Colorado Dad Suing School District for Discrimination After Refusing to Display ‘Straight Pride Flag’ Next to ‘Progress Pride Flag’

A Colorado father is suing his children’s school district for refusing to fly the ‘straight pride’ flag alongside the ‘gay progress’ flag at school. This may sound crazy at first, but consider the fact that this is the exact same tactic that left-wing ‘Satanists’ have used to force their ‘Christmas’ displays into public spaces alongside Christmas trees.

FOX News reports:

Father sues school district for refusing to display straight pride flag alongside Progress Pride flagA Colorado father is suing the state’s largest school district, claiming staff refused to let him display a “straight pride” flag alongside the Progress Pride flags on view throughout his children’s Denver school.Nathan Feldman argues his children are being barred from exercising their freedom of speech in a case of viewpoint discrimination.Feldman’s lawyer, Michael Yoder, blamed equity policies like Denver’s for “the overt sexualization of content in elementary schools nationwide.” Progress Pride flags and gender identity books geared toward young children encourage students to ask about them and foster one-sided conversation around inappropriate topics in the classroom, he said.”If we had more parents like [Feldman], then these policies would never have been rolled out in the first place, and they’d be teaching kids about math and science,” Yoder said. “They wouldn’t be talking about sexual orientation and homosexuality and having this flamboyant breeding ground for inappropriate content.”The conflict began in October 2022 when Feldman visited Slavens School, where his twin children were second grade students. He noticed dozens of Progress Pride flags displayed in classrooms and hallways, according to the suit.

Here’s a simple solution. Don’t display either flag.

CBS News is reporting that the father’s lawsuit could succeed:

“This is not a groundbreaking lawsuit. This is just a controversial lawsuit,” said David Lane, a civil rights attorney based in Denver…”People are under the mistaken belief that offensive speech or hate speech is not protected speech. The U.S. Supreme Court has said the government doesn’t get to choose and decide what is offensive, what is not offensive,” said Lane. “If they’re going to allow any political speech, they’re going to have to allow all political speech of a related nature.”Lane states DPS, a government-funded school, is required to allow this expression of speech.”As much as I may disagree politically with his position. I think First Amendment case law mandates that this school either eliminate LGBTQ flags and all flags of that nature or they allow him to fly whatever flag he wants,” said Lane. “He is absolutely correct that this is a First Amendment violation.

Again, there is a very simple way to fix this. Allow only the American flag and state flags to fly in public schools.

Here’s a local video report:

Tags: 1st Amendment, College Insurrection, Colorado, Education, Free Speech, LGBT