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High Malpractice Insurance Rates Prevent Small Clinics From Sexually Mutilating Children

High Malpractice Insurance Rates Prevent Small Clinics From Sexually Mutilating Children

“Nearly half the states have banned medication or surgical treatment for transgender youth.”

I absolutely refuse to use the term ‘gender affirming care.’ This is good news, despite the spin.

Time Magazine reports:

Malpractice Insurance Prices Are Stopping Small Clinics From Offering Gender-Affirming Care to Minors

After Iowa lawmakers passed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors in March, managers of an LGBTQ+ health clinic located just across the state line in Moline, Illinois, decided to start offering that care.

The added services would provide care to patients who live in largely rural eastern Iowa, including some of the hundreds previously treated at a University of Iowa clinic, saving them half-day drives to clinics in larger cities like Chicago and Minneapolis.

By June, The Project of the Quad Cities, as the Illinois clinic is called, had hired a provider who specializes in transgender health care. So, Andy Rowe, The Project’s health care operations director, called the clinic’s insurance broker to see about getting the new provider added to the nonprofit’s malpractice policy.

“I didn’t anticipate that it was going to be a big deal,” Rowe said. Then the insurance carriers’ quotes came. The first one specifically excluded gender-affirming care for minors. The next response was the same. And the one after that. By early November, more than a dozen malpractice insurers had declined to offer the clinic a policy.

Nearly half the states have banned medication or surgical treatment for transgender youth. Independent clinics and medical practices located in states where such care is either allowed or protected have moved to fill that void for patients commuting or relocating across state lines. But as the risk of litigation rises for clinics, obtaining malpractice insurance on the commercial marketplace has become a quiet barrier to offering care, even in states with legal protections for health care for trans people. In extreme cases, lawmakers have deployed malpractice insurance regulations against gender-affirming care in states where courts have slowed or blocked anti-trans legislation.


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Not seeing a problem. Gender affirming care is such bullshit.

They need mental health resources, not lopping off body parts to poorly cosplay as the opposite sex.

Performing life-altering, elective procedures on minors who are emotionally, morally and legally unable to provide informed consent is the very definition of malpractice, so why would it surprise anyone that malpractice insurers are reluctant to put themselves on the chopping block?

They think it’s hard for them to get insurance now? Just wait until the many lawsuits currently in the pipeline regarding this issue start getting huge verdicts. I’m pretty sure this madness will come to an abrupt and ignominious end shortly thereafter.

No problem. Washington recently passed a law that if a confused boy or girl wants to get castrated or spayed, they can come to WA and the state won’t even tell their parents where they are. Then the state will take care of putting them on hormones, neutering them, adding or removing breasts, etc.

I wonder what the malpractice status is for a surgeon who castrates or spays a kid without any permission from the parents because the state government says to do it.

Speaking as a board-certified plastic surgeon who has all the skills necessary to do the full spectrum of “gender reassignment surgery,” but who never would because I don’t admire Josef Mengele, I can tell you that this has created a real schism in plastic surgery. I can not imagine that any patient subjected to these surgeries ends up happier in the end, but I’ll bet a lot of money that almost all end up regretting they ever did it. This craziness, both within our specialty and throughout society, has to stop. For crying out loud, “The emperor has no f*cking clothes, already!”

    No clothes and no beauty either!

    I have done a lot of reading and research on the outrageous and disgusting surgeries that fall under “gender affirming care” and I cannot imagine how an individual who goes through such a thing can ever have any semblance of a normal life… These surgeons, and there are many of them, need to be brought to justice somehow some way…

    MajorWood in reply to geecheeboy. | December 30, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    I’ll sum up the Portland experience. Unattractive men becoming even less attractive women.

High Malpractice Insurance Rates Prevent Small Clinics From Sexually Mutilating Children

Not quite. It’s still legal to circumcise boys.

There is a big difference between removing a hat and cutting off your head, just sayin.