Biden Border Crisis: Agents Have Already Encountered Over 200,000 Migrants in December
“Massive numbers of adult men from around the world mixed in with families from Mexico & Ecuador.”

Welcome to today’s Biden Border Crisis update!
We have one more week in December, and border patrol agents have already encountered over 200,000 migrants. Who even knows how many gotaways, well, got away and snuck through without being seen?
NEW NUMBERS: Per CBP sources…
Since Dec 1st… 200,000+ migrant encounters at the southern border – w/ an average of more than 10,000/day…
Since FY24 began on Oct 1st… 686,000+ migrant encounters at the southern border…
Last 24 hrs… 11,600+ @FoxNews
— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) December 21, 2023
Sources told Fox that already since December there have been over 200,000 encounters. The record for monthly encounters was set in September, with over 269,000. October saw over 240,000 encounters and the numbers have not yet been released for November.
Last December saw over 252,000 encounters, which was then a monthly record. That number could easily be eclipsed if agents continue to encounter 10,000 migrants a day between now and the end of the month.
The new surge comes during a year that has seen multiple records smashed for daily and monthly encounters as well as for the fiscal year — in FY23 overall there were over 2.4 million encounters.
The border patrol encounters over 10,000 migrants on most days.
If that continues, then December’s numbers will blow September’s migrant encounter numbers out of the water.
Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, has had a change of heart regarding the border, especially since Lukeville, AZ, in the Tucson sector is the latest hotspot.
Hobbs deployed the National Guard to the border since the border patrol had to close the Lukeville Port of Entry.
Hobbs ordered the National Guard “to ‘augment and support’ local law enforcement and the Arizona Department of Public Safety, separate entities than the federally-run Customs and Border Protection.”
However, the reporters on the border haven’t seen many soldiers and none in the areas they need the soldiers the most.
AZ Governor Katie Hobbs (D), announced last week she was sending the National Guard down to the AZ border.
We have been in Lukeville all week. The only time we have seen soldiers was a couple standing next to the closed port of entry.
We haven’t seen any in mass crossing areas…
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 21, 2023
AZ: “I am happy to come to America…”
Give this a watch from start to finish—From people here alone to work, to guys in Gucci—Hundreds of single adults are out here waiting to be transported/processed.
They are from all over—Senegal, Congo, Gambia, Angola, Guinea, Liberia,…
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) December 21, 2023
BREAKING: Another mass illegal crossing of 700+ in Lukeville, AZ this morning. A seemingly endless line now walking to an outdoor Border Patrol processing area. Massive numbers of adult men from around the world mixed in with families from Mexico & Ecuador. This is daily here.
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 21, 2023
AZ: A lot of locals down here were hoping the Lukeville Port of Entry would be open by this weekend as many of them have family across the border— The way Mexico has the road torn up on that side, it doesn’t seem likely.
Some family groups are also being processed at the port…
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) December 21, 2023
NEW: A man from Guinea who had just crossed illegally into Lukeville, AZ tells me he plans to go to Philadelphia. When I asked why, he didn’t know, and pulled out a piece of paper w/ an address written on it he’s supposed to go to. We looked it up, it’s a local community center.
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 21, 2023

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The Cloward and Piven Army continues to be reinforced. Add to that the large number of military age males, and the street enforcers of the BLM and Antifa now have significant support. This doesn’t count the number of PLA, Hamas and Quds forces already embedded in the country. Does the present Left really think that they can completely control and direct this mass to their agenda?
Never thought I’d see this happening in my country. Time to go Charles Bronson on a massive scale.
Biden Invasion
Where is the impeachment for this act of treason by Traitor Joe and his junta??
I don’t think she is trying to guard the border with these troops. I think she is more interested in speeding up the processing to move the invasion through Arizona. I have not heard a word claiming that she was sending the National Guard to man the border and repel invaders.
Two concepts:
1) Under the current government [Leftist AND GOPe] there is no hope of controlling the border. The best we can hope for is to have them channeled to New York, Boston, Chicago, Beverly Hills, San Francisco, and of course Washington, DC.
