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Almost 80 Percent of Grades at Yale in 2022-2023 Were A’s

Almost 80 Percent of Grades at Yale in 2022-2023 Were A’s

“The dean of Yale College, the undergraduate branch of the university, acknowledged that professors are not properly grading students.”

There must be so many smart and hardworking students at Yale. How else could they earn all these amazing grades?

The College Fix reports:

Nearly 80% of Yale grades were A’s

A supermajority of undergraduate grades given out at Yale University were an A or A- according to a new report from the student newspaper.

The Yale Daily News obtained a copy of the 2022-23 grades report from an economics professor at the Ivy League university in Connecticut.

The dean of Yale College, the undergraduate branch of the university, acknowledged that professors are not properly grading students. The report shows 78.9 percent of grades given out in the 2022-23 school year were an A or A-. This is a slight dip from the 2020-21 school year when 81.97 percent of grades were above a B.

“As you can see, a large majority of grades in Yale College are in the A range (A or A-),” Dean Pericle Lewis told the student newspaper. “This results in compression, making it difficult for instructors to use grades for their intended purpose of helping students understand areas of strength and others that need attention.”

Professor Ray Fair, who provided the report to the student newspaper, said the inflation is a leftover from the COVID-era. “Some thought [the COVID effect] would be temporary, but it has more or less persisted. [It’s] probably the faculty going easier on students because COVID was a pain,” he told the student newspaper.

By comparison, students in the 2010-11 school year were less likely to earn a graded in the A range. Only 67.23 percent of students that year earned an A or A-.

There is a difference between the hard sciences and the liberal arts, particularly majors such as gender studies and African-American studies.

“In general, STEM subjects seem to have lower percentages of A-range grades, and humanities subjects seem to have higher percentages,” the student newspaper reported.

For example, only half of economics students achieved an A. Meanwhile, 82.21 percent of African American studies students earned an A or A-, according to the reported data for courses with an “[e]nrollment greater than 500.”

The student newspaper also provided data from several courses with lower enrollment. The numbers show 92.6 percent of gender studies’ grades were in this range.


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“Bell curve”: out.
“Sperm cell”: in.

    henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | December 4, 2023 at 11:20 pm

    OK, maybe this was too subtle.
    Consider the physical profiles of each object.
    “Mostly A’s” is the “sperm cell curve” (fat head, long skinny tail).

Having had the soft science courses, I can see why anyone but a blithering idiot couldn’t get a “A.” It is why the low info/high ignorance students major in that. Add in the influx of “preferred” students that have to pass or it is all for naught, and you have a perfect storm of mediocrity at best, and failure at worst.

While the hard sciences persevere, the leftist woke mind virus is spreading there as well, as funding only goes to “approved” studies.

    Dimsdale in reply to Dimsdale. | December 3, 2023 at 2:47 pm

    P.S. I was forced to take sociology and psychology as core courses. Nowadays, “women’s and gender studies” are required.

Has anybody ever tried to find out whether any of these students felt that their time spent in New Haven, CT, was worth the investment in time and treasure? It seems like such a colossal waste of some of the best years of one’s life.

– – – –

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood
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The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
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The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
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Year: 2021

Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
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Year: 1992

The phrase “only half of economics students achieved an A” is very revealing. Only. As if having half of student receiving an A is harsh grading for Yale.

In my undergraduate university, if more than 10% of students received an A- or better, the professor had to provide a written explanation to the Dean justifying the apparent lax grading. But, hey, this is the Ivy League — we can’t expect standards.

If the majority of students in certain majors get As, maybe failing those courses takes more effort.

A’s are awarded by dogmatic submission to the mantra of Gender and Race gods in those studies majors.

Even still, I have heard professors say really stupid things like “I no longer see myself as an arbiter of responsibility for my students…my job is now to provide the knowledge and let them decide whether and how they want to use it”. No lie that I have seen things to this effect several times…rarely pre-COVID but now it is quite common in the post-COVID era.

It’s no wonder that Yalies behave like such insufferable brats well into chronological adulthood.

Reagan observed, “It isn’t so much that Democrats are ignorant. It’s just that so much of what they know isn’t so.”

You can see how it happens.

caseoftheblues | December 4, 2023 at 6:26 pm

So as I have been maintaining for the last few years…. Idiots get into Yale.. Harvard… etc… and are handed A’s for no real work or accomplishments. ANY company that hires an Ivy League grad is as stupid as their new grad and deserves all the lawsuits and company moral collapse and division among employees and internal destruct of the company that will inevitably follow.

The Duke d’Escargot | December 4, 2023 at 8:30 pm


Wouldn’t this kind of obvious rampant grade inflation be a red flag?

Why isn’t Yale on some kind of probationary status? until the get this Weimar Republic “everybody is a winner” nonsense under control?