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Anti-Israel Protesters Block Traffic Near Los Angeles International Airport

Anti-Israel Protesters Block Traffic Near Los Angeles International Airport

“the goal of Friday’s action is to stop business as usual for the systems facilitating the current war and the long-running occupation”

Anti-Israel protesters shut down traffic near Los Angeles International Airport this week, accomplishing nothing more than making a total nuisance of themselves.

At what point do states uniformly make this type of protest an enforceable crime? No one should be allowed to prevent the movement of people on roads that taxpayers paid for.

ABC 7 in California reports:

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire block streets near LAX

Traffic near Los Angeles International Airport was partially blocked Friday afternoon and evening as dozens of protesters marched to bring attention to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The group is calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying “the goal of Friday’s action is to stop business as usual for the systems facilitating the current war and the long-running occupation.” In media statements they described themselves as an “unaffiliated group of Palestinians, Jews, and Angelenos of conscience.”

The group was protesting on roads near LAX for several hours Friday afternoon. By 5 p.m., they were walking slowly over the 96th Street overpass near Sepulveda Boulevard. With traffic officers on hand, a single lane of cars was allowed to slowly pass by the march.

They later stopped in the middle of an intersection at 96th and Vicksburg Avenue, just outside LAX, as traffic in all four directions began stacking up.

See some clips below:

This video report from FOX 11 in Los Angeles points out that the protesters never entered the grounds of the airport because they probably knew that would be a federal crime.

Karol Markowicz has a suggestion for how to deal with these types of protests.

She writes at the New York Post:

‘Protesters’ closing roads, bridges are RIOTERS — arrest them all

How much longer will we put up with “peaceful protests” actually being violent riots?

How many more times will we allow our roads and bridges to be shut down for the leftist lunacy of the day before we say enough?

This week, a pro-Palestinian protest shut down the Manhattan Bridge.

It wasn’t the first time the bridge had been brought to a standstill to ostensibly take a stand for Palestine.

The bridge was shut down in November too…

There’s a chaos that occurs in the wake of these riots that adds a layer of fear for law-abiding citizens who just want to get home from work but can’t because college kids with trust funds are blocking the roadway.

People deserve to live in places without occasional unchecked mayhem.

Police have to start making mass arrests, and prosecutors need to enforce the laws.

Nothing is going to change until the people who pay the bills (taxpayers) start making demands.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Stop coddling these zeros adn use the ICC the way the left has since FDR.

Somehow I suspect that mass arrests and jailtime would be on the agenda if this concerned a certain Chinese communist’s visit.

Florida made this a felony three years ago.

HB1 also contains measures to increase the penalties for individuals who “willfully obstruct the free, convenient, and normal use of a public street, highway or road.” Under the new law, the former misdemeanor crime of blocking the highway became a felony, with possible penalties of 15 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.

    docduracoat in reply to Tom Orrow. | December 16, 2023 at 11:41 am

    I agree with you.
    Desantis has done great with his war on woke here in Florida.
    It’s a crime to tear down a statue or to block a road.

    I am really surprised that he did not get more traction in his run for President.
    His accomplishments here have made it a much better place to live

      It’s always been illegal to obstruct traffic on a highway. Everywhere. Even CA.

      Tom Orrow in reply to docduracoat. | December 17, 2023 at 4:56 pm

      It’s not over ’til it’s over. Support DeSantis if you favor him. Elections are decided by voters, not pollsters. That is, if the elections are not frauded.

      It’s hard to compete with Trump for entertainment. I think we need a young, steady conservative more than we need an aging entertainer. Plus, there are many possible scenarios where Trump doesn’t run, or can’t complete his term.

So what are their demands? Ban all flights to israel?

What happened to TSA and homeland security? Isn’t this veiled threat to airlines?

Yes, the best way to get me to agree with you and join your cause is to annoy and inconvenience me.


    JohnSmith100 in reply to rbj1. | December 16, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    There should be pain associated with such conduct, rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray.

    Many people live on the edge economically, lost pay, extra fuel., maybe overdraft fees, all working to to help people see my point of view:)

I am amazed the people don’t get out of their cars and start beating the people blocking the road and dragging them off to the side

It is an enforceable crime.

I have four wheel drive

    JohnSmith100 in reply to RITaxpayer. | December 16, 2023 at 12:10 pm

    High ground clearance until they get to each axle, each of which drags them a bit and messes with their face.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to RITaxpayer. | December 17, 2023 at 4:41 am

    But only if you have prosecutors, police chiefs & mayors willing to enforce it.
    Even ultra-Leftist Phil Ochs knew “the city is a jungle
    When the law is out of sight”

Cattle prods. Tractor Supply has them in stock. They work.

During the 1992 LA riots, Reginald Denny taught me to never stop for a mob blocking the road. NEVER.

We’re there any calls to stop raping Jewish captives in accordance with sharia? (which are going on daily, in all likelihood)

These slanderous and false propaganda lies spread by Muslim supremacists and their European dhimmi and American Dhimmi-crat collaborators/enablers/allies, are vile and despicably evil.

Jews were living in the middle east for millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission’s” wretched founding; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” ever existed.

To slander Jews’ presence in Israel by characterizing it as an alleged “occupation” is an evil lie. If anyone can be fairly said to be “occupying” territory in the middle east, it is the Arab Muslims who spread out from Arabia and conquered lands, after Submission’s founding.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 16, 2023 at 4:54 pm

“the goal of Friday’s action is to stop business as usual for the systems facilitating the current war and the long-running occupation”

That is a crime – state and federal – and these America-haters have announced that they are committing this crime (and all related ones) on purpose. To call this an open-and-shut case would be an understatement.

But we have no law. We are worse than the USSR was at its worst. We are more pathetic, as a nation, than pretty much any other nation has been – because we have fallen from such heights. Not fallen, though, … jumped. Sad. And sick.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair of Idiots wrote: “We are worse than the USSR was at its worst.”

    You are so full of bulls__t that you must be mentally deranged. No sane person could ever make such a statement.

    Please log out of PornHub for a few hours and read One Day in the Life of Iv}an Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. You don’t have a clue. But you keep sitting on your fat ass every day and posting your idiocy on LI. You demean this site and all that it has worked so hard to develop over the years.

You only see this crap where the d/prog are in charge and tacitly support the goals of the mob. Most places wouldn’t put up with this crap.

angrywebmaster | December 16, 2023 at 6:01 pm

I believe their is a retiree in Panama who knows how to handle idiots like this.

Would a manure sprayer be “over the top”. How about drones dispersing indelible ink on the perpetrators so that they will be identifiable everywhere they go, for a while.

Subotai Bahadur | December 17, 2023 at 3:40 pm

1) This is Leftist-ruled, anti-American Metro Los Angeles.
2) Said Los Angeles in is Leftist-ruled California.
3) These demonstrations/riots/defiance of the nonexistent and non-enforced law in the end only hurt the inhabitants of #’s 1 & 2.
4) Due to both the inclinations of the inhabitants of #’s 1 & 2 and a lack of election integrity, there is no possibility of changing 1 & 2 status.
5) Their status is making their economy unfeasible and they are busy destroying their business base, lessening the need to interact with California businesses.
6) The nature of the inhabitants and governance of #’s 1 & 2, plus their inherent decadence makes the prospect of outsiders visiting them as tourists less and less likely or desirable. How much can overpriced tourism attract over drug OD’s and feces in the streets?
7) Therefore the demonstrations and riots are only hurting themselves and their polity and not America. Get popcorn and watch them do it.

Subotai Bahadur