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Hamas Posts Video of Three Elderly Hostages

Hamas Posts Video of Three Elderly Hostages

The men are Amiram Cooper, Chaim Peri, and Yoram Metzger.

I’m not going to post the video.

But Hamas continues to engage in psychological warefare.

This time Hamas shows three elderly hostages, all men, pleading for their release:

One man speaking in the video identifies himself as 79-year-old Chaim Peri, who was abducted by Hamas from his Kibbutz Nir Oz home on October 7.

The other two hostages are fellow Nir Oz residents Amiram Cooper, 84, and Yoram Metzger, 80, who were taken hostage the same day.

Only Peri speaks in the video and there is no information indicating when it was filmed, though the men’s appearance indicates it was after some time in captivity.

Trey Yingst wrote about Peri: “The Nir Oz resident spent his free time driving Palestinian children to hospitals for treatment and making art to protest violence against Palestinians. He is a peace activist.”

Metzger’s son, Roni, said his dad is diabetic and has mobility issues. He noticed his dad looks like he has lost a lot of weight.

Roni also said that Peri and Cooper don’t look like themselves: “You don’t see a shred of liveliness on their faces.”


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Yep. And no Gazans seem to be turning over information on these folks. Meaning they’re likely in cahoots with them – and therefore no longer an “innocent.” Take down all of Gaza until these folks are found and freed and every single supporter of Hamas is captured, dead, or driven from Gaza.

Do not relent, IDF.

Is there any chance of America contributing 3 GBU-43/B MOAB, and then give Hamas an ultimatum, unconditional release of hostages, or suffer consequences.

If the three hostages are pleading for their release, why doesn’t Hamas release them?

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to JLT. | December 19, 2023 at 5:49 am

    Has the IRC so much as lifted a finger to get these hostages their vitally needed medication, or otherwise see to their welfare?

The vast majority living in the hippie kibbutz’es were peaceniks

How’s that work out for them?

Some of the released hostages who had made a video have since reported that they were forced to make many takes until they got one exactly as the terrorists wanted it. So there’s no opportunity to hint that things aren’t as they’re being forced to say they are, or that their true feelings are different.

The video is well-produced. It’s set to the background of a well-known song based on Psalm 71:9, and the script they made the hostages read quotes that verse several times. They say that they are the generation that built Israel and the IDF, and that Israel must get them back “at any price”. Those words, “at any price” are repeated several times, and then it goes back to the song. The Hebrew is correct and the English subtitles are idiomatically correct English, not the usual crap you get from people who rely on Google Translate or their own faulty knowledge of these languages.

So they put a lot of effort into this propaganda. Hopefully everyone understands that it is enemy propaganda and should not be taken seriously.

    Milhouse, your link doesn’t work for some reason for me.
    So, here’s what he’s talking about:

    Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.


    Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.


    Cast me not off at the time of old age, According to the consumption of my power forsake me not.

    Young’s Literal Translation

      Milhouse in reply to GWB. | December 19, 2023 at 11:59 pm

      GWB, thanks for that. I must have misformed the tag somehow, but that was the link I intended to give.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | December 21, 2023 at 12:24 am

    “…and that Israel must get them back “at any price”.

    So, who’s convinced of what, from encountering this?

    A book that appeared late in Obama’s second term brilliantly broke down designing “actions” to messaging, aimed at moving people with a level of agreement w/ you, one step closer to the PoV you want them to have. What works for one group, won’t work for others.

    Like Alynski’s 12 rules, it described the purpose and tactics for something you kinda felt was up, but couldn’t quite peg. I can’t recall the “activism” book’s title, and my Google-fu has been failing me for a long time on this one.

    Who does this video move along to what belief Hamas would like them to have?

Does it make any difference what the technical quality of the video is? You make it sound like we should be in awe of Hamas abilities, and ignore the basic fact that they are holding (and probably mistreating) hostages.

    Yes, it makes a big difference. We should be aware that these are not just amateur terrorists, they’ve put a lot of resources and effort into making effective propaganda, and that they have people with the skills needed to do so. The days when their propaganda was clumsy and could be dismissed are over; it’s now a serious threat.

      It makes something of a difference. It doesn’t change the moral equation at all. But, as you point out, it does mean they have technically trained people working with them. And that means a harder time convincing simpletons that it is propaganda. Also, that maybe we should shut down a bunch of supply lines – US education, internet access, etc.

      (It’s the same as seeing how well put together those tunnels are. I’m not admiring, but realizing how much they’ve gotten away with and how much aid they’ve had to make it happen. And how much harder it will be to collapse those tunnels than if they were Vietnamese spider holes.)

      mailman in reply to Milhouse. | December 19, 2023 at 8:52 am

      What has changed is the quality of the people that propaganda is aimed at. It failed in the past because a large section of society could be trusted to think for themselves. However that demographic has aged and the younger demographic coming through now has been outsourcing their thinking for decades.

My opinion is that Israelis should stop protesting “violence” against Palestinians.