually cared about Palestinians they’d be swinging from the rafters protesting against Hamas and their 16 year long abuse of the people they are supposed to be looking after things could be very different in the Middle East.

    However the lefts hatred of Jews has led us to where we are today.

Imho the Left has the mentality of innocent children

They reallllly feeeel for the cows, even though the family needs to eat steak.

They reallllly feeeel for the grass, even though the lawn needs to be mowed.

And they realllly feeeeel for the mosquitos , even though we need to minimize spread of disease.

Most of us grow up at some point. And we accept unfortunate realities of life—eg, that evil exists, and that evildoers lie.

I think this explains the Che t-shirts, and the idiots who praise Castro and Mao, etc.

For decades, enemies of Western civilization have migrated into Western societies, and they’ve been refining their sales pitch amongst our innocent lambs, who march, and teach our kids, and vote.

There’s definitely trouble afoot.

The leaders of our institutions almost all seem to be working for those around the world who seek our destruction.

Remember Hillary’s campaign slogan “love trumps hate?”

Well, in typical projection style, we see that the “Left Loves Hate,” particularly the antisemitic style.

“‘The operatives complain that the Hamas leadership is out of touch with the tough situation they are in on the ground,”’ he added.”

Because the terrorist “leadership” is living large in Qatar and other places that hate Israel.

Think about what the Hamas fighters must have to weigh every day. If I fight I might die but if I surrender I know the Israelis will treat me humanely and probably swap me for a hostage so what is there to worry about? I don’t know if this is a good strategy or not since any Hamas fighter will surely return to the battlefield. Perhaps Israel should consider a “No Prisoner” campaign.

abdul and his ilk are real badasses when turned loose with their aks in the midst of unarmed elders / women / children–but when the big boys(and girls) show-up, the terrorist punks fold like a nine-dollar tent

and where on this planet can the deliberate torture/rape/mutilation/murder of innocents be dismissed as a component of the terrorist’s dubious ” right to resist ?”