Delta Employee Shuts Down Trans Activist Who Tried to Humiliate Him for ‘Misgendering’ Him
“You’re being condescending. If you want to continue, I’ll have port authority to escort you out the building right this moment if you want to play that game with me.”
Give this employee a raise, Delta. It’s about time someone stood up to these drama queens every time someone doesn’t call them by whatever gender they chose.
The person is Tommy Dorfman, an actor who appeared in 13 Reasons Why.
UNKNOWN: “And what about when a Delta employee misgenders you intentionally?”
DELTA EMPLOYEE: “I’m so sorry. While she’s talking — while he’s talking, you’re talking —“
UNKNOWN: “You just misgendered me again.”
UNKNOWN: “Multiple times.”
UNKNOWN: “Both of you have.”
DELTA EMPLOYEE: “Wasn’t intentional, but if you want to take it personal, that’s also okay.”
UNKNOWN: “Well, she did do it intentionally twice.”
It’s just perfection:
“You’re talking to me too,” the employee responded.
“You said ‘she,’ and then you said ‘he,’” the passenger pushed back.
“You’re being condescending. If you want to continue, I’ll have port authority to escort you out the building right this moment if you want to play that game with me,” the employee stated. “Would you like to continue three days before Christmas? I really don’t mind.”
“I’m good,” the passenger responded.
Trans activist tried bullying an airline employee for “misgendering.” The employee wasn’t having it! 😂
This is the correct way to deal with these narcissists who demand we give in to their delusions.
It’s all just a power trip for them!
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 26, 2023
REPORT: The transgender individual who harassed a Delta employee for "misgendering" him, appears to be a friend of Dylan Mulvaney and was an actor in the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why.
The original video was posted on TikTok by the user tommy.dorfman.
Back in October, Dorfman,…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 26, 2023
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So to keep your insanity from being marginalized you can marginalize others.
The nice thing about using standardized pronouns is that it helps preserve everyone’s privacy. Somebody else’s sex kinks aren’t my business, and I don’t want to know about it. This goes for straight people, too.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” should have been expanded to heterosexual men and women in the military, and then to society, generally.
If we call them all freaks, they will gain the re-noun that they deserve.
The porVERBial putdown.
Miss Gerunding someone is a hate crime, even if they’re dangling their participles in your face.
Should that not be Ms. Gendering?
“Mx.” I think.
Those two letters used to strike fear into our enemies. Now they are just another way to identify a crazy person who should be avoided if at all possible.
Society should use genetic testing to determine if a person is male or female for situations like sports where it matters. If trans people want be to pretend to be something they aren’t then people could ask them for their gender certification card.
Don’t they call that a birth certificate.
In some states, you can get birth certificates changed. Shouldn’t be able to, but you can. (Other states will happily make one up for people not born there.)
When ADA was passed, so-called “activists” for the disabled intentionally targeted small retail shop owners in older buildings, and soiled themselves and demanded $10,000 in pain and suffering. They would hit one shop a month, litigation hustling, intimidating the “management” with threatening letter with attorney letterhead, demanding money to “settle”.
They still do it. There are people who make a nice living from it.
If I remember correctly, Bush I refused to fight for a narrow definition of what is a “disability,” and this opened the door for predatory lawyers looking for easy paydays. I went to college with an attorney who would hire employees to go out with measuring tapes. If there weren’t the prescribed distances in any passageway or space (even if only an inch or two), he would file a suit claiming to represent the “disabled.” He hoped for an easy settlement. This is law used as a sword, and it goes on all the time. I remember reading of a case out of Pennsylvania where a guy missed work regularly because he was going to a casino to gamble. He was fired. He then used the ADA to claim that his gambling was a protected “disability.” There are consequences for for bad legislation and Bush’s cowardice.
I like to flirt with them to see their reaction.
When you gush over them and make your intentions clear 90% of them react rudely.
Kudos to the attendant for standing his ground. I hope he keeps his job.
The Delta worker should have alleged racism to make the story complete.
Or at least called the provocateur IT!
Lets hope that the Delta higher ups have the sense to use this incident as a template for the ultimate response. The narcissists (and the rest of us) need respect the staff (at Delta and elsewhere) when they are doing their jobs.
“Lets hope that the Delta higher ups have the sense” They do not…
Ed Bastien is a left wing, spineless tool.
Why does a person confused about his or her own gender expect others to not be similarly confused? Why do gender-confused people become offended by others who are similarly confused? Are they also offended by their own confusion?
