Biden Border Crisis: Illinois Paying for Hotel Rooms for Chicago’s Illegal Immigrants

Chicago Hotels Migrants

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced on Christmas Eve that the state would send money to Chicago to “temporarily” house the illegal immigrants in hotel rooms.

Of course Pritzker announces the move on Christmas Eve. No one is paying attention!

I put quotes around temporarily because who knows how long it will last. Nothing is temporary when it comes to government.

From Pritzker’s office:

The State made approximately 30 hotel rooms available Saturday night with the remaining hotel rooms for up to 200 people coming online today. The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is working closely with the City of Chicago to identify hotel spaces, and the City is providing transportation. Those in hotels will be moved to a former CVS in Little Village when construction of that shelter is completed in January. Additional shelter sites are being explored and work is underway.”IDHS continues to welcome our new neighbors with support services and assistance with work-permit applications, which will ultimately hasten their journey to self-sufficiency,” said Dulce Quintero, IDHS Secretary Designate.Funding for the hotels will come from the additional $160 million Governor Pritzker announced in November to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis presented by the arrival of over 30,000 asylum seekers from the U.S. Southern Border.

Illinois is ticked at Texas for sending these illegal immigrants from the border.

Well, why should Texas keep all of them? The majority of them want to go to sanctuary cities like Chicago.

“These investments build on $478 million in State funding that has been provided or committed to the asylum seeker response over Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024,” continued Pritzker’s office. “This includes direct funding to the City of Chicago and other municipalities assisting asylum seekers as well as substantial State funding for shelter, food, medical care, rental assistance, and wraparound casework and services.”

The suburbs aren’t immune to the illegal immigrant influx. Elmhurst received two buses with a total of 91 illegal immigrants. Another bus went to Fox River Grove with 38 illegal immigrants.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Chicago, Illinois