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Blockade of World Trade Center By Anti-Israel Activists An Attempted Intimidation of U.S.

Blockade of World Trade Center By Anti-Israel Activists An Attempted Intimidation of U.S.

Their goal is not to convince people, it’s to send a message of intimidation, that they will disregard even our most sensitive of norms because they hate our society as much if not more than they hate Israel.

Anti-Israel protesters on December 28, 2023, took their blockade tactics to the World Trade Center. The rebuilt World Trade Center. After the 9/11 attack by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists destroyed the prior World Trade Center, killing 3000 people and changing the course of our history.

The October 7 attack on Israel has been called Israel’s 9/11, but statistically relative to the size of the population it was much worse. And as barbaric as the 9/11 attack was, October 7 was a much more personal and face-to-face bloodletting, with mass rape, torture, and mutilation.

As with the blockades of major roadways and airports, one reaction to the blockade is to point out that the anti-Israel protesters are not helping their public relations or cause. So much is true.

Pro-Palestinian protesters have shut down the entrance to the World Trade Center in New York City. Hundreds of protesters decided to use the World Trade Center, the same location where the 9/11 attacks took place, to stage their protest. The incident comes just one day after pro-Palestinian protesters blocked off the entrance to the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. These people are doing way more harm for their cause than good.

But with the blockade of the World Trade Center, I don’t think that’s enough.

Their goal is not to convince people, it’s to send a message of intimidation, that they will disregard even our most sensitive of norms because they hate our society as much if not more than they hate Israel.

It’s not just about Israel. It’s about us.


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At what point does a crowd show up and curb stomp these sick pukes?

    gonzotx in reply to Paul. | December 29, 2023 at 9:19 pm


    New York is lost. Marxists are able to assemble large felonious crowds with impunity.

    Air support only (in the upcoming civil war) no wasting or risking ground troops until the target is softened

    A-10 strikes highly recommended

    CommoChief in reply to Paul. | December 30, 2023 at 7:32 am

    We don’t need a vigilante mob. We need reasonable common sense governance from our political and judicial class. A gov’t that would charge, arrest, imprison and in many cases deport these folks instead of shrugging their shoulders. Until a majority of voters in these areas decide they have had enough of incompetent government it will continue.

      #FJB <-- Disco Stu_ in reply to CommoChief. | December 30, 2023 at 8:57 am

      Truth there; cannot disagree. That’s the old way, the proper American tradition, still supported and enforced in much of the nation.

      In those toxic & dysfunctional cities now dominated by Demoncraps, their political “leadership” is either indulgent & supportive, or, as Prof. J. indicated, simply intimidated.

      gonzotx in reply to CommoChief. | December 30, 2023 at 11:04 am

      They not coming to protect us

        CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | December 30, 2023 at 11:52 am

        I am quite able to protect myself and better yet in my neck of the woods the tolerance for these sorts of antics and ass clowns is non existent. Rural communities ain’t having it, not one bit, at least around here and I suspect that holds in the overwhelming majority of rural communities.

        Now If neither of those facts are true for you or your chosen neighborhood and community then you have cause for concern. Until ‘they’ constitutes you and those with similar beliefs then you have two real choices; do the work to put a majority of like minded folks in positions of power in the community you choose to reside or if unable/unwilling to do so relocate.

        One thing is for damn sure no one is coming to save anyone else who isn’t willing to work to save themselves and by willing I mean do the hard work of winning to the extent that they triumph locally and eliminate the need for any outsider to ride to the rescue. Each community gonna have to solve their own problems or learn to live with the problems.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Paul. | December 30, 2023 at 9:30 am

    I agree, but as long as our court system and the ones giving orders to the police are on the side of the rioters, no one will risk jail (or worse) to do what needs doing.

    If such actions spread to small town America, you will likely see curb stomping and more. Any town with a college campus could end up with such actions.

Subotai Bahadur | December 29, 2023 at 9:15 pm

The time will come. Seeing hostile Muslims and their American collaborators desecrate places where thousands of Americans were murdered, AND at the same time having them functionally protected by the forces of our Leftist government is going to be too much.

Subotai Bahadur

This isn’t about fallacious and contrived Arab Muslim grievances and farcical claims of alleged victimhood; this is pure, obnoxious, unadulterated and brazen Muslim supremacism, bullying and Islamofascism. Behavior that becomes more common in Muslims living in the west, after they’ve reached a critical mass percentage of a given country’s population. We’ve seen this phenomenon in France, Sweden, the Netherlands and the U.K., and, now we’re seeing it in the U.S.

Muslim supremacists in the west feel empowered by decades of European dhimmi and American Dhimmi-crat obsequiousness, deference and kowtowing to their intrinsically supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and pathology-laden ideology of hate, “Submission.”

The only upside I can see from these fanatical, goose-stepping, Muslim supremacist thugs is that they are wildly overplaying their hand. I predict them to engage in similarly bullying, unrestrained, tone-deaf and unrestrained agitprop intimidation and antics in Chicago, at the 2024 Dhimmi-crat National Convention — thus showing Americans the evil bedfellows that the Dhimmi-crat Party has courted and welcomed, and, alienating Americans possessing a modicum of common sense and moral probity.

    JPL17 in reply to guyjones. | December 29, 2023 at 9:44 pm

    I take no solace whatsoever from the fact that these America-hating Islamic fanatics are “overplaying their hand” and “alienating Americans”. Because until we actually start deporting these nation-destroyers en masse, their thuggish antics will just get worse.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to guyjones. | December 30, 2023 at 9:38 am

    There will be a mayor sympathetic to the demonstrators’ cause this time.