Asking for a friend.
The next shoe to drop:
United Kingdom schools allowing students to experiment with “neo genders” and identifying as non-human animals.
“Students in schools across Britain have been allowed to identify as dinosaurs, horses and moons, amid warnings that teachers should address such incidents as a safeguarding issue,” The Telegraph reported.
Brits wanna barmy? I say let them. It is merely the making baltantly obvious what we’ve known about them for ages now.
What was that crazy show on the telly years bck, Fawlty Towers? Then they gave us Mr. Bean. The only redeeming factor (and I serve that term up with a large dollop of exaggerattion) was that some of his anttics with the Mini were downright gut-busting. How do I know? I’ve owned and driven a number of the REAL Minis.
The only misgendering going on is the person who thinks that with some sort of mind exercise can be transformed into something they’re not.
American women’s sports athletes used to compete in the Olympics with Russian women built like this man. It was widely noted the Russian women were doping and looked strangely masculine. Everyone mocked them.
Now they’re forced to compete with American men (with icky boobs) and told that it’s a Darwinian evolutionary feature.
Also the East German women. Here is an interesting film clip satirizing the masculine athletes.
These people are attention whores.
If “gender” is merely a construct, why all the time and effort and drugs in a pathetic attempt to parody a “construct”?
I was constantly getting crap from trans at work as a nurse.
I refused to play their game, I just told them
If they wanted their medicine they would need to repeat their legal name
That always stopped them
But I saw a day when the Administration would side with the perverts, cause many were perverts too
This has to be someone’s slush fund for terrorists
Glad my taxpayer money is going where is was originally suppose to
So-called “misgendering” is complete hypocritical nonsense. I am sure the people who push this nonsense would be up in arms if we were to insist that every single person within the borders of the United States must speak English exclusively. They would claim that a person has a right to speak any language desired. They are being hypocritical by insisting that OTHERS use specific words and phrases of THEIR own choosing.
I don’t tolerate this nonsense
Me neither
I like to call them IT
Call these vile pukes what they are — obnoxious, narcissistic tranny fascists and totalitarians.
People are so sick of their self-aggrandizing, bullying and obnoxious antics.
Take your obnoxious and misogynistic tranny charade to Gaza, or, to any other Islamic society, and, see how they treat you. They’ll do far worse to you than “misgendering,” believe me.
Before or after they throw the corpse off the building?
Slight correction: they are not a corpse until they hit the ground.
I stand corrected but I will need proof they are still alive after the goat ^****** lovers have had their go at them
IDK…how about “you mentally ill guy with fake knockers”? Sums it up I think
Ask them if the are the cheap stick on inflatables or cancer causing, immune disrupting silicone implants.
I’d be careful. Just my luck I’ll push one over the edge (another edge, obviously) and they’ll end up writing a trannyfesto and going postal.
A good chunk of the world has been brainwashed to accept and embrace the kinds of mental illnesses we’ve been seeing in the Age of Internet. I don’t think we can put this genie back in the bottle.
He should have said he’s not a biologist and then mentioned the word supremacy. Two can play the game.
“The person is Tommy Dorfman, an actor who appeared in 13 Reasons Why.”
So, then, still happily spreading destruction and chaos.
“13 Reasons Why” was a “very special examination” of teen suicides.
It was directly linked to a phenomenal surge in teen suicides among its very own viewing audience.
“How was I to know? I’m not a psychologist!”
ENOUGH of this bullshit. I won’t argue (or agree) with these mental cases any more than I would argue with the imaginary friends of schizophrenics.
Trans eq pretend eq make believe.
I am not playing.
In my few and evil years, I have seen transgenderism move from very bad entertainment to national religion that you cannot criticize.
The only thing missing is a national or international leader of this fake religion/cult.
The Delta employee has a hammer — he can deny you boarding the flight and can summon and direct men with guns (police officers) to enforce it. People with that kind of power are not easily bullied by everything, not just pronoun nazis.
The rest of us have to look over our shoulder to make sure we can’t get fired first. So this is not really the feel-good story as everyone makes it out to be.
Yeah, that sort of arrangement worked real well for Derek Chauvin. It’s just gotta work perfectly for Joe Delta Grunt.
Nothing screams tranny like a receding hairline.
My God, what an ugly, little F. ‘Changing sex’ didn’t help any
This entire story has a ring of …
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