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Why Would a Medical Professional Take the Side of Hamas Against Israel?

Why Would a Medical Professional Take the Side of Hamas Against Israel?

“the fact that so many would feel the urge and freedom to engage in overt Jew hatred despite their advanced professional training is alarming”

Have you noticed that some of the people who have torn down posters of missing Israelis are medical professionals? What is up with that?

From Tablet Magazine:

Bad Medicine

On Oct. 7, Hamas unleashed a barbaric terrorist attack against Israel, killing more than 1,200 people, including more than 30 Americans. The event was unprecedented in its scale and cruelty in a country that is no stranger to terrorism. Still, it was not met with universal condemnation. Rather, a nontrivial number of Americans either justified or even celebrated the attacks. Such responses were especially prevalent within the elite universities that popular imagination historically upholds as a bulwark against religious and ethnic bigotry, and mostly occurred with impunity.

Medicine has eagerly adopted the same type of identity politics that have come to define the policies, sensibilities, and ideologies of Ivy League universities, where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officials have essentially served as a political commissariat, articulating and enforcing identity politics orthodoxy. Indeed, medical training and practice is fertile ground for antisemitism to flourish. Looking at explicit acts of antisemitism from health care providers in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack, we observe that doctors are among those who have engaged in some of the most egregious displays of antisemitism, and that they are not regularly punished for their conduct. Second, we examined the responses of professional medical associations and medical schools to Hamas’ attack against Israel compared to their response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Leading medical institutions treat the world’s only Jewish state differently from other U.S. allies even though Americans overall have warmer feelings toward Israel than Ukraine.

If we want to understand why medical professionals are drawn to acts of antisemitism despite their advanced levels of education, we need to look at what their medical associations and schools are teaching them. Those institutions not only advance an ideology that facilitates Jew hatred, they demonstrate by the example of their public statements that they hold Jews and the Jewish state to a different standard.

Assuredly, the great majority of medical practitioners have made no public statements or made benign remarks that did not warrant news coverage. Still, Stop Antisemitism, an organization that calls attention to public displays of antisemitism, has recorded many medical practitioners whose speech or conduct related to recent events clearly demonstrate untrammeled Jew hatred. The fact that some of those health professionals were subsequently disciplined by their employers is reassuring. But the fact that so many would feel the urge and freedom to engage in overt Jew hatred despite their advanced professional training is alarming.


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Leftist ideology trumps everything.

How comforting to know the next generation of doctors accepts what they’re told like good little children. That gives me so much confidence in them.

The answer is that no real Medical Professional has done such things. Only those who happen to be licensed to practice medicine have engaged in such behavior. No Medical Professional would act this way and as a 30 year Medical Professional any that did should lose their license.

Unfortunately, the leftist brain virus has infected the Medical Profession (especially psychiatrics) to a degree that makes me despair for the future of Medical care in America.

Why would a medical professional take the side of a transgender freak against human biology??

Just look at the likes of Josef Mengele if you want examples of doctors behaving badly.

Groom them throughout their educational years and by the time they leave they’ll be ideologues spouting party propaganda. Oh modern (Leftist) anti-Semites will decry the notion they’re acting and sounding like Nazis, but the differences are fairly shallow.

I don’t know why anyone would think doctors would be less likely to indulge in antisemitism and other viciousness. Cf Josef Mengele, Che Guevara, Bashir Assad, and Dr Crippen, all medicos.

    M Poppins in reply to Milhouse. | November 29, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    You’re right – except that Che Guevara wasn’t actually a doctor. He never graduated from medical school or went through residency at a hospital.

the fact that so many would feel the urge and freedom to engage in overt Jew hatred despite their advanced professional training is alarming

What clueless nonsense. A quite disproportionate number of Al-Qaeda’s senior leadership were doctors and engineers.

I’ve long since learned that intelligence does not correlate with character or mental stability.. The third world “intelligentsia” has hatched many Commies.

How can anyone be surprised? These are the people who perform abortions, castrate children and rip organs from the living bodies of coma patients.