Anti-Israel Protesters Targeting JFK in NYC on New Year’s Day
Anti-Israel groups planned protests on December 30 and December 31 as well.

Within Our Lifetime and other anti-Israel, anti-Jew groups announced plans to disrupt JFK departures on New Year’s Day because they’re so smart.
These groups have also dropped the veil hiding their support for Hamas. Here’s the advertisement. Read the title.
Anti-Israel protesters in NYC once again planning to disrupt travel by flooding a departure terminal at JFK airport.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) December 29, 2023
Hamas called the October 7 massacre “Al-Aqsa Flood.” I thought the wording looked different. Thanks to Joel Mowbray for confirmation.
No more “Cancel” or “Shut It Down”
Make sure you bring those keffiyehs so you can disguise yourself because you’re cowards!
They’re following in the footsteps of those who blocked JFK and LAX on December 27.
There’s two other protests planned:
I will be covering 3 separate protests over the next 3 days:
– ‘Mothers’ Committee Children’s March’ in Bay Ridge on 12/30
– ‘Shut it Down for Palestine’ march & rally at Columbus Circle on 12/31
– ‘Flood JFK for Gaza’ at JFK Airport on 1/1
— katie smith (@probablyreadit) December 29, 2023

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Put me on a jury when some person trying to make it to the airport is delayed by those clowns and decides to give them a beat down.
Not freaking guilty.
For more than 30 years I have been arguing that when you are going about your lawful business and people are deliberately blocking your way, and they refuse to move when asked, and the police either aren’t there or refuse to remove them, it ought to be legal for you to simply ignore them and keep going, driving over or through them as if they were not there, or to walk through them using as much force as necessary.
Likewise if people deliberately invade a shooting or bombing range in order to shut it down, activity ought to proceed as normal.
This applies anti-war protesters lying down on the tracks in front of a military train, union picketers, demonstrators who block roads without a permit, or anyone else.
Oh, and how could I forget, it includes Arthur Dent lying in front of a bulldozer. (Or St Rachel the Pancake, except that in her case the driver didn’t see her so he did keep on driving.)
To quote Ben from the Fantastic Four, “ IT’S CLOBBERING TIME!”.
Who is organizing and financing the activities?
Something like this doesn’t take a lot of organization or financing. Printing posters is cheap, spreading them on the net is free.
I’m all for ending the genocide emanating from Gaza: Wipe out Hamas, problem solved at that location.
Then we have to deal with the Islamists in the US.
Gazans hold Hamas responsible for war
A Bedouin Muslim commander in the #IDF
Ways to end this ‘genocide’. Level Gaza and or totally eliminate Hamas to the 3rd generation.
Terminate…with extreme prejudice.
Still and again: Islam is a cancer in the West.
Islamic extremists protesting at airports, and homeland security is eating donuts and drinking coffee?
They are probably waiting for the next J6 ‘insurrection’.
What has Homeland Security got to do with it? It’s a job for NYPD if it’s off airport grounds, or Port Authority police if it’s within the grounds. They’re just blocking traffic and making nuisances of themselves, not blowing stuff up.
DHS has evolved into a secret police service.
One of these days if the police keep not doing their job you are going to end up with a couple hundred people with baseball bats show up to do it for them. The police know about this one ahead of time there is no reason for roads to be blocked or terminal entrances to be blocked more than 5 min. Bring riot gear and a lot of zip ties. Tow their cars, give them the max fine the law allows. Also toss them in jail and tell them the judge is stuck in the traffic jam they created so no one can set bail for at least 2-3 days. If you start doing that this crap will stop.
I like the idea of water cannons for NY in late Dec early Jan. Add in a hard to remove pink dye and plenty of skunk oil and the enthusiasm for future protests will rapidly diminish.
All good ideas