It’s been an other-worldly 79 days since October 7. Feeling isolated and alone. The sum of our fears at a very visceral and emotional level.
Comforted by the people who reached out to ask how I was doing, as if I were there. They understood that there is here now. I appreciate that more than you know.
In the past month I’ve given numerous lectures, some to mostly Jewish audiences, but mostly to mostly Christian audiences. The bond and embrace I felt was uplifting. I’m reminded of the post I wrote on April 7, 2009, just six months after the blog launched, Passover Is No Time To Wish For The End Of Christian America:
Nothing has changed in thousands of years. They still rise up in every generation to destroy us, but this time the names are not Haman or Adolf, but Mahmoud and Osama. And on this earth, it will be Christian Americans almost alone who will stand with us.
I want to acknowledge what we can do better at Legal Insurrection. While we have covered some aspects of the persecution of Christians at home and abroad, we haven’t done enough. We pledge to do more.
Upholding a tradition, I’ll be on guard duty Christmas Day covering the blog. The staff has been given shore leave for the holiday. I feel like Kevin in Home Alone, the adults have left town.
I wish our staff and readership a joyous and meaningful Christmas.