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2020 Election: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Participated in ‘at Least One Form of Election Fraud’

2020 Election: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Participated in ‘at Least One Form of Election Fraud’

The data from the survey is damning, but we need more data.

A new poll from Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute found that one-in-five voters who mailed in their ballots committed “at least one form of election fraud” in 2020.

Over 43% of those who voted in 2020 voted via mail-in ballots.

Out of the survey respondents, 30% voted by absentee or mail-in ballot.

A breakdown of those who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot:

  • 21%: filled out a ballot, partially or fully, on behalf of friend or family member
  • 17%: voted in state they are “no longer a permanent resident”
  • 17%: signed ballot for friend or family member without their permission
  • 8%: likely claim someone offered to pay or reward them for voting in 2020
  • 10%: they know someone who admitted they voted in a state they are no longer a permanent resident
  • 8%: they know someone who had an offer of payment or reward to vote in 2020 election

“The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning,” said Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at the Heartland Institute. “For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”

However (emphasis mine):

Among those who cast mail-in ballots in 2020, nearly equal percentages of Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated voters admitted to fraudulent activities. For example, 19% of Republicans, 16% of Democrats and 17% of unaffiliated voters who cast 2020 mail-in ballots say they signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member. On the question of voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. more Republican mail-in voters (24%) than Democrats (17%) or unaffiliated voters (11%) admitted doing so.

The voting breakdown via mail-in ballot goes precisely the way you would think:

  • 36% of those who voted absentee or mail-in voted for Biden
  • 23% of those who voted absentee or mail-in voted for Trump

The organizations talked to 1,085 likely voters:

  • 33% Republicans
  • 36% Democrats
  • 31% Other

Out of those numbers, those who voted absentee or mail-in:

  • 38% Democrats
  • 24% Republicans
  • 27% not affiliated with either party


  • 32% 18-39
  • 46% 40-64
  • 22% over 65

42% of those within the 18-39 age group voted by absentee or mail-in ballot. 22% in the second and 30% of those over 65.

In all honesty, the numbers do not shock me at all. It also shows that we should investigate the 2020 election since they made such a big deal of the 2016 election.

The data from the survey is damning, but we need more data. Asking just over 1,000 people is not enough, even though they asked around the same number of people who voted for Biden (46%) and Trump (45%).

I wonder how many of the people who voted absentee or mail-in know the rules. We say it’s common sense that you have to vote in the state where you’re a permanent resident and that you cannot vote for another person, but we also know common sense doesn’t exist anymore.

We also know people, especially those on the left, don’t care about the rules. Their hatred of rules grew out of control after 2016.

We also know voter fraud happens. It’s so common in Chicago that we say, “Vote early, vote often!”


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Likely that fraud is under reported. It is good that we are finally seeing stats.

It was stolen by many methods. Banks could never run ATMs with such sloppy means. They’d be bankrupt in a day.

Amateur fraud… no word on the professionals.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 13, 2023 at 6:56 pm

Over 43% of those who voted in 2020 voted via mail-in ballots.

That is, of course, completely insane and ridiculous.

There should be no mail-in ballots, at all. The military should be handling its own balloting, insuring a transparent chain of custody from the soldier to the poll.

NOT A SINGLE BALLOT SHOULD BE ALLOWED BY MAIL. Period. Just the idea that people are just mailing in ballots is intellectually (and politically) offensive. It is crazy. Votes must be CAST. In person. On mechanical machines. Nothing in voting processes needs to be connected to the internet. People can easily man this (bi-partisan groups with one or more independents) and use phones to move all the paperwork up the chain. I used to watch them do this in the lobby of my building when I was growing up. The US population has not outgrown this sort of system. Not by a long shot.

Everyone who advocated for mail-in voting should really be imprisoned. Honestly. Anyone with a a brain knows that mailing in ballots is an invitation to the worst sorts of voting fraud. The only people who would advocate for mail-in balloting are those trying to promote fraud. There is no other reason to allow mail-in ballots other than to advance fraud.

    Iraq didn’t even allow mail in balloting. IRAQ, the country we were supposedly forcing, I mean “bringing,” democracy to. Yet, the world’s most trusted voice on democracy and republicanism allowed mail-in voting all as a means to ensure one man didn’t get elected again. And, in my view, it still failed because Trump won in 2020 and had it stolen from him.

    Disgusting and depraved.


    The one time we voted early because we would be out of town, we had to swear out some form before the County Clerk and vote there, in front of him, sign and date a log, with his witness to complete our ballot. That I recall, ID was required. And he was none too happy about accommodating our ‘early vote’ request. A few years later, we moved back to WA where it’s entirely vote by mail. We have an online lookup system to confirm our ballot was received and counted, but, there is no indication of how we voted – so I have no confidence that someone hasn’t mucked with our vote.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to MrE. | December 14, 2023 at 4:20 pm

      “And he was none too happy about accommodating our ‘early vote’ request.”

      No one should care that the county clerk is happy, I am tired of lazy dip shits in government. There is far too much of this.

‘No, a quarter of all voters voting illegally does not constitute widespread voter fraud.’

– Mainstream Media, very soon.

And this is why I say the pedophile in Chief is not legitimate

We don’t need more data

We all k ow President Trump won

My wife and I both requested absentee ballots for the last midterm but only one of us got a ballot. We decided to go and vote in person since only one had a ballot. When we got to the sign-in table my wife was told she had already voted! She explained that she never received a ballot and could not have already voted. She got to vote but it was called a provisional ballot that would be looked at last. This was pure and simple voter fraud right before our eyes. We live in GA and if it happened to my wife, think how many others it happened to. Mail-in ballots are nothing but voter fraud gold mine.

So you’re saying the old grifting mental retard who never came out of his basement didn’t actually get 81 million votes?

But I was reliably informed that VoTe HaRdEr is how we take back our country.

The Rasmussen documents state it is a survey of *likely* 2024 voters not a survey of *actual* 2020 voters. The total number polled was 1085, but the additional fraud-related questions were only asked of ~325 (30%) respondents. The Heartland article says that election data shows 43%, not 30%, of people voted by mail. The difference in answers between “I did X” and “I know someone who did X” is interesting. Because a person can tell many people about something that number should be several times larger than the personal version.

Does “During the 2020 election, did a friend, family member, or organization, such as a political party, offer to pay or reward you for voting?” apply to DJT promising more TrumpBux?

How about a hybrid method? Mail out ballots to voters, but require them to be submitted on Election Day in person, with a photo ID. Avoids the problem of limited space to fill out the ballot, but still verifies the identity of the person submitting the ballot. If you want to submit someone else’s ballot, you need to have your photo ID and *their* photo ID, and you can only submit a small number (say, two) additional ballots and only at the time you submit your ballot.

Mail-in ballots are not allowed. If you’re going to be out of town, get someone you know to submit your ballot for you.