Biden Border Crisis: Illinois Paying for Hotel Rooms for Chicago’s Illegal Immigrants
The state said it’s temporary but that word doesn’t exist in the government’s dictionary. Nothing from the government is temporary.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced on Christmas Eve that the state would send money to Chicago to “temporarily” house the illegal immigrants in hotel rooms.
Of course Pritzker announces the move on Christmas Eve. No one is paying attention!
I put quotes around temporarily because who knows how long it will last. Nothing is temporary when it comes to government.
The State made approximately 30 hotel rooms available Saturday night with the remaining hotel rooms for up to 200 people coming online today. The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is working closely with the City of Chicago to identify hotel spaces, and the City is providing transportation. Those in hotels will be moved to a former CVS in Little Village when construction of that shelter is completed in January. Additional shelter sites are being explored and work is underway.
“IDHS continues to welcome our new neighbors with support services and assistance with work-permit applications, which will ultimately hasten their journey to self-sufficiency,” said Dulce Quintero, IDHS Secretary Designate.
Funding for the hotels will come from the additional $160 million Governor Pritzker announced in November to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis presented by the arrival of over 30,000 asylum seekers from the U.S. Southern Border.
Illinois is ticked at Texas for sending these illegal immigrants from the border.
Well, why should Texas keep all of them? The majority of them want to go to sanctuary cities like Chicago.
“These investments build on $478 million in State funding that has been provided or committed to the asylum seeker response over Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024,” continued Pritzker’s office. “This includes direct funding to the City of Chicago and other municipalities assisting asylum seekers as well as substantial State funding for shelter, food, medical care, rental assistance, and wraparound casework and services.”
The suburbs aren’t immune to the illegal immigrant influx. Elmhurst received two buses with a total of 91 illegal immigrants. Another bus went to Fox River Grove with 38 illegal immigrants.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
People in down-state Illinois ALWAYS pay for the lunacy of Chicago politicians (and their moronic voters who keep putting them in office).
Illinois is the most corrupt shit-hole in the United States. Leave while you can.
Now that Chicago convention business has died down, they need to fill those rooms…!
Pritzker owns… hotels… doesn’t he?
Don’t worry about the convention business dying down.
The Democrats Are Coming!
The Democrats Are Coming!
If Dick Tuck were still around, he’d know how to harness this perfect storm.
By executive order, the bellhop must tip the illegal after depositing his luggage in the room. A sawbuck per plastic garbage bag is suggested.
Free Healthcare in California, nice hotel in Illinois
The decisions the decisions where to go
Your new voters
To give you an idea of what Illinois means when they say “temporary,” consider this:
When they built the tollways in the Chicago area in the 1970s, the toll was a “temporary” use fee until the tollways were paid for. They were then supposed to revert to “freeways.”
50+ years later, they still have that “temporary” use fee, which has only increased in the ensuing years.
No such thing as “temporary” to the government, unless it’s a tax cut.
To give you an idea what NYC means by temporary: the rent control laws in effect were instituted during WWII because of the influx of wartime workers needed at naval shipyards resulted in rent gouging.
Apparently, that emergency is over 80 years old.
Wow, this is a great country if you’re not a citizen!
Somewhere in the City of Chicago there is a judge who will rule that free hotel rooms INCLUDES unlimited room service PLUS loner automobiles (to help people find jobs). The ACLU needs to find that judge,
To determine how “temporary” is this fix, one just needs to ask:
Did the city ask these hotel owners for permission or did they confiscate those rooms by eminent domain?
Chicago black mayor forcing black americans to the back of the waiting line behind illegal aliens??
Of course he is.
The website Muckraker is beginning to find answers to the question I’ve been asking —
— who is financing the immigrants migration?
Millions of people just somehow end up at our southern border. Who paid for all that? Lodging, bribes, meals, transport, bribes, lawyers, more bribes (Mexican police, pols, and gangs don’t work for free), protection, more bribes (what is the big guy’s cut?) and so on. Who pays for all that?
It’s an interlocking web of NGOs and dark money. Figure that out and we’ll finally know who’s to blame.
Start here with the low hanging fruit; well heeled Church affiliated/run charities. Lots of gov’t grant money flows directly to these groups. In recent decades other NGO sprung up working parallel to the existing church led illegal immigration infrastructure who also receive lots of gov’t grant money. The leftists figured out how to advance their ideological policy agenda on the dime of the US Taxpayer. The next GoP POTUS should refuse to send the money until the day before the end of the Fiscal year when they must do so. Though given the current shenanigans by the Exec Branch they could just take a page from the current admin and say eff it, make me and impound all of it, heck reroute it to build the damn wall.
Soros is paying for some of it ….
now they have to get them registered to vote
before nov 24 ….
I’m an anglo, citizen.
What border do I cross to get the Feds to put me up in a nice hotel?
Well I don’t know if it’s nice, but I hear if you go to the US Capitol Building they’ll put you up for several years before you get to see anybody
Area 51.
I suspect that governor “toilets” will not allow the illegals to use his hyatt’s because of fear the place will be trashed.
What a story.
You can remove the plumbing, but you can’t remove the hole in the floor.
He would have gotten away with it, too, if he had just replaced his toilets with Norden bombsights.
There’s a real issue growing in Chicago between the black community and the govt supporting illegal immigrants. It got so bad that a black activist at a City Council meeting called for Trump to come in and clean this mess up