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Cornell Student: ‘Jewish Students at Cornell Are Hurting — But No One Seems to Care’

Cornell Student: ‘Jewish Students at Cornell Are Hurting — But No One Seems to Care’

“When we walk through a campus literally vandalized with spray painted profanity, and have our classes disrupted by loud chants for violence, many Jewish students feel as though Cornell is failing us”

Zoe Bernstein is a senior at Cornell University and she makes some excellent points here.

She writes at Algemeiner:

Jewish Students at Cornell Are Hurting — But No One Seems to Care

From a young age, I learned to stand up for what I believe in with great pride. But I was also taught that actions have consequences, and that I would be responsible for what I did.

While I appreciate Cornell University’s strong commitment to freedom of expression, the administration must ask itself where the line is drawn between protected speech and unprotected speech; between what is permitted and what is not. While I cannot say with absolute certainty, my sneaking suspicion is that, if this type of rhetoric were directed at any other minority group, whether it be racial or ethnic, the response from the university would be astronomically different.

Students come to Cornell expecting to be protected from threats and harassment, and the administration has a responsibility to maintain a learning environment in which every student can feel comfortable going to class without fear of intimidation, and express their ideas without being attacked.

When we walk through a campus literally vandalized with spray painted profanity, and have our classes disrupted by loud chants for violence, many Jewish students feel as though Cornell is failing us in this regard.

The Community Belonging section of the Cornell Student Code of Conduct states that “students, faculty, and staff with different backgrounds, perspectives, abilities, and experiences can learn, innovate, and work in an environment of respect…”

Below that, it details that “to assemble and to protest peacefully and lawfully are essential to academic freedom and the continuing function of the University as an educational institution.”

Read the whole thing.


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Firing presidents at these brainwashing factories is the tip of the iceberg .DIE is the factory that generates anti Semitism on college campuses

If you have what it takes to make it to your senior year at Cornell University in 2023, then I’m going to guess that you have what it takes to understand a few other things. For example:

1. Life is not fair.

2. You have a lot going for you.

3. Every day is a gift.

4. Many Israelis taken captive on October 7 are in all likelihood being raped daily, by multiple men, in accordance with sharia. Same age as you.

5. You and almost every other Jew at Cornell are a direct descendent of great grandparents or great great grandparents who had the cojones to pick up and leave where they were. To come to an unknown land (USA) and start mostly from scratch , learn a new language, etc.

Sweetheart, did it really never occur to you that this kind of thing could really never happen in America?

If they’re treating you poorly at Cornell — and it sounds like they are — then Sweetie Pie maybe it’s time for you to walk away. And get on with a life that you can take pride in.

It’s not very complicated, Cupcake.

It’s not necessarily easy.

But it’s not complicated.

Fortunately — you’re bright, and you probably have supportive family.

Don’t whine.

Get on with it.

You have many options.

Good luck.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to T23. | December 16, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    My first thought was that if someone feels unsafe, especially below the senior year, then it’s time to transfer to a more safe school. So, if Zoe feels unsafe, she should transfer as fast as possible.

      In fact, she and her classmates have many, many options.

      Unfortunately, she and her classmates will mostly just submit

      And then try and convince themselves that “hey this isn’t so bad hey this isn’t so bad hey submission isn’t so bad “

I think that many alumni who are committed Jews and who are proud alumni of the Ivies are repulsed and ashamed at what has. Happened at their alma maters and are sending the message that talk is cheap at these expensive brainwashing factories

    It’d be nice if you turn out to be more right than wrong.

    All it would take would be some kind of combination of Jews and others of good will to:

    (1) take a year or more off from DEI colleges,

    and/or (2) transfer to a college outside the US.

    None of these institutions will change if it doesn’t affect their revenue stream.

    But American Jews will more than likely just rationalize and deny reality, deny reality and rationalize ………. until these morons meet their inevitable fates.

    “We tell them we’re going to kill them, then we kill them, then we tell them we’re going to keep on killing them, and the Jews!!!! It’s amazing they do not adjust their behavior . At all!!!!! And everybody sex how smart they’re supposed to be lololololol Hey where’d we lock that Jewish girl up, I need to get my afternoon raping completed before sundown.”