2) In reality this is a hostile invasion by an army of foreign nationals in violation of our laws and national sovereignty, I am willing to listen to alternatives, but I cannot see how this can be resolved politically here, or peacefully, or without permanently changing the basic nature of our country.
Subotai Bahadur
This is not “transformation” but obliteration. The Left does not understand that they have lost control of their revolution as it eventually takes on a life of its own. That said…when Teddy Kennedy reached out to the Soviets to help defeat Reagan and when Kennedy authored the bill opening up the spigots of immigration… he was doing just that.
3) They will keep coming until equilibrium is reached. When this place is as shitty as the place they come from, they will stop coming. We’re about 10 years out.
So many have been let in, they’re reportedly being given INITIAL check-in appearance dates in 2031.
This is looking more and more like the situation with the Federal Debt. The problem is finally growing so large and beginning to impact folks who believed themselves immune that it can’t be routinely ignored as it was in the recent past. Unfortunately just like the Federal Debt allowing the situation at the border to get so out of control so as to be unavoidably noticed also makes it much more difficult to solve without measures many will find extreme. For both the debt and border the opportunities to implement milder, easier measures to solve the problems have passed and it will require a level of resolve and far more draconian measures than our political class and frankly most voters will be willing to embrace in order to solve them.
Interesting how it’s now standard to say “migrants.”
Yet, we have yet to “have a conversation” in those terms. We have a migrant problem. How do we want to handle that?
Yeah, the leftist language choice of ‘migrants’ isn’t the neutral or positive term they seem to believe. The Romans had a pretty good handle on stopping the ‘migrants’ of the Germanic Tribes as I recall.
Good point! The inability of the Romans to halt the influx of “migrants” contributed to their eventual decay and fall.
In the era of the Republic they always eventually threw back the Germanic Tribes. Usually took a while to get rid of the incompetent arrogant elites in command and replace them with commanders choses by merit. It was in the later decline of the era of Empire that Rome or at least the Western portion fell. The Eastern portion, Constantinople, withstood a further 800+ ish years of onslaught only falling irreparably once the newly arisen Western European Powers sacked their fellow Christian City State on the way to carve out new domains in the Levant and then failing to unite to oppose the onslaught of the Turks. IMO, Constantinople was allowed to fall by the failure of the West to unite to defend it; the powers were more interested in stabbing each other than offering any real defense of ‘Christendom’/West.
Exactly so. “Immigrants” you decide to let in, while “migrants” show up on their own authority.
Who’s in charge?
The Screaming D’s used to argue that The Influx had a right to move to here, where it’s better, because it’s worse there. (If only threre were a term for places that suck so hard people are willing to walk across a desert just to get out.)
It was kinda all about leveling the “inequality” across populations by letting people come in. As long as they don’t come to Chicago, NYC, or Martha’s Vinyard back in the day.
“Equality” on your back, but not on ours, it seems.
“Migrants?” Really?!! U gotta b blanking me
Our entire nation is being impoverished by these hordes of illegal immigrants. The politics are debatable, but the economics are devastating.
The total cost of the illegal immigrant tsunami invasion is ALWAYS misunderstood and vastly underestimated. The cost is ongoing and it has taken an immense toll on our economy. There are an estimated 40 millions of illegal immigrants and their children in this country today. Each one of them has a direct and indirect cost that total about $100,000 each per year including an estimated $35,000 per child for educational expenses and the huge cost of lower wages for native, legal American citizens. Its estimated that without these illegals the average wage would be 12% higher and that loss is an indirect, but measurable consequence of illegal immigration. Add it up. The cost is 4 TRILLION a year to the American economy. It is a cost that would not only wipe out the deficit but increase tax collections by an estimated $500B per year. Our entire infrastructure, physical and social, is deteriorating, collapsing because of this influx of basically useless, uninvited parasitic mouths that e
Can someone please explain how we’re letting 200K people into this country – the vast majority of whom are working-age males – and this is not impacting our labor force participation or unemployment rates?
We’re only creating 200K jobs each month (if that). Is this that WOKE math I’ve been hearing about?
Can we stop with the “migrants” bull? They are illegal aliens and invaders.