Biden Border Crisis: Agents Have Already Encountered Over 200,000 Migrants in December

Welcome to today’s Biden Border Crisis update!

We have one more week in December, and border patrol agents have already encountered over 200,000 migrants. Who even knows how many gotaways, well, got away and snuck through without being seen?

This is insanity:

Sources told Fox that already since December there have been over 200,000 encounters. The record for monthly encounters was set in September, with over 269,000. October saw over 240,000 encounters and the numbers have not yet been released for November.Last December saw over 252,000 encounters, which was then a monthly record. That number could easily be eclipsed if agents continue to encounter 10,000 migrants a day between now and the end of the month.The new surge comes during a year that has seen multiple records smashed for daily and monthly encounters as well as for the fiscal year — in FY23 overall there were over 2.4 million encounters.

The border patrol encounters over 10,000 migrants on most days.

If that continues, then December’s numbers will blow September’s migrant encounter numbers out of the water.

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, has had a change of heart regarding the border, especially since Lukeville, AZ, in the Tucson sector is the latest hotspot.

Hobbs deployed the National Guard to the border since the border patrol had to close the Lukeville Port of Entry.

Hobbs ordered the National Guard “to ‘augment and support’ local law enforcement and the Arizona Department of Public Safety, separate entities than the federally-run Customs and Border Protection.”

However, the reporters on the border haven’t seen many soldiers and none in the areas they need the soldiers the most.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Mexico, Texas