    Another Voice in reply to guyjones. | December 30, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    If the Anti-Israel Pro-Palestinians thugs were to show up in August at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago and ‘carry on’ as they are now doing on Campuses and Cities as did the Anti War protesters did in 1968 with their platform on the Bombing in North Viet Nam…..there isn’t going to be any Candidate inclusive if it’s Biden, who will win the General Election in 2024.
    Look Back at The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago:

    Social Confrontation: The Battle of Michigan Ave

    Remembering 1968: The return of Richard Nixon

Water cannons in the winter is a start. Use water out of the Hudson for the added “special” effect.

Cannot be said enough, Brown shirts by any other name, practicing for the larger conflict

They are seeing how far they can push before there is any pushback. As long as this is allowed it will only get worse. These are no longer protests, they are acts of intimidation and domination as many here have said. They are learning or their organizers are learning that they can attack/threaten any place in the country with impunity and get away with it. Until the government takes drastic and dramatic actions to disperse and repel these so called protesters nothing will change. Have Americans lost all sense of what is right? If you are not willing to protect the WTC site then all is really lost.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to lexi. | December 30, 2023 at 11:19 am

    The best way to avoid a war later is start B slapping them now. Keep in mind their nature and history, they are slow learners and will require extreme measures.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to lexi. | December 30, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    “Until the government takes drastic and dramatic actions to disperse and repel these so called protesters nothing will change.”

    The problem is that the government views the Islamists as their allies against the American people. Combine that with the loss of faith in the integrity of the electoral system and that removes what would normally be the preferred options.

    Subotai Bahadur

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | January 3, 2024 at 7:59 pm

      “The problem is that the government views the Islamists as their allies against the American people.”

      So much this^^^^^

      The Apparatus — administrative state, media, education system, military and intelligence, ministries of this and that — views we here as subjects not citizens: we are serfs working their fiefs to generate their tithe to their greater lords.

      Simply listen to the words. They aren’t our agents, in governing ourselves to our advantage; they are our overlords in ruling us to outsiders’ advantage.

      We should perhaps ourselves act otherwise than that, as that superstructure isn’t much help to us.

The populations of NYC and other large cities have been castrated by the governments they voted for. Taking action will be punished, even defending yourself will likely land you in jail. But be confident such incidents won’t happen in small towns where US flags fly strong, baseball bats are readily available, and concealed carry is not frowned upon.

Bucky Barkingham | December 30, 2023 at 6:27 am

Could this be the beginning of an intifada on US soil?

This parallels the 2020 Floyd Riots, which the authorities allowed.

I wish Trump had cracked down on them. I guess the idea was that voters would reject Democrats, after seeing the mayhem they allowed. Also maybe to avoid heavier conflict and polarization. So, three years later, here we are again!

Our Soros-funded enemies have this gamed out; the good people are just reacting to them.

Tick, tick tick. More of the same please. At a certain point all of this madness will become unsustainable and a right-wing dictator will emerge. I welcome the coming martial law and mass deportations and incarceration. Give me a new flavor of show trials.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to E Howard Hunt. | December 30, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    Yeah you and John Smith can give each other reach-arounds when it happens.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to E Howard Hunt. | December 30, 2023 at 1:01 pm

    “I welcome the coming martial law and mass deportations and incarceration. Give me a new flavor of show trials.”

    Speaking as a Jew, I welcome no such thing. Now that the nation’s mask has slipped I know we will be among the first at rial and the judges will be Freislers in spirit.

Why are muzzies fixated on this office property?

    henrybowman in reply to smooth. | December 30, 2023 at 12:08 pm

    It is the symbol of the indisputable supremacy of a culture that has long ago mastered the simpler things in civilization, such as keeping its greenhouses alive and its water plants operational, and being able to provide relative luxuries like medical care and food.

      If they tried something like that in front of lobby of landmark office building in muzzie country, such as Burj Khalifa tower in UAE, they would get carted away for basement interrogation and dumped in barrel of acid. This could be construed as implied terrorist threat, and worthy of higher level response than misdemeanor citation by NYC police.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to henrybowman. | January 3, 2024 at 8:16 pm

      “…mastered the simpler things in civilization, such as…”

      Fee markets, commerce and association. Physical safety, civil rights. Property rights, banking with stable currency.

      Spectacular analysis by Hans Rosling (gapminder foundation) doing A/B comparison of countries’ economic development among these. (Yes, that’s half of the useful TED talks ever.)

      Net, the difference between growth and stagnation: property rights, free markets, and rule of law.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | December 30, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Because we did not nuke a half dozen or so Muslim cities after 9-11. Now it can be argued 6 nukes is too extreme, but lack of any fore only serves to further belligerence. Often, the best way to avoid more trouble is to kick the crap out of someone(s). Appeasement does not work most of the time, and it sure as hell does not work with Muslims.

I was living in DC in 1979 when the Ayatollah kicked out the Shah and took hostages from the American embassy in Tehran. A bunch of protesters were in DC celebrating the Ayatollah. Roughly 200 DC cops taped over their badge number, put on masks, and while otherwise in uniform waded into them with billy clubs, A few hundred protestors went to the hospital, any that fought back were arrested and charged with assaulting an officer and there were no more protests in support of the Ayatollah in DC for at least 10 yrs. No cops were charged because no witnesses could identify who anyone was.

NYCity Councilman Justin Brannan is funding the protests. Brennan allocated over $500K to a nonprofit that co-sponsored the “Flood Brooklyn” event with radical-leftist groups WOL Palestine and Decolonize This Place.