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Former Harvard Presidents Release Statement in Support of Claudine Gay

Former Harvard Presidents Release Statement in Support of Claudine Gay

“we offer our strong support for Claudine Gay as she leads Harvard into the future”

Is there anyone at Harvard who realizes how bad all of this looks for the school? She is a plagiarist.

Five former Harvard presidents put out this statement:

It’s on the Harvard website too:

As former Presidents of Harvard University, we offer our strong support for Claudine Gay as she leads Harvard into the future. We look forward to supporting President Gay in whatever ways we can as Harvard faces this challenging moment for higher education and the wider world.

Lawrence S. Bacow

Derek Bok

Drew Gilpin Faust

Neil L. Rudenstine

Lawrence H. Summers


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Why did Summers sign this statement defending someone who is an obvious plagiarist?

Harvard offering new diploma, double major in anti-semitism and plagiarism?

Keep it classy, harvard.

Circling the wagons, I see. Did we expect anything more or less from the virtue-signaling credentialed usual suspects?

Is there way to rescind federal education funding?

caseoftheblues | December 14, 2023 at 6:45 pm

Want a garbage,entitled, virus brained useless employee…. Hire a grad from any of the Poison Ivies.