Activists at University of Iowa Planning a ‘Trans Day of Revenge’

Some students at the University of Iowa are apparently planning a ‘Trans Day of Revenge’ for December 8th.

From the Iowa Standard:

‘Trans Day of Revenge’ planned for Dec. 8 at University of Iowa, flier depicts Herky hung upside down being beaten by masked individual with batLeftists at the University of Iowa are preparing for a “Trans Day of Revenge” according to fliers advertising the Dec. 8 event. The fliers were shared by the conservative group Young Americans Foundation.Following Chloe Cole’s presentation at the University of Iowa in October, multiple protestors were arrested for blocking traffic outside the event. Cole is a victim of radical gender ideology. She is a detransitioner. You can read about her presentation here.In response to police enforcing the law, leftists are using a flyer of a masked figure beating Herky the Hawk with a spiked bat to push the Dec. 8 “Trans Day of Revenge” event. The flier instructs attendees to cover their face and hair.

Trans activists seem threatened by the idea of people who detransition. Chloe Cole should not be a controversial figure, yet the left reacts in extreme ways when she appears on a college campus.

David Strom of Hot Air makes a good point on this:

Think about what they are saying: they need to hide their identities to get “revenge” because a young woman who thought she was transgender decided she wasn’t. She is trying to help others avoid her fate, and for that, violence or threats of violence are the solution.Chloe Cole’s speech was, in their view, just another example of the ongoing genocide of trans people. If you think this makes no sense, you don’t yet grasp the foundation of alphabet ideology: reality exists only in the mind, and denial of one’s self-image is denial of the person’s existence. Hence, it is genocide.They truly believe that. It is why they use terms like “erase” to describe people disagreeing with them. It is our job to affirm their delusions.There is no reasoning with these people because there is no common ground, and never can be. Their “reality” is the only reality, and if you don’t embrace it, you are committing violence.

One thing is certain. Peaceful people merely seeking acceptance, do not plan events based on revenge.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Iowa, LGBT, Transgender