Apparently, all that talk about diversity and inclusion doesn’t apply to conservatives, but you knew that.
The College Fix reports:
Princeton College Dem leader: Don’t allow conservatives in eating clubA student Democrat leader at Princeton University said he would exclude conservative students from a prestigious eating club because they are “bigots” who “make trans people feel uncomfortable” in an interview Thursday in the student newspaper.Nate Howard, president of the Princeton College Democrats, told The Daily Princetonian that there is a stigma against Republicans on the Ivy League campus, and he himself does not want them to become members of another club he belongs to, the Princeton Tower Club.The exclusive eating club chooses members through a process called bicker, which typically includes competitions and interviews, and Howard said he advocates for excluding conservative students.“I’m in Tower; when we do bicker, like, no, I don’t want bigots in my eating club,” Howard told the Princetonian. “And like, they may say, ‘oh, conservative views are marginalized,’ but like, which views, let’s unpack it, right? I don’t want people in my eating club that will make trans people feel uncomfortable.”Howard also said he disagrees with the perception that conservative students at Ivy League schools “are special, distinct, and extremely intelligent and thoughtful.”Negative attitudes toward conservatives extend beyond Princeton.Often, conservative student leaders report being excluded or denied the resources that other clubs enjoy, and some have been targets of vandalism and threats. In 2015, for example, UNC-Chapel Hill did not invite any conservative clubs to a discussion with student organizations about the future of the university, The College Fix reported at the time.